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[Zedboard Rev.E] Board Definition Files

Samuel Quiniou



I want to make a FPGA project with Vivado 2020.1 for a Zedboard Rev.E. The included Board Definition Files in Vivado 2020.1 are in version 1.3 and 1.4 for Zedboard Rev.D. With the Board Files 1.4 a Vivado project works on a Zedboard Rev.D but not on a Zedboard Rev.E.

  • There are no Board Definition Files for the Zedboard Rev.E.
  • I didn't find the board files for the Zedboard Rev.E on the github https://github.com/Digilent/vivado-boards/tree/master/new/board_files/zedboard

Could you please help me to find the Board Definition Files of the Zedboard Rev.E so I can include them into Vivado 2020.1 ?

Thank you


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6 answers to this question

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Hi @Samuel Quiniou,

Sorry for the delayed answer. There are no board files for REV E. The only difference between rev E and rev D that might affect your design is the memory. Due to a discrepancy in the manufacturing process on these board a different DDR part was loaded on the board. This memory had the double amount of the original Rev D. We tried to collect them all and replace them with boards with the original memory because none of the available resource materials worked with them directly. We can do the same for you if your board is affected. 

However, if you want to use the Rev E with the bigger memory, we've put together a set of instructions on how to upgrade the projects: https://zedboardupgrade.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/ZedBoard+Rev+E+project+update+procedure.pdf 

You'll still use the same rev D board files. If you want a corrected board, please let me know.



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17 hours ago, Bianca said:

Hi @Samuel Quiniou,

Sorry for the delayed answer. There are no board files for REV E. The only difference between rev E and rev D that might affect your design is the memory. Due to a discrepancy in the manufacturing process on these board a different DDR part was loaded on the board. This memory had the double amount of the original Rev D. We tried to collect them all and replace them with boards with the original memory because none of the available resource materials worked with them directly. We can do the same for you if your board is affected. 

However, if you want to use the Rev E with the bigger memory, we've put together a set of instructions on how to upgrade the projects: https://zedboardupgrade.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/ZedBoard+Rev+E+project+update+procedure.pdf 

You'll still use the same rev D board files. If you want a corrected board, please let me know.



Hello @Bianca,

Thank you for your clear answer. My board rev E is indeed affected and has a MT41x256M16 DDR mounted (Dual Micron chip ODP45 D9SHD). I would like to receive a corrected board. Please let me know the process to receive one.



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Hello @Bianca

my Rev. E ZedBoard is equipped with MT41x256M16 RAM too. As I am using quite a few Rev. D boards I would prefer a solution without the necessity of updating my project files. Is it possible to have this board replaced?

Thank you!

Best regards,


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