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Adept Silent Installation



2 answers to this question

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And here are some more details:

The installer options that I am aware of are as follows:
/S                      - Silent mode installation without GUI. The driver installation might ask for allowance.
/IsePath="path"         - IsePath for ChipScope Plugin. The plugin will be insalled under “$pathlibntpluginsDigilentlibCseDigilent” and “$pathlibnt64pluginsDigilentlibCseDigilent”.
/LogFile="path"         - The installer will append the installation log file to this. The log file must exist.
Here are the error codes:
0 - no error
1 - aborted by user (only in gui mode because in silent mode there is no cancel button)
2 - other error
100 - requires at least Windows 2000
101 - requires Administrator privileges
200 - Adept-Runtime USB driver installation failed
300 - IsePath argument for ChipScope plugin is not valid
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Hi bbear15,


I talked with our support team and found that yes you are able to install it silently. Here's the response I got:



Yes the Windows version of Adept can be installed silently from the command line. In fact that's how Xilinx installs it with Vivado. The installer can be run silently from the command line by executing the following command:

start "install" /WAIT "c:path_to_executabledigilent.adept.system_v2.16.1.exe" /S /LogFile="c:path_to_log.txt"
Please note that the "/LogFile" parameter may be omitted if the log file isn't desired. Also note that if this parameter is specified then the file must exist prior to the command being executed. 


Let me know if you have any more questions.




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