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I am starting electronics with my children ages 11-15:  I would like advice on which test sets and kits I need to purchase for the first years discovery.

I would like to get them thru all non processor specific projects on the learning/classroom pages.



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Hi Kbb64,

It's great to hear that you are trying to start your kids in electronics so young. For the first years of discovery I would recommend a microcontroller such as the uC32 or WF32. If you add the chipKIT Starter Kit you will give your kids more opportunity for discovery. Our box monster uses the UC32 and is specifically targeted towards K-12. We happen to have some extra box monsters lying around, and if you are in the US we can send you a sample. 



P.S. the link for the chipKIT starter kit is not linking correctly for some reason... this is the actual link: www.digilentinc.com/Products/Detail.cfm?NavPath=2,892,1233&Prod=CHIPKIT-STARTERKIT

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