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PC to BASYS 3 via UART not working correctly



Hello everybody,


I am trying to send data from a Windows 10 computer to a Basys 3 board (Artix7 FPGA). I am using UART, and the data is entered via PuTTY, at 9600 bauds, with a stop bit and no parity. My VHDL module is based on a Finite State Machine (FSM), and two internal signals ensure the correct sampling (middle of the received bits).

To test my VHDL module, I drive 8 LEDs on the board according to the received data.

The problem : I manage to switch on / off the LEDs, but it doesn't seem to correspond to anyting (wrong ASCII code, or no difference between different key inputs...). So it seems I well receive data (TX lits on the Basys 3), but it is not processed correctly, and I cannot find why ! Could you please help me finding what's wrong ?


****** EDIT 1 ***********************

I forgot to say that I tried to use another module found on the Internet ( https://www.nandland.com/vhdl/modules/module-uart-serial-port-rs232.html ), without any success (same issue).

******* END OF EDIT 1 **********

Please find hereafter  my VHDL code & my .xdc :

## Clock signal
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W5 [get_ports clk]							
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clk]
	create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 10.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_ports clk]

## LEDs
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U16 [get_ports data_out[0]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[0]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E19 [get_ports data_out[1]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[1]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U19 [get_ports data_out[2]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[2]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V19 [get_ports data_out[3]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[3]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W18 [get_ports data_out[4]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[4]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U15 [get_ports data_out[5]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[5]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U14 [get_ports data_out[6]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[6]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V14 [get_ports data_out[7]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[7]]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN T18 [get_ports RAZ]						
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports RAZ]

##USB-RS232 Interface
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B18 [get_ports RxD_in]						
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports RxD_in]
library IEEE;

entity UART_RX is
    Port ( RxD_in : in  STD_LOGIC;
           clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
		   RAZ : in  STD_LOGIC;
           data_out : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0));
end UART_RX;

architecture Behavioral of UART_RX is

	signal tick_UART : STD_LOGIC; 												         -- Signal "top" passage d'un état à l'autre selon vitesse connexion série
	signal double_tick_UART : STD_LOGIC;										         -- Signal précédent, fréquence * 2
	signal compteur_tick_UART : integer range 0 to 10420;						         -- Compteur pour tick_UART 
	signal double_compteur_tick_UART : integer range 0 to 5210;					         -- Compteur pour demi-périodes 
	type state_type is (idle, start, demiStart, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7);	     -- Etats de la FSM 
	signal state :state_type := idle;													 -- Etat par défaut
	signal RAZ_tick_UART : STD_LOGIC;													 -- RAZ du signal tick_UART;
	signal RxD_temp : STD_LOGIC;                                                         -- RxD provisoire entre deux FF
	signal RxD_sync : STD_LOGIC;                                                         -- RxD synchronisé sur l'horloge


D_flip_flop_1:process(clk)  -- Clock crossing 
    if clk = '1' and clk'event then
        RxD_temp <= RxD_in;
    end if;
end process;

D_flip_flop_2:process(clk)  -- Clock crossing
    if clk = '1' and clk'event then
        RxD_sync <= RxD_temp;
    end if;
end process;

tickUART:process(clk, RAZ, state, RAZ_tick_UART) -- Compteur classique (tick_UART)
	if clk = '1' and clk'event then
	   if (RAZ='1') or (state = idle) or (RAZ_tick_UART = '1') then
            compteur_tick_UART <= 0;
            tick_UART <= '0';
	   elsif compteur_tick_UART = 10417 then
			tick_UART <= '1';
			compteur_tick_UART <= 0;
			compteur_tick_UART <= compteur_tick_UART + 1;
			tick_UART <= '0';
		end if;
	end if;
end process;

doubleTickUART:process(clk, RAZ, state) -- Compteur demi-périodes (double_tick_UART car fréquence double)
	if clk = '1' and clk'event then
	   if (RAZ='1') or (state = idle) then
            double_compteur_tick_UART <= 0;
            double_tick_UART <= '0';
	   elsif double_compteur_tick_UART = 5209 then
			double_tick_UART <= '1';
			double_compteur_tick_UART <= 0;
			double_compteur_tick_UART <= double_compteur_tick_UART + 1;
			double_tick_UART <= '0';
	   end if;
	end if;
end process;

fsm:process(clk, RAZ)	-- Machine à état
	if (RAZ = '1') then
		state <= idle;
		data_out <= "00000000";
		RAZ_tick_UART <= '1';
	elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then
		case state is
			when idle => if RxD_sync = '0' then	        -- Si front descendant de RxD (= bit de start) et en idle
							state <= start;
							RAZ_tick_UART <= '1';
						 end if;
			when start =>if double_tick_UART = '1' then -- Demi période écoulée (pour échantillonage)
							state <= demiStart;
							RAZ_tick_UART <= '0';       -- Le compteur tick_UART commence à compter
						end if;
						data_out <= "00000000";         -- Reset des anciennes données          
			when demiStart => if tick_UART = '1' then
								state <= b0;
								RAZ_tick_UART <= '0';
							end if;
							data_out(0) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 0
			when b0 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
							state <= b1;
						end if;
						data_out(1) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 1
			when b1 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
							state <= b2;
						end if;
						data_out(2) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 2
			when b2 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
							state <= b3;
						end if;
						data_out(3) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 3
			when b3 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
								state <= b4;
							end if;
							data_out(4) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 4
			when b4 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
							state <= b5;
						end if;
						data_out(5) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 5
			when b5 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
							state <= b6;
						end if;
						data_out(6) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 6
			when b6 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
							state <= b7;	
						end if;
						data_out(7) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 7
			when b7 =>	if tick_UART = '1' then
							state <= idle;   -- state <= stop;
						end if;
		end case;
	end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;


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15 answers to this question

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Hi Greg765,

+1 for synchronizing the RX signal. I'm a bit confused by having multiple processes in the same clock domain, The interactions take a while to understand...

I'ld have to simulate it, but I think your problem is that your tick counters are getting out of alignment with the data.

I would try this for an idea....

Have a counter that just counts through the entire 9 and half bit times, but only starts counting when RxD_sync is zero. (It will need to be 18 bits long if you use UNSIGNED types):

constant half_bit : natural := 5902;  -- This is clock speed / baud_rate / 2;

if counter == 0 then
  if RxD_sync = '0' then
    counter <= counter+1;
  end if;
  if counter = half_bit*19 then   -- 19/2 bit counts = middle of stop bit
    count <= 0;
    counter <= counter+1;
  end if;
end if

And then sample the bits when the counter is in the center of the bits, which might look something like this:

case counter is 
   when half_bit*3  => data_out(0) <= RxD_sync;
   when half_bit*5  => data_out(1) <= RxD_sync;
   when half_bit*7  => data_out(2) <= RxD_sync;
   when half_bit*9  => data_out(3) <= RxD_sync;
   when half_bit*11 => data_out(4) <= RxD_sync;
   when half_bit*13 => data_out(5) <= RxD_sync;
   when half_bit*15 => data_out(6) <= RxD_sync;
   when half_bit*17 => data_out(7) <= RxD_sync;
end case;

(of course you will need to wrap it up in a nice clocked process and all that, but 80% of the code is there).

It might not be the most efficient of implementation in terms of logic resources, and it is super-sensitive to noise on the RX signal causing a false start bit, but it is pretty simple to debug as an initial test and should work second time.

Designing for ease of debug / least complexity / least chance of needing debug is a good habit... 

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Look over your counters carefully, I think you've got them messed up a bit.  You are correctly checking for the first bit at the half interval, but all of your subsequent bits look like they are on the edges of the baud interval--not at all what I think you want.

Have you been able to simulate your program to know what the wires are doing ... before you put it on the board at all?


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Hello, thank you for your answers !!

Following your recommendations, I modified my code, which now uses a single counter, saving ressources and removing some of the complexity.

I also modified my finite state machine, which wasn't sampling correctly.

I think I am getting closer (the code looks a little bit cleaner at least). Nevertheless, it still doesn't work (this time the LEDs refuse to be lit). Hereafter is my new .vhdl code (with more English variable names since my first version included some French...) :


library IEEE;

entity UART_RX is
    Port ( RxD_in : in  STD_LOGIC;
           clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
		   RAZ : in  STD_LOGIC;
           data_out : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0));
end UART_RX;

architecture Behavioral of UART_RX is

	type state_type is (idle, start, demiStart, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7);	     -- States of the FSM 
	signal state :state_type := idle;													 -- Default state
	signal RST_UART_counter : STD_LOGIC;										         -- Reset of the counter
	signal UART_counter_internal : integer range 0 to 5210;					             -- Number of clk rising edges to increment counter
	signal UART_counter : integer range 0 to 19;                                         -- Counter value
	signal RxD_temp : STD_LOGIC;                                                         -- Temporary RxD between the two FF
	signal RxD_sync : STD_LOGIC;                                                         -- RxD properly synchronized with 100 MHz clk

D_flip_flop_1:process(clk)  -- Clock crossing, first flip flop 
    if clk = '1' and clk'event then
        RxD_temp <= RxD_in;
    end if;
end process;

D_flip_flop_2:process(clk)  -- Clock crossing, second flip flop
    if clk = '1' and clk'event then
        RxD_sync <= RxD_temp;
    end if;
end process;

doubleTickUART:process(clk) -- Counter
	if clk = '1' and clk'event then
	   if ((RAZ='1') or (RST_UART_counter = '1')) then
            UART_counter <= 0;
            UART_counter_internal <= 0;
	   elsif UART_counter_internal = 5208 then 
			UART_counter <= (UART_counter + 1);
			UART_counter_internal <= 0;
			UART_counter_internal <= UART_counter_internal + 1;
	   end if;
	end if;
end process;

fsm:process(clk, RAZ)	-- Finite state machine
	if (RAZ = '1') then
		state <= idle;
		data_out <= "00000000";
		RST_UART_counter <= '1';
	elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then
		case state is
			when idle => if RxD_sync = '0' then	     -- If in idle and low level detected on RxD_sync
							state <= start;
							RST_UART_counter <= '0'; -- Begin counting
						 end if;
						 RST_UART_counter <= '1';    -- Prevent from counting while in idle
			when start =>if (UART_counter = 1) then  -- If RxD_sync is low and half a period elapsed
							state <= demiStart;
						end if;
						data_out <= "00000000";         -- Reset former output data       
			when demiStart => if (UART_counter = 3) then
								state <= b0;
								data_out(0) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 1 of 8
							  end if;
			when b0 =>	if (UART_counter = 5) then
							state <= b1;
							data_out(1) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 2 of 8
						end if;
			when b1 =>	if (UART_counter = 7) then
							state <= b2;
							data_out(2) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 3 of 8
						end if;
			when b2 =>	if (UART_counter = 9) then
							state <= b3;
							data_out(3) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 4 of 8
						end if;
			when b3 =>	if (UART_counter = 11) then
							state <= b4;
							data_out(4) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 5 of 8
						end if;
			when b4 =>	if (UART_counter = 13) then
							state <= b5;
							data_out(5) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 6 of 8
						end if;
			when b5 =>	if (UART_counter = 15) then
							state <= b6;
							data_out(6) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 7 of 8
						end if;
			when b6 =>	if (UART_counter = 17) then
							state <= b7;	
							data_out(7) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 8 of 8
						end if;
			when b7 =>	if (UART_counter = 19) then
							state <= idle;              -- state <= idle
						end if;
		end case;
	end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

@hamster : I didn't follow exactly your post word by word but I think it's now closer to what you said, as I remove one of my counters and now use only one (going from 0 to 19). The main difference is that I count 5208 clock cycles instead of 5902, I will need to find out why (I'll check my calculations).

@ jpeyron : Thank you very much for the links, I didn't have time to pay attention to those for now (I would like to get my own code working in order to find out whats is wrong, even if it isn't as optimized as what you provided). Still, I keep your links in mind in case I keep being stuck - which for now is still the case ! :P 

@ D@n : I didn't use simulation for now. In fact I formely used ISE and I need to pay a closer attention to how simulation works in Vivado 2016 ! Seems things are a little bit different.

Again, thank you to the three of you for your recommendations. It still isn't working but I am getting closer !




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Ok, still looking over your code, thought I'd share another comment or two.

  1. Asynchronous resets are *bad*.  I don't care what your University professor tells you, or what the language allows you to do.  Don't do it.  Take a look at Xilinx's white paper, HDL coding practices to accelerate design performance.  I think it discusses the problem well.  I also found this other web page on Xilinx's forums that discusses asynchronous resets. I would highly recommend that you make all of your logic work on the positive edge of the clock.
  2. While it's not generally a problem, I tend to like feeding the data register from one end only, rather than using the bit-wise index to set it.  Hence, I'd do something like: data_out = { RxD_sync, data_out[7:1] };  (Verilog syntax)
  3. Be careful with what you have going on above ... you really don't have any strobe signals to transition on, but you are transitioning on the new level being reached.
  4. How is your external logic (the parent module to this one) going to know when dataout is valid?  As you have it, dataout changes over time, yet it is presented to the parent as though valid even when only partially complete.  I often use a strobe for this purpose (a signal that is true for one clock, and one clock only), that is to tell the parent module when the UART data is valid--that also helps deal with things like the same data output multiple times in a row.
  5. Checking for your counter being equal to 5208 is good, but only so much.  What happens if, by some glitch of logic, your counter is ever outside of the range it is supposed to be in?  You might wish to rather check for the counter >= 5208, to make sure you bring it back into line.
  6. In a similar fashion, you check for whether your state is any one of a given set of states.  What happens when/if it ever gets outside of that range?  Do you have a means for getting back into the known set of states?  With only 11 valid states, that means there must be at least another 5 invalid states that the state variable might take on.  How would you like the code to deal with them, should they ever take place?
  7. A simulator would help show you whether or not you are truly counting to the right baud rate.  Here, I think you are intending to count 5208 clocks, but because you are counting the zero clock as well as clock 5208, you are actually counting 5209 clocks--so your baud rate will be a touch off.

I'm not sure I've found the problem that's getting you stuck, but ... these are still problems you'll need to fix before this routine can become generically useful for you.


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@D@n, thank you for your inputs.

I've modified my code following your latest comments :

- No more asynchronous reset ;

- Addition of a data_valid output;

- counter >= 5208 instead of = 5208;

- when others case for the states of the FSM;

- I've managed to run a simulation.


Hereafter is my new code :

library IEEE;

entity UART_RX is
    Port ( RxD_in : in  STD_LOGIC;
           clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
		   RAZ : in  STD_LOGIC;
           data_out : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
           data_valid : out STD_LOGIC);
end UART_RX;

architecture Behavioral of UART_RX is

	type state_type is (idle, start, demiStart, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7);	     -- States of the FSM 
	signal state :state_type := idle;													 -- Default state
	signal RST_UART_counter : STD_LOGIC;										         -- Reset of the counter
	signal UART_counter_internal : integer range 0 to 5210;					             -- Number of clk rising edges to increment counter
	signal UART_counter : integer range 0 to 19;                                         -- Counter value
	signal RxD_temp : STD_LOGIC;                                                         -- Temporary RxD between the two FF
	signal RxD_sync : STD_LOGIC;                                                         -- RxD properly synchronized with 100 MHz clk

D_flip_flop_1:process(clk)  -- Clock crossing, first flip flop 
    if clk = '1' and clk'event then
        RxD_temp <= RxD_in;
    end if;
end process;

D_flip_flop_2:process(clk)  -- Clock crossing, second flip flop
    if clk = '1' and clk'event then
        RxD_sync <= RxD_temp;
    end if;
end process;

doubleTickUART:process(clk) -- Counter
	if clk = '1' and clk'event then
	   if ((RAZ='1') or (RST_UART_counter = '1')) then
            UART_counter <= 0;
            UART_counter_internal <= 0;
	   elsif (UART_counter_internal >= 5208) then 
			UART_counter <= (UART_counter + 1);
			UART_counter_internal <= 0;
			UART_counter_internal <= UART_counter_internal + 1;
	   end if;
	end if;
end process;

fsm:process(clk, RAZ)	-- Finite state machine
    if clk = '1' and clk'event then
        if (RAZ = '1') then
            state <= idle;
            data_out <= "00000000";
            RST_UART_counter <= '1';
            data_valid <= '0';
		  case state is
			when idle => if RxD_sync = '0' then	     -- If in idle and low level detected on RxD_sync
							state <= start;
							RST_UART_counter <= '0'; -- Begin counting
						 end if;
						 RST_UART_counter <= '1';    -- Prevent from counting while in idle
			when start =>if (UART_counter = 1) then  -- If RxD_sync is low and half a period elapsed
							state <= demiStart;
						end if;
						data_out <= "00000000";         -- Reset former output data      
						data_valid <= '0';              -- Data is not valid 
			when demiStart => if (UART_counter = 3) then
								state <= b0;
								data_out(0) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 1 of 8
							  end if;
			when b0 =>	if (UART_counter = 5) then
							state <= b1;
							data_out(1) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 2 of 8
						end if;
			when b1 =>	if (UART_counter = 7) then
							state <= b2;
							data_out(2) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 3 of 8
						end if;
			when b2 =>	if (UART_counter = 9) then
							state <= b3;
							data_out(3) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 4 of 8
						end if;
			when b3 =>	if (UART_counter = 11) then
							state <= b4;
							data_out(4) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 5 of 8
						end if;
			when b4 =>	if (UART_counter = 13) then
							state <= b5;
							data_out(5) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 6 of 8
						end if;
			when b5 =>	if (UART_counter = 15) then
							state <= b6;
							data_out(6) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 7 of 8
						end if;
			when b6 =>	if (UART_counter = 17) then
							state <= b7;	
							data_out(7) <= RxD_sync;	-- Acquisition bit 8 of 8
						end if;
			when b7 =>	if (UART_counter = 19) then
							state <= idle;              -- state <= idle
							data_valid <= '1';          -- Data becomes valid
						end if;
			when others =>
			 state <= idle;
		end case;
	   end if;
	end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;

Here are my simulation results :

- Reset seems to work great;

- The starting bit is well detected (FSM state changes accordingly from idle to start)

- But FSM stays in its start state (the counter didin't kick in - it stays at 0 whereas I want it to start counting). 

==> The problem comes from the RST_UART_counter signal


I believe the problem is in the following lines :

when idle => if RxD_sync = '0' then         -- If in idle and low level detected on RxD_sync
                            state <= start;
                            RST_UART_counter <= '0'; -- Begin counting
             end if;
             RST_UART_counter <= '1';    -- Prevent from counting while in idle


The idea is to start the counter only if RxD_sync = '0', but I guess that's not what it does. How should I write this part of the code ?


Thank you very much !



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Wow, see how valuable that simulation was to reveal what was going on?  I wasn't seeing it, and so I'm glad you tried it.  It shows you exactly where your problem is/was.

Now, to fix this ...

Ah ... I see it now, you were right in pointing to the RST_UART_counter signal.  Look at what you are doing in the case statement.  If your condition is true, you set RST_UART_counter low, but then in all cases (overriding the condition) you then set it to one.  If you set it to one before your if, or in the else of your if, it would work ... better.  (I still don't have the vision to know if this would be your last bug, but it will get you one step closer.)


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I didn't think there would be a conflict betwwen the two RST_UART_counter, but now I understand why. I'm too used to classic programming languages and get easily confused with hardware description...

I moved the RST_UART_counter <= '0' to the next state, as follows :


when idle => if RxD_sync = '0' then         -- If in idle and low level detected on RxD_sync
                            state <= start;
                         end if;
                         RST_UART_counter <= '1';    -- Prevent from counting while in idle
when start =>if (UART_counter = 1) then  -- If RxD_sync is low and half a period elapsed
                            state <= demiStart;
                        end if;
                        RST_UART_counter <= '0';        -- Begin counting
                        data_out <= "00000000";         -- Reset former output data      
                        data_valid <= '0';              -- Data is not valid 

Now, like you said, it works better ! But I still got some issues, and there is something I don't understand in the simulation :

Over RxD, I transmit 10101010 which is 85.

In the simulation, data_out takes the proper value (10101010), the data_valid works fine, so far so good... BUT : The simulation says the data_out is equal to 55 (instead of 85 !) If we check data_out bit after bit, it shouldn't be equal to 55 ! I don't know if I am clear, but I think the attached picture will best decribe my problem.

Is it a simulation issue ? Because it seems the previous displayed values (1, 5) are correct ! So I don't understand what's wrong with 85 ?





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@hamster : Indeed, 0x55 = 85, so nothing to worry about. I didn't think about hexa...

I've run the simulation, the results are the ones I expect, so I tried the project on the board, and it works fine ! 

The LEDs display the expected combination for a very small amount of time, then display the 13 number, which in ASCII is carriage return, which is normal. I've tested multiple inputs, one after another, and it works after multiple consecutive inputs. The data valid seems to work as well. 
I would like to thank everybody who helped me improve my code for this project.
Special thanks to @D@n for his long answers with many useful information ! 
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Hi, I'm trying to run this code, but I ran into errors:

ERROR: [DRC 23-20] Rule violation (NSTD-1) Unspecified I/O Standard - 1 out of 12 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all I/O standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1].  NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: data_valid.

ERROR: [DRC 23-20] Rule violation (UCIO-1) Unconstrained Logical Port - 1 out of 12 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all pin locations. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified site LOC constraint defined.  To allow bitstream creation with unspecified pin locations (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1].  NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run.  Problem ports: data_valid.

WARNING: [DRC 23-20] Rule violation (CFGBVS-1) Missing CFGBVS and CONFIG_VOLTAGE Design Properties - Neither the CFGBVS nor CONFIG_VOLTAGE voltage property is set in the current_design.  Configuration bank voltage select (CFGBVS) must be set to VCCO or GND, and CONFIG_VOLTAGE must be set to the correct configuration voltage, in order to determine the I/O voltage support for the pins in bank 0.  It is suggested to specify these either using the 'Edit Device Properties' function in the GUI or directly in the XDC file using the following syntax:


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All from above.

The xdc:

## Clock signal
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W5 [get_ports clk]							
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports clk]
	create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 10.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_ports clk]

## LEDs
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U16 [get_ports data_out[0]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[0]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E19 [get_ports data_out[1]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[1]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U19 [get_ports data_out[2]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[2]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V19 [get_ports data_out[3]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[3]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W18 [get_ports data_out[4]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[4]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U15 [get_ports data_out[5]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[5]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U14 [get_ports data_out[6]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[6]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V14 [get_ports data_out[7]]					
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports data_out[7]]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN T18 [get_ports RAZ]						
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports RAZ]

##USB-RS232 Interface
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B18 [get_ports RxD_in]						
	set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports RxD_in]

What is a top/wrapper file ?

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Hi @lelabo,

Sorry for the confusing question. It is the top level hdl wrapper. The top file or wrapper usually refers to the verilog or vhld code that connect the output/input port of your design to the physical pin described in the constraint file. Very similar to a main file in standard c/c++... coding. You mention that you are using the code above. Could you attache the specific code you are using in your project.

thank you,


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