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I finally got some time to design my own Color Invaders project, originally inspired by Hamster's own Colour Invaders project. I ended up writing a lot of my own code for it since I have a personal thing about using somebody else's code in it's entirety, although Hamster's code obviously has a heavy influence on it's overall construction (thank you for posting it!).

This game is similar to the classic Space Invaders game, or more closely related to Casio's Number Invaders on the calculator, where you have a stream of incoming invaders of a variety of colors coming down the WS2812 LED strip and you have to adjust the color of your missile to match the color of the first invader via the PmodENC (a rotary encoder).

You can check out how I made the project as well as a small video showing some of it in action at http://www.instructables.com/id/Color-Invaders/.

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That would be pretty sweet; I'll have to look into generating sounds from a pwm speaker that aren't musical notes. Or figure out the frequency values of the classic explosion and charging noises.

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I just got nearly all the sound effects (via a small piezoelectric speaker) that I wanted successfully added to the program: a charging sound, an explosion sound, and a losing the game sound. I'll add a superShot sound tomorrow and post the updated code.

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