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LabVIEW Home with sensors and actuators


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I recently learned of the  LabVIEW Home Bundle.  Also, in an NI article, that "And to help makers get started, NI is partnering with Digilent and SparkFun (coming soon) to bundle LabVIEW Home in a kit with sensors and actuators,".   I am wondering if purchasers of the LabVIEW Home Bundle will be allowed to purchase the remainder of the sensor and actuator kit at a reduced rate when it comes out (i.e.: purchase the two parts of the kit at different times, but eventually pay the price of the combined kit.  Otherwise, I might as well wait for the kit to come out. 

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I got a response back from the sales team. They said that you'll need to wait for the combined kit to come out (there is not a definite timeline on this that I am aware of) in order to get the combined kit price. I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience for you.


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