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USB CDC example for WiFire



I'm having trouble with running a USB CDC example (the cdc_com_port_single from MPLAB Harmony) on a WiFire board. I was able to modify the configuration in order to compile the code for the WiFire. The program starts and, apparently, recognizes the connection from my laptop (as reported by the status LEDs), my laptop (a MacBook Pro) recognizes the board as a tty.usbmodem, but no communication occurs thereafter, and the board ends up in APP_STATE_ERROR. Has anyone succeeded running the example on a WiFire? If not, is there another USB CDC sample for the WiFire I can check?

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3 answers to this question

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Hi @AndreaC,

Unfortunately, we do not have demo's using harmony with the chipKIT WI-FIRE. I have very little experience with harmony. We do have an MPIDE demo Here on the resource page for the ChipKIT WI-FIRE.  I did find a few threads on the microchip forums here and here that should hopefully help. The microchip forum is here.



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