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Vivado-SDK 2017.2 Linux




i have a problem with the Vivado SDK. I like to include some c Header:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include <sys/select.h>

#include <sys/socket.h>

Eclipse tell me, that my includes are unresolved. I think that is because i have nearly thirty directories in my Vivado 2017.2 SDK Installation, but it is not defined what directory exactly should be used.

Can anybody tell me what is the correct include path for a 32 bit Linux application for my arty board?

Thank you...


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Hello @jpeyron,

here you can see the screenshot:


I have no compiling errors and i can debug the application. But the IDE does not "know" the includes. The C/C++-Index-Tool from Eclipse does not help/work. If i extend the Project Settings with include search path, then some of the unresolved includes disappear.

In the Vivado SDK 2017.2 Installation Directory are a lot of include paths, but i do not know which of them is the rigth for my current Project (Plattform: Arty Zynq, Linux, 32 bit, ???, etc.).

I need only this Information.

Thank you...

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Regarding the specific errors you mention, we tried to create a simple helloworld application (which just includes <stdio.h>). Although the eclipse highlights “Unresolved inclusion: <stdio.h>” (similar to the situation described by you), the project builds without errors, and the C/C++ Build Settings (right mouse option on project) identifies the linux compiler arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc. The conclusion is that this might be just an eclipse issue.

Creating a linux application is a complex task, more difficult than creating a standalone application.
There are several tutorials available on the Internet of how to handle Linux applications in SDK.

Also, please read https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Embedded-Development-Tools/Trouble-creating-Linux-Application-in-SDK-2016-2-or-2016-4/td-p/752561

Apart from Linux approach, we direct you to some tutorials for understanding basic concepts of Vivado / SDK.
Please start with the following tutorial, which guides you through the process of creating the Block Design (in Vivado), export the hardware to SDK: http://www.zynqbook.com/php/getDownload.php?req=1

Also, you can read the following tutorials / wiki pages: 


Good luck.

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I stumbled over the same issue. The solution mentioned here: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Embedded-Development-Tools/Trouble-creating-Linux-Application-in-SDK-2016-2-or-2016-4/td-p/752561/highlight/false/page/2 did not work properly, because the copy from Linux world to Windows world will cut the symbolic links and thus linking will fail. To solve this, use "-L" option within the copy command. Otherwise the solution is OK.

However, this will solve the include issue, but when it comes to linking the modules it again fails. Here you have to add the modules with "-l" option inside the SDK. The config then looks like inside the screenshot.

Hope this will help for anyone developping Linux apps.

Cheers, Jürgen


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