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Xilinx JTAG DONE pin fails to go high




I'm running linux Centos 7 and installed Xilinx ISE 14.7, Adept runtime 2.16.6-x86_64, and libCseDigilent_2.5.2-x86_64 (Digilent plugin for impact).  The hardware that I am trying to program via JTAG is a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA board with an on board FTDI FT232H USB to JTAG chip.  As best that I can tell, it looks like iMPACT loads the .bit file successfully (CRC check passes), however it appears to fail on the startup sequence with the DONE pin stuck on 0.  I've tried changing the various startup parameter options that ISE 14.7 uses to build the .bit file, however I still get the same results.  From the Xilinx user manual, it looks like the startup sequence requires about 8 clock cycles of JTAG clock to get going after the bit file loads.  I'm wondering if the JTAG stops after the bit file load is complete instead of continuing for another 8 cycles...  Any ideas?


Release 14.7 - iMPACT P.20131013 (lin64)
Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Preference Table
Name                 Setting
StartupClock         Auto_Correction
AutoSignature        False
KeepSVF              False
ConcurrentMode       False
UseHighz             False
ConfigOnFailure      Stop
UserLevel            Novice
MessageLevel         Detailed
svfUseTime           false
SpiByteSwap          Auto_Correction
AutoInfer            false
SvfPlayDisplayComments false
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Plugin Version: 2.5.2
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Opening device : "SN:2516380000BE".
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: User Name: RTD17720118
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Product Name: Digilent PS2
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Serial Number: 2516380000BE
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Product ID: 31000154
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Firmware Version: 010B
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: JTAG Port Number: 0
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: JTAG Clock Frequency: 1000000 Hz
Identifying chain contents...'0': : Manufacturer's ID = Xilinx xc6slx45t, Version : 4
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
   Reading /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/spartan6/data/xc6slx45t.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc6slx45t successfully.
'1': : Manufacturer's ID = Xilinx xcf16p, Version : 13
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
   Reading /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/xcfp/data/xcf16p.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xcf16p successfully.
Elapsed time =      0 sec.
Elapsed time =      0 sec.
Elapsed time =      0 sec.
Elapsed time =      0 sec.
'2': Loading file '/root/workspace_latest/NRL-LIB/FPGA/fpga35s6045_top.bit' ...
UserID read from the bitstream file = 0x12345678.
Data width read from the bitstream file = 1.
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '2': Added Device xc6slx45t successfully.
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 15000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'2': IDCODE is '01000100000000101000000010010011'
'2': IDCODE is '44028093' (in hex).
'2': : Manufacturer's ID = Xilinx xc6slx45t, Version : 4
Elapsed time =      0 sec.
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 15000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'2': Programming device...
 LCK_cycle = NoWait.
LCK cycle: NoWait
'2': Reading status register contents...
[0] CRC ERROR                                                              :
[1] IDCODE ERROR                                                           :
[2] DCM LOCK STATUS                                                        :
[3] GTS_CFG_B STATUS                                                       :
[4] GWE STATUS                                                             :
[5] GHIGH STATUS                                                           :
[6] DECRYPTION ERROR                                                       :
[7] DECRYPTOR ENABLE                                                       :
[8] HSWAPEN PIN                                                            :
[9] MODE PIN M[0]                                                          :
[10] MODE PIN M[1]                                                         :
[11] RESERVED                                                              :
[12] INIT_B PIN                                                            :
[13] DONE PIN                                                              :
[14] SUSPEND STATUS                                                        :
[15] FALLBACK STATUS                                                       :
INFO:iMPACT:2219 - Status register values:
INFO:iMPACT - 0010 0000 1000 1000
INFO:iMPACT:579 - '2': Completed downloading bit file to device.
INFO:iMPACT:188 - '2': Programming completed successfully.
 LCK_cycle = NoWait.
LCK cycle: NoWait
INFO:iMPACT - '2': Checking done pin....done.
'2': Programming terminated. DONE did not go high.
Elapsed time =     12 sec.


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