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XADC demo



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Its ok to use them as single ended pins but AD11N needs to be wired to ground. But it seems like your not getting your signal tied to the xadc core. In your xdc make sure your uncommented xadc lines match the ones below. 

set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A18   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33     } [get_ports { vauxn11 }]; #IO_L10N_T1_AD11N_15 Sch=xa_n[4]
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B18   IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33     } [get_ports { vauxp11 }]; #IO_L10P_T1_AD11P_15 Sch=xa_p[4]

A quick check to see if the rest of the project is working is to make the "data" wire a reg and set it to a value not zero. This should cause the seven segment and leds to display something else upon startup. 

Ill try to build the project here shortly


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Hi Sam

Yes zeros light up when the board is switched on. But even after feeding the sine wave of 1V and providing 3.3V and grounding the source and GND ports , there is no response from the Nexys 4 artix 7 board. Is it wrong to feed the input at only one terminal i.e AD11P? Please help.



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On 10/24/2016 at 1:12 AM, Manas said:

I fed input of 1V sine wave to the A18

Hey Manas,

I think you don't have the correct analog channel. The demo is set up to run on the channel AD11 which would be pin column 4  on the XADC header, No lights or display is also weird since a floating value should not pass a straight zero. Does your seven segment display light up at all? (showing all zeros)


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Your problem lies between your top level file and your .xdc file.  Basically, your top level file is trying to use pins that are not defined in your xadc file.  As a result, Xilinx is finding these pins at your top level undefined, and it is causing an error when you try to build.

So basically, the way to use XDC files is ...

  1. Download the master XDC file for your board from among the board support files.
  2. Comment out any pins you will not be using ('#' starts a comment, the comment continues to the end of the line)
  3. Rename any pins from your top level design file in the XDC file whose names don't match, so that the pin names do match between XDC and your top level.
  4. For the most part, you can name things in your top level to be anything you want--as long as you then match the names in the XDC file.
  5. (It is the XDC file that translates the names within your project to pins on the chip)
  6. Now, use that modified XDC file in your project.


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