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JTAG-HS3 program_flash - How to change cable speed



I need to program the flash device connected to Zynq using xilinx program_flash application. 

How do I set the speed of the cable for using this application.

I know how to set the cable speed when using iMPACT in batch mode, I need to know how to do this for program_flash.


Thanks in advance


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3 answers to this question

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I have found a way to do it, although it feels a bit of a work around:

1. I have a tcl script with lines below in it. called "setupJtag.tcl":

set_property PARAM.FREQUENCY 10000000 [get_hw_targets ]
current_hw_device [lindex [get_hw_devices] 0]

2. I call this with the command line:

vivado -mode batch -source setupJtag.tcl

3. Then I run the program_flash from command line:

program_flash  -f myFlash.bin -offset 0 -flash_type qspi_single -fsbl LoaderFSBL.elf


That ends up programming the device as needed.

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