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Zedboard FMC-LPC connection


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Hi, I'm an unexperienced Zedboard user. I want to connect to the FMC-LPC connector, and route those signals to another board. How can I do it? Possibly using components that I can solder by hand.


I asked the question at the Zedboard support forum and they replied "Please ask your question over at digilent as they are the main contact for educational support."


Thank you.

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Hi Luca,

I talked to our senior layout engineer about your FMC question. This is not a trivial pcb design and might be a very difficult project for someone that is newer to pcb design. The first step to making your own FCM card would be to contact Xilinx and get the FMC spec which might have a cost associated with it. Hope this helps.



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It's not that complicated. For designing a new board start with the FMC standard. It is sufficiently described here:


Reference designs for FMC modules are also available at GitHub: https://fmchub.github.io/

An open source hardware FMC LPC Breakout board: https://fmchub.github.io/projects/FMC_LPC_BREAKOUT/Datasheet/FMC_LPC_BREAKOUT_datasheet.html

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