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Regarding Supporting Software & experimental manuals


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We are in process procuring below products from Mouser. But please clarify on below points : 

PYNQ-Z1: Python Productivity for Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC
Accessory Kit for PYNQ-Z1 (includes microSD card, Ethernet cable, micro USB, and power supply) with supported software
Genesys ZU: Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC for Embedded Development Board with supported software.

1. Supported software will provided with the instrument?

2. We need experimental manuals with the products, please confirm how can we get the same?

3. How can we avail online support for your products ? 

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I apologize for the long delay.

The Pynq Z1 and it's support ncluding the Jupyter materials and other reference materials are supported through the pynq.io community. Digilent usually only does hardware troubleshooting with this board.

The Genesys ZU reference material are all available on it's Resource Center here: https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/programmable-logic/genesys-zu/start. If you have questions about this board and it's resources, the Digilent Forum (and the Xilinx forum for Xilinx IP that you might choose to use with the board) will be the place to get support for it.



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