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Zybo project SDSoC upgrade problem



Hello everyone, 

I have a problem with this project: SDSoC-HDMI_IN

I need to upgrade it, to the 2016.2 version, but i have a few problems...

When I generate it at Vivado 2016.2, i have to upgrade all the ip cores. This step is going well.

 I regenerate the wrapper, all the synthesis and implementation and I export the new hardware.


I open SDSoC and make a new project, choose this platform and go to build the project. In this step I get the problem:



If I only upgrade the Ip cores the system works and built in SDSoC, but if I export a new hardware not work. I need to know how fix this problem in case i have to change something on the design.




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@RaulRB : you'r right, I moved the workspace to another location. 

I created the platform again this time with the include folder (arm-xilinx-eabi). It did not work, however: when I create a new project with the basic example of the platform I still need to copy the header files manually to the project:

D:\SDSoC\ddd\Release>C:\Xilinx\SDx\2017.1\llvm-clang\win64\llvm\bin\clang.exe -I../src -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -D __SDSCC__ -target arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-a9 -mfpu=vfpv3 -O0 -g -I C:/Xilinx/SDx/2017.1/target/aarch32-none/include -I C:/Xilinx/SDx/2017.1/Vivado_HLS/include -IC:/Xilinx/SDx/2017.1/SDK/gnu/aarch32/nt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/include -IC:/Xilinx/SDx/2017.1/SDK/gnu/aarch32/nt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/include-fixed -IC:/Xilinx/SDx/2017.1/SDK/gnu/aarch32/nt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/include -IC:/Xilinx/SDx/2017.1/SDK/gnu/aarch32/nt/gcc-arm-none-eabi/arm-none-eabi/libc/usr/include -emit-llvm -S D:/SDSoC/ddd/src/arraycopy.c -o D:/SDSoC/ddd/Release/_sds/.llvm/src/arraycopy.s
D:/SDSoC/ddd/src/arraycopy.c:38:10: fatal error: 'xgpio.h' file not found
#include "xgpio.h"


D:\SDSoC\ddd\Release>exit /b 1
ERROR: [SdsCompiler 83-5005] clang exited with non-zero code processing D:/SDSoC/ddd/src/arraycopy.c
sdscc log file saved as D:/SDSoC/ddd/Release/_sds/reports/sds_arraycopy.log
ERROR: [SdsCompiler 83-5004] Build failed

make: *** [src/arraycopy.o] Fehler 1

note: this error dissappears after copying the required header files, so I can go around this for now...


but I am facing an even bigger problem:

I tripple-checked that I copied 720p_edid.txt to the right location. After platform creation this file was included as well. The platform generated in the 'release' folder of my SDSoC project is missing that file!

... This may take some time to complete
CRITICAL WARNING: [Project 1-19] Could not find the file 'D:/SDSoC/ddd/Release/_sds/p0/ipi/zybo_hdmi_in.srcs/sources_1/bd/zybo_hdmi_in/ipshared/050c/src/720p_edid.txt'.

ERROR: [Synth 8-3302] unable to open file '720p_edid.txt' in 'r' mode


I even referenced the file to the sources of the vivado project, before creating the platform - no difference.


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You shouldn`t build the project in a shared folder like dropbox, because dropbox can lock some files that you need access to build the project.

I recomended put the projects in the shorter path possible like for example "C:/SDSoC_Projects/ " or something like this.


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SDSoC 2017.1 complains about an outdated file structure. I successfully created a new platform as in UG1146.

Appearantly I missed one step since the header files had not been included. I added the custom platform and created a new project with the arraycopy sample.

After manually adding xgpio.h it completes building. but when I enable create bitfile, create sd card it takes forever to compile and ends with errors.

I'll try and create a new fsbl...

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Hi cole.jepson,

I did this for 2016.2 version, not .4,

If you need I can send you the 2016.2 version.

For request to your question: " I saw that there is a Zybo platform file that can be selected when starting a new SDSoC application but will this give me all the necessary hardware files/setup?  "

you should read this manual https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx2016_3/ug1146-sdsoc-platform-development.pdf

and watch this Video: https://www.xilinx.com/video/soc/sdsoc-custom-platform-generation.html

That material have the responses to your questions.


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I followed the same steps as RaulRB to try and update all the necessary files for zybo_hdmi_in from 2015.4 to 2016.4 but I'm getting eeprom vhd errors. My steps were:

1. open zybo_hdmi_in.xpr project file in Vivado 2016.4.

2. update all IPs. (this completed with no errors)

3. Generate bitstream.

While the bitstream was being generated I got the following errors:

[Synth 8-3302] unable to open file '720p_edid.txt' in r mode [EEPROM 8b.vhd:90]

[Synth 8-421] mismatched array sizes in rhs and lhs of assignment [EEPROM 8b.vhd:115]

[Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing 'EEPROM_8b' [EEPROM 8b.vhd:85] (4 more like this)

[Common 17-69] COmmand failed: Synthesis failed - please see console or run log file for details

I am relatively new to Vivado and I don't really know what to make of this. All I really want is a platform definition file that will give me access to the LEDs and other peripherals of the Zybo board in SDSoC. Is there another file I can use or an easier way to jumpstart my SDSoC development? I saw that there is a Zybo platform file that can be selected when starting a new SDSoC application but will this give me all the necessary hardware files/setup? Thanks for your help.

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I solve this problem.

The problem was that when I exported the hardware Vivado put the .hdf file in  /zybo_hdmi_in/vivado/zybo_hdmi_in.sdk/ but SDSoC got the file from /zybo_hdmi_in/hardware/prebuilt/export/ where was the old hardware file.



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