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Spartan 3E Board not showing as an option in Xilinx ISE


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Hello everyone! 

I got my hands on a Diligent Nexys 2 Spartan 3E Board in this pandemic from a prof next doors. I am proficient in Verilog HDL and VHDL. 

I want to test my codes on this board, but in the board select menu, there is no option to select for this board. After Googling this stuff, I found that the production of this board has stopped. 

Is there any way in which I can program this board using Xilinx Vivado ISE / (or any other software)? 

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Hi @Sat,

What version of ISE did you install? If it was Xilinx ISE 14.7 for Windows 10, then that version does not support any boards that are not Spartan 6 based.

Presuming this is the case, you need to use an older version in a virtual machine or follow the instructions listed in this specific post: https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/19481-decoupling-configuring-the-fpga-and-loading-software-with-a-zedboard/#comment-53146.



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