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ZYBO Hello World Program without ZYBO option



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Hi Digizybo,

I have had the vivado tools generate that many files and was still able to generate a bitstream. I don't believe that those files effect the project but more of a log to what is happening with the project. To clarify, does this mean that you are not able to generate a bitstream from following the tutorial? Were you able to download and run the demo's from github?



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Hi Digizybo,

So after you generate bitstream you will go to file→Export→Export Hardware. Make sure to check the box for Include bitstream then click OK .  Next  Go to File→Launch SDK and click OK. Both steps are described in the tutorial in section 7 and 8. The rest of the project is done in SDK. I have added to section 9 title to help clarify that you should be in SDK.  If you didn't download sdk when you downloaded Vivado then you will need to do that. Also if you didn't download SDK then when you do make sure that you download the correct version i.e. 2016.2. Hope this helps!



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Hi jpeyron

I did these steps(file export export hardware and ı am sure to check the box for include bitstream then file launch sdk ) But I dont understand what I sould do 

Should I download sdk ?? (I am sure that ı downloaded the correct vesion 2016.2 ) Where can I downloaded SDK ?

In addition I found thes files my vivado 2016.2 package:



and I said launch sdk again but this time I get an error :

  • [Common 17-70] Application Exception: Not found in path: xsdk
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Hi digizybo,

The usb port is enough for the hello world demo. Also you can use your cell phone cable as long as the cable also allows your cell phone to communicate to your computer. Some cell phone cables only do power and not communication as well.

thank you,


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Hi Digizybo,

This seems to be a license issue. i would make sure you have a valide license for Vivado. To check go to help on the top left and right click on manage license like shown below. If you haven't obtained a license then you will need to get a valid license. The webpack is free and should cover all of your needs. If that is not the issue. Were you able to click on the add ip button as shown below?






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Thank you so much :)

But now I have an other problem I created a block design like link and I wil add IP but say :WARNING: [BD 41-1663] The design 'design_1.bd' is locked for any modification. Locked reason(s):
* IPI BXML file read-only. Please check file-permission. 

My screen view :

I dont understand why?


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