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Unable to build boot image for Eclypse Z7



I'm trying to get an Eclypse-Z7 board to boot Linux without any changes to the files in the git repository.  Tools are all 2019.1.

petalinux-build works...

[INFO] building project
[INFO] generating Kconfig for project
[INFO] silentconfig project
[INFO] sourcing bitbake
[INFO] generating plnxtool conf
[INFO] generating meta-plnx-generated layer
[INFO] generating machine configuration
[INFO] generating bbappends for project . This may take time !
[INFO] generating u-boot configuration files
[INFO] generating kernel configuration files
[INFO] generating user layers
[INFO] generating kconfig for Rootfs
[INFO] silentconfig rootfs
[INFO] generating petalinux-user-image.bb
INFO: bitbake petalinux-user-image
Parsing recipes: 100% |###########################################################################################| Time: 0:00:13
Parsing of 2777 .bb files complete (0 cached, 2777 parsed). 3812 targets, 163 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
Initialising tasks: 100% |########################################################################################| Time: 0:00:02
Checking sstate mirror object availability: 100% |################################################################| Time: 0:00:11
Sstate summary: Wanted 875 Found 700 Missed 350 Current 0 (80% match, 0% complete)
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3167 tasks of which 2322 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
INFO: Copying Images from deploy to images
INFO: Creating images/linux directory
NOTE: Successfully copied built images to tftp dir:  /tftpboot
[INFO] successfully built project

nemoto@linux-fpga-thug:~/Eclypse-Z7/os$  petalinux-package --boot --force --fsbl images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf --fpga images/linux/system_wrapper.bit --u-boot
INFO: File in BOOT BIN: "/home/nemoto/Eclypse-Z7/os/images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf"
ERROR: Failed to generate BIF file, File "/home/nemoto/Eclypse-Z7/os/images/linux/system_wrapper.bit" doesn't exist.

nemoto@linux-fpga-thug:~/Eclypse-Z7/os/images/linux$ ls
image.ub         rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot  rootfs.ext4.gz   rootfs.tar.gz         System.map.linux  vmlinux
rootfs.cpio      rootfs.ext3            rootfs.jffs2     rootfs.testdata.json  u-boot.bin        zImage
rootfs.cpio.bz2  rootfs.ext3.bz2        rootfs.manifest  system.bit            u-boot.elf        zynq_fsbl.elf
rootfs.cpio.gz   rootfs.ext4            rootfs.tar.bz2   system.dtb            uIma

The file "system.wrapper.bit" is missing.  I'm not sure what that file might be, why it is missing and how to create it or obtain it. Please provide some guidance on what is causing this error.



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On 11/24/2020 at 8:37 PM, NemotoFutoshi said:

ERROR: Failed to generate BIF file, File "/home/nemoto/Eclypse-Z7/os/images/linux/system_wrapper.bit" doesn't exist.

nemoto@linux-fpga-thug:~/Eclypse-Z7/os/images/linux$ ls
image.ub         rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot  rootfs.ext4.gz   rootfs.tar.gz         System.map.linux  vmlinux
rootfs.cpio      rootfs.ext3            rootfs.jffs2     rootfs.testdata.json  u-boot.bin        zImage
rootfs.cpio.bz2  rootfs.ext3.bz2        rootfs.manifest  system.bit            u-boot.elf        zynq_fsbl.elf
rootfs.cpio.gz   rootfs.ext4            rootfs.tar.bz2   system.dtb            uIma

The file "system.wrapper.bit" is missing.  I'm not sure what that file might be, why it is missing and how to create it or obtain it. Please provide some guidance on what is causing this error.

You have selected "/home/nemoto/Eclypse-Z7/os/images/linux/system_wrapper.bit" as location of your bitstream. You can obtain it via:

1. looking into Vivado hw-project (Where you create .dsa/.xsa) or

2. Petalinux project could have already imported fpga bitstream in yocto/components I think....

Anyway try

petalinux-package --boot --fsbl --fpga --u-boot

it should automatically find all files.

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