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That is...strange. As far as I know, no speaker/buzzer exists on the Wi-FIRE. What sort of power supply voltage are you connecting? 5V, 3.3V, 12V? And I guess as a clarification question, you are confident that the beeping is coming from the Wi-FIRE board and not the power supplies that are causing this beeping?


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I am supplying the board with 12V at j14, and have a shorting block  on EXT. It may be possible that it is the power supply, but I have used different power sources ranging from HP function generator to 12 V batteries. I will verify where the sound is coming from. It helps to know that there isn't a buzzer/speaker. I really appreciate your help.


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Hi Jose,

It sounds like you have everything hooked up right (presuming you left the shorting blocks for the 5V regulator in the default location with LDO IN connected to VU and LDO OUT connected to 5V0; I imagine you that you do, but I figured I'd cover all the bases anyway).

I'm also guessing you don't have the Wi-FIRE attempting to do run anything at the moment either so its not attempting to draw a whole bunch of current when you power it with the 12V supply. I know I have gotten the 5V regulator on a different MCU board (I think it was the uC32 which has the same regulator) to keep power cycling since I was drawing too much current off of the 5V rail with a 9V external supply, so the regulator kept overheating and automatically entering its thermal shutdown mode, which I imagine some power supplies might notify you in some way if the load on them suddenly shut off, but who knows. Then again, I was also running 20+ LEDs off of that 5V rail with no current protection, which I doubt you are doing.

Let me know what you find.


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