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Clock Instantiation



Hi everyone.
I am new in this field. Just finished my first project last month with help from this website. Now I want to start working on instantiation of any IP, for example, a clock.

My project is a hot-one binary counter, a simple binary project.

I am trying to instantiate a clock in my project and tried a lot of tutorials in YouTube step by step but they are either not explaining well or incomplete.

I am using Verilog as scripting language. A development board "ZedBoard Digilent Xilinx 7000 (Avnet) is being used. 

I need your help to create an instantiate of clock IP with a frequency of 10 KHZ. 

Please let me know if more information is required (I doubt).

Thank you 

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16 answers to this question

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On 5/12/2020 at 1:06 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

Hello @MsDh,

I don't understand what you mean with the second link, because it's a PDF file.  That pdf file is for VHDL language, but the steps are the same in Verilog.

However I found the same tutorial but for Verilog. If you say that you cannot access the link properly I attached here the PDF file: MMCM Vivado example Verilog.pdf

There are 6 pages in that document that describes very well how to customize the IP and how to add its instantiation to the top level file.



Hi Maria,

I am trying to copy exactly from the tutorial you provided. I think I now know why I couldn't make it but I don't know how to fix my design.
As you can see in the screenshot I have my IP Generator wizard open, the IP graphical representation has a shadow in your tutorial and my IP wizard has no shadow. I believe there should be something wrong with my project.


Also my project's hierarchy is different too. Mine don't have those hierarchy connecting dotted-lines. Could you please tell me why is that?

Here is a screenshot of my project's hierarchy.


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On 5/23/2020 at 2:08 PM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

Vivado tells you pretty straight that while generating the bitstream, the signals lock_led and cntr_led could not be constrained.

So the first thing you have to do is to see in the constrain file if you named the signals correctly.

In your constrained file, I see that you constrained a signal corresponding to position [0] of a vector named lock_led and a signal corresponding to position [4] of a vector cntr_led.

In your top level file I see that those signal names are not vectors but simple logic signals.

Change the constrain file accordingly:

set_property PACKAGE_PIN T22 [get_ports {lock_led }]; # "LD0"

set_property PACKAGE_PIN V22 [get_ports {cntr_led }]; # "LD4"




Thanks for your comment. I was able to solve the issue and generate the Bitstream with no error. Thank you. According to the design we are expecting to see my_clk at 10 MHz. That means my "Always Block" counts from 0-16 at rate of 10 MHz using 4-bit register called "count". Then my output  cntr_led goes to "True" only when "count=9".
My understanding is 10 MHz/16= 625 KHz will be the rate of output led(4) and it is not visible to human eyes. This project converts the global system clock 100MHz to output at 625 KHz. Conversion factor is 0.00625. Please confirm if I understood the situation correctly.

Now I have more questions about this project if you don't mind.

  1. I would like to know what other line of codes are useless (other than commented lines) in my constraint file? 
  2. I would like to know if there is a better way to instantiate a clock at desired rate of 10 Hz or any slow clock?
  3. If I want to design a test bench how do I connect the input system clock to my design in order to simulate it?

I appreciate your help.



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Vivado tells you pretty straight that while generating the bitstream, the signals lock_led and cntr_led could not be constrained.

So the first thing you have to do is to see in the constrain file if you named the signals correctly.

In your constrained file, I see that you constrained a signal corresponding to position [0] of a vector named lock_led and a signal corresponding to position [4] of a vector cntr_led.

In your top level file I see that those signal names are not vectors but simple logic signals.

Change the constrain file accordingly:

set_property PACKAGE_PIN T22 [get_ports {lock_led }]; # "LD0"

set_property PACKAGE_PIN V22 [get_ports {cntr_led }]; # "LD4"



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Here is a screenshot and complete text of the errors I have:

[DRC NSTD-1] Unspecified I/O Standard: 2 out of 4 logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value 'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all I/O standards. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified I/O standard value defined. To allow bitstream creation with unspecified I/O standard values (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks NSTD-1].  NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run. Problem ports: cntr_led, and lock_led.

[DRC UCIO-1] Unconstrained Logical Port: 2 out of 4 logical ports have no user assigned specific location constraint (LOC). This may cause I/O contention or incompatibility with the board power or connectivity affecting performance, signal integrity or in extreme cases cause damage to the device or the components to which it is connected. To correct this violation, specify all pin locations. This design will fail to generate a bitstream unless all logical ports have a user specified site LOC constraint defined.  To allow bitstream creation with unspecified pin locations (not recommended), use this command: set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1].  NOTE: When using the Vivado Runs infrastructure (e.g. launch_runs Tcl command), add this command to a .tcl file and add that file as a pre-hook for write_bitstream step for the implementation run.  Problem ports: cntr_led, and lock_led.


This is my led counter module.

`timescale 1ns / 1ns
module dcm_example(
    input clk_fpga,
    input reset,
    output lock_led,
    output cntr_led
    reg [3:0]count;
    wire clk_10M;
      clk_wiz_0 my_clock
        // Clock out ports
        .clk_10M(clk_10M),     // output clk_10M
        // Status and control signals
        .reset(reset), // input reset
        .locked(lock_led),       // output locked
       // Clock in ports
        .clk_in1(clk_fpga));      // input clk_in1
    always @ (posedge clk_10M, posedge reset)
        if (reset)
            if (count==4'h9)
            count<= 4'b0;
    assign cntr_led=(count==9);
On 5/21/2020 at 2:37 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

Please post a screenshot of the errors that are showing in Vivado.

The input clock name from the Clocking wizard must be the same as the name from the constrain file. I see that you set it to clk_fpga as was set in the tutorial, so I don't think this is the problem with the errors from your project. You have another output or input signals that must be constrained in the xdc file, but I don't know which are, you have to see in your top module.

On 5/21/2020 at 2:37 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

Please post a screenshot of the errors that are showing in Vivado.

The input clock name from the Clocking wizard must be the same as the name from the constrain file. I see that you set it to clk_fpga as was set in the tutorial, so I don't think this is the problem with the errors from your project. You have another output or input signals that must be constrained in the xdc file, but I don't know which are, you have to see in your top module.

On 5/15/2020 at 1:57 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

I don't know which version of Clocking Wizard you have, but again, the version of the IP from the tutorial is different from the IP you are using and that's why the small difference. To modify the name of an output clock you just need to change it in the Output clocks tab, in the Port Name column.



Hi Maria,

I was able to finish this clock instantiation with your helps. Thank you.
It was synthesized and implemented successfully. Once I added a constraint file then I ran synthesize and implementation with no problem then Bitstream Generation and it came up with errors referring to my input/output pins. Here I have my constraint codes. Please help me to resolve this issue. I will appreciate it.
Also I need to know what parts of this constraint codes, other than commented lines with #, are useless and I can remove them from my file in order to get the least number of lines of code.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     _____
#    /     \
#   /____   \____
#  / \===\   \==/
# /___\===\___\/  AVNET Design Resource Center
#      \======/         www.em.avnet.com/drc
#       \====/    
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Created With Avnet UCF Generator V0.4.0 
#     Date: Saturday, June 30, 2012 
#     Time: 12:18:55 AM 
#  This design is the property of Avnet.  Publication of this
#  design is not authorized without written consent from Avnet.
#  Please direct any questions to:
#     ZedBoard.org Community Forums
#     http://www.zedboard.org
#  Disclaimer:
#     Avnet, Inc. makes no warranty for the use of this code or design.
#     This code is provided  "As Is". Avnet, Inc assumes no responsibility for
#     any errors, which may appear in this code, nor does it make a commitment
#     to update the information contained herein. Avnet, Inc specifically
#     disclaims any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
#                      Copyright(c) 2012 Avnet, Inc.
#                              All rights reserved.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Notes:
#  10 August 2012
#     IO standards based upon Bank 34 and Bank 35 Vcco supply options of 1.8V, 
#     2.5V, or 3.3V are possible based upon the Vadj jumper (J18) settings.  
#     By default, Vadj is expected to be set to 1.8V but if a different 
#     voltage is used for a particular design, then the corresponding IO 
#     standard within this UCF should also be updated to reflect the actual 
#     Vadj jumper selection.
#  09 September 2012
#     Net names are not allowed to contain hyphen characters '-' since this
#     is not a legal VHDL87 or Verilog character within an identifier.  
#     HDL net names are adjusted to contain no hyphen characters '-' but 
#     rather use underscore '_' characters.  Comment net name with the hyphen 
#     characters will remain in place since these are intended to match the 
#     schematic net names in order to better enable schematic search.
#  17 April 2014
#     Pin constraint for toggle switch SW7 was corrected to M15 location.
#  16 April 2015
#     Corrected the way that entire banks are assigned to a particular IO
#     standard so that it works with more recent versions of Vivado Design
#     Suite and moved the IO standard constraints to the end of the file 
#     along with some better organization and notes like we do with our SOMs.
#   6 June 2016
#     Corrected error in signal name for package pin N19 (FMC Expansion Connector)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Audio Codec - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB1 [get_ports {AC_ADR0}];  # "AC-ADR0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y5  [get_ports {AC_ADR1}];  # "AC-ADR1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y8  [get_ports {AC_GPIO0}];  # "AC-GPIO0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA7 [get_ports {AC_GPIO1}];  # "AC-GPIO1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA6 [get_ports {AC_GPIO2}];  # "AC-GPIO2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y6  [get_ports {AC_GPIO3}];  # "AC-GPIO3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB2 [get_ports {AC_MCLK}];  # "AC-MCLK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB4 [get_ports {AC_SCK}];  # "AC-SCK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB5 [get_ports {AC_SDA}];  # "AC-SDA"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clock Source - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y9 [get_ports {clk_fpga}];  # "GCLK"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JA Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y11  [get_ports {JA1}];  # "JA1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA8  [get_ports {JA10}];  # "JA10"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA11 [get_ports {JA2}];  # "JA2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y10  [get_ports {JA3}];  # "JA3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA9  [get_ports {JA4}];  # "JA4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB11 [get_ports {JA7}];  # "JA7"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB10 [get_ports {JA8}];  # "JA8"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB9  [get_ports {JA9}];  # "JA9"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JB Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W12 [get_ports {JB1}];  # "JB1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V8 [get_ports {JB10}];  # "JB10"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W11 [get_ports {JB2}];  # "JB2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V10 [get_ports {JB3}];  # "JB3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W8 [get_ports {JB4}];  # "JB4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V12 [get_ports {JB7}];  # "JB7"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W10 [get_ports {JB8}];  # "JB8"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V9 [get_ports {JB9}];  # "JB9"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JC Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB6 [get_ports {JC1_N}];  # "JC1_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB7 [get_ports {JC1_P}];  # "JC1_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA4 [get_ports {JC2_N}];  # "JC2_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y4  [get_ports {JC2_P}];  # "JC2_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T6  [get_ports {JC3_N}];  # "JC3_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R6  [get_ports {JC3_P}];  # "JC3_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U4  [get_ports {JC4_N}];  # "JC4_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T4  [get_ports {JC4_P}];  # "JC4_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JA Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W7 [get_ports {JD1_N}];  # "JD1_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V7 [get_ports {JD1_P}];  # "JD1_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V4 [get_ports {JD2_N}];  # "JD2_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V5 [get_ports {JD2_P}];  # "JD2_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W5 [get_ports {JD3_N}];  # "JD3_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W6 [get_ports {JD3_P}];  # "JD3_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U5 [get_ports {JD4_N}];  # "JD4_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U6 [get_ports {JD4_P}];  # "JD4_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OLED Display - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U10  [get_ports {OLED_DC}];  # "OLED-DC"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U9   [get_ports {OLED_RES}];  # "OLED-RES"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB12 [get_ports {OLED_SCLK}];  # "OLED-SCLK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA12 [get_ports {OLED_SDIN}];  # "OLED-SDIN"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U11  [get_ports {OLED_VBAT}];  # "OLED-VBAT"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U12  [get_ports {OLED_VDD}];  # "OLED-VDD"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HDMI Output - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W18  [get_ports {HD_CLK}];  # "HD-CLK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y13  [get_ports {HD_D0}];  # "HD-D0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA13 [get_ports {HD_D1}];  # "HD-D1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W13  [get_ports {HD_D10}];  # "HD-D10"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W15  [get_ports {HD_D11}];  # "HD-D11"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V15  [get_ports {HD_D12}];  # "HD-D12"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U17  [get_ports {HD_D13}];  # "HD-D13"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V14  [get_ports {HD_D14}];  # "HD-D14"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V13  [get_ports {HS_D15}];  # "HD-D15"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA14 [get_ports {HD_D2}];  # "HD-D2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y14  [get_ports {HD_D3}];  # "HD-D3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB15 [get_ports {HD_D4}];  # "HD-D4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB16 [get_ports {HD_D5}];  # "HD-D5"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA16 [get_ports {HD_D6}];  # "HD-D6"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB17 [get_ports {HD_D7}];  # "HD-D7"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA17 [get_ports {HD_D8}];  # "HD-D8"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y15  [get_ports {HD_D9}];  # "HD-D9"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U16  [get_ports {HD_DE}];  # "HD-DE"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V17  [get_ports {HD_HSYNC}];  # "HD-HSYNC"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W16  [get_ports {HD_INT}];  # "HD-INT"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA18 [get_ports {HD_SCL}];  # "HD-SCL"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y16  [get_ports {HD_SDA}];  # "HD-SDA"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U15  [get_ports {HD_SPDIF}];  # "HD-SPDIF"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y18  [get_ports {HD_SPDIFO}];  # "HD-SPDIFO"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W17  [get_ports {HD_VSYNC}];  # "HD-VSYNC"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User LEDs - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T22 [get_ports {lock_led[0]}];  # "LD0"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T21 [get_ports {leds[1]}];  # "LD1"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U22 [get_ports {leds[2]}];  # "LD2"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U21 [get_ports {leds[3]}];  # "LD3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V22 [get_ports {cntr_led[4]}];  # "LD4"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN W22 [get_ports {leds[5]}];  # "LD5"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U19 [get_ports {leds[6]}];  # "LD6"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U14 [get_ports {leds[7]}];  # "LD7"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# VGA Output - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y21  [get_ports {VGA_B1}];  # "VGA-B1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y20  [get_ports {VGA_B2}];  # "VGA-B2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB20 [get_ports {VGA_B3}];  # "VGA-B3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB19 [get_ports {VGA_B4}];  # "VGA-B4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB22 [get_ports {VGA_G1}];  # "VGA-G1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA22 [get_ports {VGA_G2}];  # "VGA-G2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB21 [get_ports {VGA_G3}];  # "VGA-G3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA21 [get_ports {VGA_G4}];  # "VGA-G4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA19 [get_ports {VGA_HS}];  # "VGA-HS"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V20  [get_ports {VGA_R1}];  # "VGA-R1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U20  [get_ports {VGA_R2}];  # "VGA-R2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V19  [get_ports {VGA_R3}];  # "VGA-R3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V18  [get_ports {VGA_R4}];  # "VGA-R4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y19  [get_ports {VGA_VS}];  # "VGA-VS"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User Push Buttons - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P16 [get_ports {reset}];  # "BTNC"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN R16 [get_ports {stpGo}];  # "BTND"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN N15 [get_ports {BTNL}];  # "BTNL"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN R18 [get_ports {BTNR}];  # "BTNR"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T18 [get_ports {BTNU}];  # "BTNU"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# USB OTG Reset - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L16 [get_ports {OTG_VBUSOC}];  # "OTG-VBUSOC"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XADC GIO - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN H15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO0}];  # "XADC-GIO0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO1}];  # "XADC-GIO1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO2}];  # "XADC-GIO2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO3}];  # "XADC-GIO3"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Miscellaneous - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K16 [get_ports {PUDC_B}];  # "PUDC_B"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# USB OTG Reset - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G17 [get_ports {OTG_RESETN}];  # "OTG-RESETN"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User DIP Switches - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN F22 [get_ports {ena}];  # "SW0"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN G22 [get_ports {SW1}];  # "SW1"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H22 [get_ports {SW2}];  # "SW2"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN F21 [get_ports {SW3}];  # "SW3"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H19 [get_ports {SW4}];  # "SW4"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H18 [get_ports {SW5}];  # "SW5"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H17 [get_ports {SW6}];  # "SW6"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN M15 [get_ports {SW7}];  # "SW7"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XADC AD Channels - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E16 [get_ports {AD0N_R}];  # "XADC-AD0N-R"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F16 [get_ports {AD0P_R}];  # "XADC-AD0P-R"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D17 [get_ports {AD8N_N}];  # "XADC-AD8N-R"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D16 [get_ports {AD8P_R}];  # "XADC-AD8P-R"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R7 [get_ports {FMC_SCL}];  # "FMC-SCL"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U7 [get_ports {FMC_SDA}];  # "FMC-SDA"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB14 [get_ports {FMC_PRSNT}];  # "FMC-PRSNT"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L19 [get_ports {FMC_CLK0_N}];  # "FMC-CLK0_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L18 [get_ports {FMC_CLK0_P}];  # "FMC-CLK0_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M20 [get_ports {FMC_LA00_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA00_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M19 [get_ports {FMC_LA00_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA00_CC_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N20 [get_ports {FMC_LA01_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA01_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N19 [get_ports {FMC_LA01_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA01_CC_P" - corrected 6/6/16 GE
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P18 [get_ports {FMC_LA02_N}];  # "FMC-LA02_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P17 [get_ports {FMC_LA02_P}];  # "FMC-LA02_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P22 [get_ports {FMC_LA03_N}];  # "FMC-LA03_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N22 [get_ports {FMC_LA03_P}];  # "FMC-LA03_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M22 [get_ports {FMC_LA04_N}];  # "FMC-LA04_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M21 [get_ports {FMC_LA04_P}];  # "FMC-LA04_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K18 [get_ports {FMC_LA05_N}];  # "FMC-LA05_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J18 [get_ports {FMC_LA05_P}];  # "FMC-LA05_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L22 [get_ports {FMC_LA06_N}];  # "FMC-LA06_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L21 [get_ports {FMC_LA06_P}];  # "FMC-LA06_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T17 [get_ports {FMC_LA07_N}];  # "FMC-LA07_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T16 [get_ports {FMC_LA07_P}];  # "FMC-LA07_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J22 [get_ports {FMC_LA08_N}];  # "FMC-LA08_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J21 [get_ports {FMC_LA08_P}];  # "FMC-LA08_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R21 [get_ports {FMC_LA09_N}];  # "FMC-LA09_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R20 [get_ports {FMC_LA09_P}];  # "FMC-LA09_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T19 [get_ports {FMC_LA10_N}];  # "FMC-LA10_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R19 [get_ports {FMC_LA10_P}];  # "FMC-LA10_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N18 [get_ports {FMC_LA11_N}];  # "FMC-LA11_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N17 [get_ports {FMC_LA11_P}];  # "FMC-LA11_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P21 [get_ports {FMC_LA12_N}];  # "FMC-LA12_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P20 [get_ports {FMC_LA12_P}];  # "FMC-LA12_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M17 [get_ports {FMC_LA13_N}];  # "FMC-LA13_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L17 [get_ports {FMC_LA13_P}];  # "FMC-LA13_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K20 [get_ports {FMC_LA14_N}];  # "FMC-LA14_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K19 [get_ports {FMC_LA14_P}];  # "FMC-LA14_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J17 [get_ports {FMC_LA15_N}];  # "FMC-LA15_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J16 [get_ports {FMC_LA15_P}];  # "FMC-LA15_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K21 [get_ports {FMC_LA16_N}];  # "FMC-LA16_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J20 [get_ports {FMC_LA16_P}];  # "FMC-LA16_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C19 [get_ports {FMC_CLK1_N}];  # "FMC-CLK1_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D18 [get_ports {FMC_CLK1_P}];  # "FMC-CLK1_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B20 [get_ports {FMC_LA17_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA17_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B19 [get_ports {FMC_LA17_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA17_CC_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C20 [get_ports {FMC_LA18_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA18_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D20 [get_ports {FMC_LA18_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA18_CC_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G16 [get_ports {FMC_LA19_N}];  # "FMC-LA19_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G15 [get_ports {FMC_LA19_P}];  # "FMC-LA19_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G21 [get_ports {FMC_LA20_N}];  # "FMC-LA20_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G20 [get_ports {FMC_LA20_P}];  # "FMC-LA20_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E20 [get_ports {FMC_LA21_N}];  # "FMC-LA21_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E19 [get_ports {FMC_LA21_P}];  # "FMC-LA21_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F19 [get_ports {FMC_LA22_N}];  # "FMC-LA22_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G19 [get_ports {FMC_LA22_P}];  # "FMC-LA22_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D15 [get_ports {FMC_LA23_N}];  # "FMC-LA23_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E15 [get_ports {FMC_LA23_P}];  # "FMC-LA23_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A19 [get_ports {FMC_LA24_N}];  # "FMC-LA24_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A18 [get_ports {FMC_LA24_P}];  # "FMC-LA24_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C22 [get_ports {FMC_LA25_N}];  # "FMC-LA25_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D22 [get_ports {FMC_LA25_P}];  # "FMC-LA25_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E18 [get_ports {FMC_LA26_N}];  # "FMC-LA26_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F18 [get_ports {FMC_LA26_P}];  # "FMC-LA26_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D21 [get_ports {FMC_LA27_N}];  # "FMC-LA27_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E21 [get_ports {FMC_LA27_P}];  # "FMC-LA27_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A17 [get_ports {FMC_LA28_N}];  # "FMC-LA28_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A16 [get_ports {FMC_LA28_P}];  # "FMC-LA28_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C18 [get_ports {FMC_LA29_N}];  # "FMC-LA29_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C17 [get_ports {FMC_LA29_P}];  # "FMC-LA29_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B15 [get_ports {FMC_LA30_N}];  # "FMC-LA30_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C15 [get_ports {FMC_LA30_P}];  # "FMC-LA30_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B17 [get_ports {FMC_LA31_N}];  # "FMC-LA31_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B16 [get_ports {FMC_LA31_P}];  # "FMC-LA31_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A22 [get_ports {FMC_LA32_N}];  # "FMC-LA32_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A21 [get_ports {FMC_LA32_P}];  # "FMC-LA32_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B22 [get_ports {FMC_LA33_N}];  # "FMC-LA33_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B21 [get_ports {FMC_LA33_P}];  # "FMC-LA33_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IOSTANDARD Constraints
# Note that these IOSTANDARD constraints are applied to all IOs currently
# assigned within an I/O bank.  If these IOSTANDARD constraints are 
# evaluated prior to other PACKAGE_PIN constraints being applied, then 
# the IOSTANDARD specified will likely not be applied properly to those 
# pins.  Therefore, bank wide IOSTANDARD constraints should be placed 
# within the XDC file in a location that is evaluated AFTER all 
# PACKAGE_PIN constraints within the target bank have been evaluated.
# Un-comment one or more of the following IOSTANDARD constraints according to
# the bank pin assignments that are required within a design.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

# Note that the bank voltage for IO Bank 33 is fixed to 3.3V on ZedBoard. 
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 33]];

# Set the bank voltage for IO Bank 34 to 1.8V by default.
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 34]];
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 34]];
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 34]];

# Set the bank voltage for IO Bank 35 to 1.8V by default.
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 35]];
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 35]];
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 35]];

# Note that the bank voltage for IO Bank 13 is fixed to 3.3V on ZedBoard. 
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 13]];


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Please post a screenshot of the errors that are showing in Vivado.

The input clock name from the Clocking wizard must be the same as the name from the constrain file. I see that you set it to clk_fpga as was set in the tutorial, so I don't think this is the problem with the errors from your project. You have another output or input signals that must be constrained in the xdc file, but I don't know which are, you have to see in your top module.

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On 5/15/2020 at 1:57 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

I don't know which version of Clocking Wizard you have, but again, the version of the IP from the tutorial is different from the IP you are using and that's why the small difference. To modify the name of an output clock you just need to change it in the Output clocks tab, in the Port Name column.



Hi Maria,

I was able to finish this clock instantiation with your helps. Thank you.
It was synthesized and implemented successfully. Once I added a constraint file then I ran synthesize and implementation with no problem then Bitstream Generation and it came up with errors referring to my input/output pins. Here I have my constraint codes. Please help me to resolve this issue. I will appreciate it.
Also I need to know what parts of this constraint codes, other than commented lines with #, are useless and I can remove them from my file in order to get the least number of lines of code.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#     _____
#    /     \
#   /____   \____
#  / \===\   \==/
# /___\===\___\/  AVNET Design Resource Center
#      \======/         www.em.avnet.com/drc
#       \====/    
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Created With Avnet UCF Generator V0.4.0 
#     Date: Saturday, June 30, 2012 
#     Time: 12:18:55 AM 
#  This design is the property of Avnet.  Publication of this
#  design is not authorized without written consent from Avnet.
#  Please direct any questions to:
#     ZedBoard.org Community Forums
#     http://www.zedboard.org
#  Disclaimer:
#     Avnet, Inc. makes no warranty for the use of this code or design.
#     This code is provided  "As Is". Avnet, Inc assumes no responsibility for
#     any errors, which may appear in this code, nor does it make a commitment
#     to update the information contained herein. Avnet, Inc specifically
#     disclaims any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
#                      Copyright(c) 2012 Avnet, Inc.
#                              All rights reserved.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Notes:
#  10 August 2012
#     IO standards based upon Bank 34 and Bank 35 Vcco supply options of 1.8V, 
#     2.5V, or 3.3V are possible based upon the Vadj jumper (J18) settings.  
#     By default, Vadj is expected to be set to 1.8V but if a different 
#     voltage is used for a particular design, then the corresponding IO 
#     standard within this UCF should also be updated to reflect the actual 
#     Vadj jumper selection.
#  09 September 2012
#     Net names are not allowed to contain hyphen characters '-' since this
#     is not a legal VHDL87 or Verilog character within an identifier.  
#     HDL net names are adjusted to contain no hyphen characters '-' but 
#     rather use underscore '_' characters.  Comment net name with the hyphen 
#     characters will remain in place since these are intended to match the 
#     schematic net names in order to better enable schematic search.
#  17 April 2014
#     Pin constraint for toggle switch SW7 was corrected to M15 location.
#  16 April 2015
#     Corrected the way that entire banks are assigned to a particular IO
#     standard so that it works with more recent versions of Vivado Design
#     Suite and moved the IO standard constraints to the end of the file 
#     along with some better organization and notes like we do with our SOMs.
#   6 June 2016
#     Corrected error in signal name for package pin N19 (FMC Expansion Connector)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Audio Codec - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB1 [get_ports {AC_ADR0}];  # "AC-ADR0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y5  [get_ports {AC_ADR1}];  # "AC-ADR1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y8  [get_ports {AC_GPIO0}];  # "AC-GPIO0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA7 [get_ports {AC_GPIO1}];  # "AC-GPIO1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA6 [get_ports {AC_GPIO2}];  # "AC-GPIO2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y6  [get_ports {AC_GPIO3}];  # "AC-GPIO3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB2 [get_ports {AC_MCLK}];  # "AC-MCLK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB4 [get_ports {AC_SCK}];  # "AC-SCK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB5 [get_ports {AC_SDA}];  # "AC-SDA"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clock Source - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y9 [get_ports {clk_fpga}];  # "GCLK"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JA Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y11  [get_ports {JA1}];  # "JA1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA8  [get_ports {JA10}];  # "JA10"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA11 [get_ports {JA2}];  # "JA2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y10  [get_ports {JA3}];  # "JA3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA9  [get_ports {JA4}];  # "JA4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB11 [get_ports {JA7}];  # "JA7"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB10 [get_ports {JA8}];  # "JA8"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB9  [get_ports {JA9}];  # "JA9"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JB Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W12 [get_ports {JB1}];  # "JB1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V8 [get_ports {JB10}];  # "JB10"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W11 [get_ports {JB2}];  # "JB2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V10 [get_ports {JB3}];  # "JB3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W8 [get_ports {JB4}];  # "JB4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V12 [get_ports {JB7}];  # "JB7"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W10 [get_ports {JB8}];  # "JB8"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V9 [get_ports {JB9}];  # "JB9"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JC Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB6 [get_ports {JC1_N}];  # "JC1_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB7 [get_ports {JC1_P}];  # "JC1_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA4 [get_ports {JC2_N}];  # "JC2_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y4  [get_ports {JC2_P}];  # "JC2_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T6  [get_ports {JC3_N}];  # "JC3_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R6  [get_ports {JC3_P}];  # "JC3_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U4  [get_ports {JC4_N}];  # "JC4_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T4  [get_ports {JC4_P}];  # "JC4_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JA Pmod - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W7 [get_ports {JD1_N}];  # "JD1_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V7 [get_ports {JD1_P}];  # "JD1_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V4 [get_ports {JD2_N}];  # "JD2_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V5 [get_ports {JD2_P}];  # "JD2_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W5 [get_ports {JD3_N}];  # "JD3_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W6 [get_ports {JD3_P}];  # "JD3_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U5 [get_ports {JD4_N}];  # "JD4_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U6 [get_ports {JD4_P}];  # "JD4_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OLED Display - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U10  [get_ports {OLED_DC}];  # "OLED-DC"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U9   [get_ports {OLED_RES}];  # "OLED-RES"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB12 [get_ports {OLED_SCLK}];  # "OLED-SCLK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA12 [get_ports {OLED_SDIN}];  # "OLED-SDIN"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U11  [get_ports {OLED_VBAT}];  # "OLED-VBAT"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U12  [get_ports {OLED_VDD}];  # "OLED-VDD"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HDMI Output - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W18  [get_ports {HD_CLK}];  # "HD-CLK"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y13  [get_ports {HD_D0}];  # "HD-D0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA13 [get_ports {HD_D1}];  # "HD-D1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W13  [get_ports {HD_D10}];  # "HD-D10"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W15  [get_ports {HD_D11}];  # "HD-D11"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V15  [get_ports {HD_D12}];  # "HD-D12"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U17  [get_ports {HD_D13}];  # "HD-D13"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V14  [get_ports {HD_D14}];  # "HD-D14"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V13  [get_ports {HS_D15}];  # "HD-D15"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA14 [get_ports {HD_D2}];  # "HD-D2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y14  [get_ports {HD_D3}];  # "HD-D3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB15 [get_ports {HD_D4}];  # "HD-D4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB16 [get_ports {HD_D5}];  # "HD-D5"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA16 [get_ports {HD_D6}];  # "HD-D6"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB17 [get_ports {HD_D7}];  # "HD-D7"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA17 [get_ports {HD_D8}];  # "HD-D8"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y15  [get_ports {HD_D9}];  # "HD-D9"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U16  [get_ports {HD_DE}];  # "HD-DE"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V17  [get_ports {HD_HSYNC}];  # "HD-HSYNC"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W16  [get_ports {HD_INT}];  # "HD-INT"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA18 [get_ports {HD_SCL}];  # "HD-SCL"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y16  [get_ports {HD_SDA}];  # "HD-SDA"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U15  [get_ports {HD_SPDIF}];  # "HD-SPDIF"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y18  [get_ports {HD_SPDIFO}];  # "HD-SPDIFO"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN W17  [get_ports {HD_VSYNC}];  # "HD-VSYNC"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User LEDs - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T22 [get_ports {lock_led[0]}];  # "LD0"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T21 [get_ports {leds[1]}];  # "LD1"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U22 [get_ports {leds[2]}];  # "LD2"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U21 [get_ports {leds[3]}];  # "LD3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V22 [get_ports {cntr_led[4]}];  # "LD4"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN W22 [get_ports {leds[5]}];  # "LD5"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U19 [get_ports {leds[6]}];  # "LD6"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U14 [get_ports {leds[7]}];  # "LD7"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# VGA Output - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y21  [get_ports {VGA_B1}];  # "VGA-B1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y20  [get_ports {VGA_B2}];  # "VGA-B2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB20 [get_ports {VGA_B3}];  # "VGA-B3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB19 [get_ports {VGA_B4}];  # "VGA-B4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB22 [get_ports {VGA_G1}];  # "VGA-G1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA22 [get_ports {VGA_G2}];  # "VGA-G2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB21 [get_ports {VGA_G3}];  # "VGA-G3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA21 [get_ports {VGA_G4}];  # "VGA-G4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA19 [get_ports {VGA_HS}];  # "VGA-HS"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V20  [get_ports {VGA_R1}];  # "VGA-R1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U20  [get_ports {VGA_R2}];  # "VGA-R2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V19  [get_ports {VGA_R3}];  # "VGA-R3"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN V18  [get_ports {VGA_R4}];  # "VGA-R4"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y19  [get_ports {VGA_VS}];  # "VGA-VS"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User Push Buttons - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P16 [get_ports {reset}];  # "BTNC"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN R16 [get_ports {stpGo}];  # "BTND"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN N15 [get_ports {BTNL}];  # "BTNL"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN R18 [get_ports {BTNR}];  # "BTNR"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T18 [get_ports {BTNU}];  # "BTNU"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# USB OTG Reset - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L16 [get_ports {OTG_VBUSOC}];  # "OTG-VBUSOC"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XADC GIO - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN H15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO0}];  # "XADC-GIO0"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO1}];  # "XADC-GIO1"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO2}];  # "XADC-GIO2"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J15 [get_ports {XADC_GIO3}];  # "XADC-GIO3"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Miscellaneous - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K16 [get_ports {PUDC_B}];  # "PUDC_B"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# USB OTG Reset - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G17 [get_ports {OTG_RESETN}];  # "OTG-RESETN"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# User DIP Switches - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN F22 [get_ports {ena}];  # "SW0"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN G22 [get_ports {SW1}];  # "SW1"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H22 [get_ports {SW2}];  # "SW2"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN F21 [get_ports {SW3}];  # "SW3"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H19 [get_ports {SW4}];  # "SW4"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H18 [get_ports {SW5}];  # "SW5"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN H17 [get_ports {SW6}];  # "SW6"
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN M15 [get_ports {SW7}];  # "SW7"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XADC AD Channels - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E16 [get_ports {AD0N_R}];  # "XADC-AD0N-R"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F16 [get_ports {AD0P_R}];  # "XADC-AD0P-R"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D17 [get_ports {AD8N_N}];  # "XADC-AD8N-R"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D16 [get_ports {AD8P_R}];  # "XADC-AD8P-R"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 13
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R7 [get_ports {FMC_SCL}];  # "FMC-SCL"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U7 [get_ports {FMC_SDA}];  # "FMC-SDA"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 33
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB14 [get_ports {FMC_PRSNT}];  # "FMC-PRSNT"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 34
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L19 [get_ports {FMC_CLK0_N}];  # "FMC-CLK0_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L18 [get_ports {FMC_CLK0_P}];  # "FMC-CLK0_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M20 [get_ports {FMC_LA00_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA00_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M19 [get_ports {FMC_LA00_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA00_CC_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N20 [get_ports {FMC_LA01_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA01_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N19 [get_ports {FMC_LA01_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA01_CC_P" - corrected 6/6/16 GE
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P18 [get_ports {FMC_LA02_N}];  # "FMC-LA02_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P17 [get_ports {FMC_LA02_P}];  # "FMC-LA02_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P22 [get_ports {FMC_LA03_N}];  # "FMC-LA03_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N22 [get_ports {FMC_LA03_P}];  # "FMC-LA03_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M22 [get_ports {FMC_LA04_N}];  # "FMC-LA04_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M21 [get_ports {FMC_LA04_P}];  # "FMC-LA04_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K18 [get_ports {FMC_LA05_N}];  # "FMC-LA05_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J18 [get_ports {FMC_LA05_P}];  # "FMC-LA05_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L22 [get_ports {FMC_LA06_N}];  # "FMC-LA06_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L21 [get_ports {FMC_LA06_P}];  # "FMC-LA06_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T17 [get_ports {FMC_LA07_N}];  # "FMC-LA07_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T16 [get_ports {FMC_LA07_P}];  # "FMC-LA07_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J22 [get_ports {FMC_LA08_N}];  # "FMC-LA08_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J21 [get_ports {FMC_LA08_P}];  # "FMC-LA08_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R21 [get_ports {FMC_LA09_N}];  # "FMC-LA09_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R20 [get_ports {FMC_LA09_P}];  # "FMC-LA09_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN T19 [get_ports {FMC_LA10_N}];  # "FMC-LA10_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN R19 [get_ports {FMC_LA10_P}];  # "FMC-LA10_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N18 [get_ports {FMC_LA11_N}];  # "FMC-LA11_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN N17 [get_ports {FMC_LA11_P}];  # "FMC-LA11_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P21 [get_ports {FMC_LA12_N}];  # "FMC-LA12_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN P20 [get_ports {FMC_LA12_P}];  # "FMC-LA12_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M17 [get_ports {FMC_LA13_N}];  # "FMC-LA13_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L17 [get_ports {FMC_LA13_P}];  # "FMC-LA13_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K20 [get_ports {FMC_LA14_N}];  # "FMC-LA14_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K19 [get_ports {FMC_LA14_P}];  # "FMC-LA14_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J17 [get_ports {FMC_LA15_N}];  # "FMC-LA15_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J16 [get_ports {FMC_LA15_P}];  # "FMC-LA15_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN K21 [get_ports {FMC_LA16_N}];  # "FMC-LA16_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN J20 [get_ports {FMC_LA16_P}];  # "FMC-LA16_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FMC Expansion Connector - Bank 35
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C19 [get_ports {FMC_CLK1_N}];  # "FMC-CLK1_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D18 [get_ports {FMC_CLK1_P}];  # "FMC-CLK1_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B20 [get_ports {FMC_LA17_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA17_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B19 [get_ports {FMC_LA17_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA17_CC_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C20 [get_ports {FMC_LA18_CC_N}];  # "FMC-LA18_CC_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D20 [get_ports {FMC_LA18_CC_P}];  # "FMC-LA18_CC_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G16 [get_ports {FMC_LA19_N}];  # "FMC-LA19_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G15 [get_ports {FMC_LA19_P}];  # "FMC-LA19_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G21 [get_ports {FMC_LA20_N}];  # "FMC-LA20_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G20 [get_ports {FMC_LA20_P}];  # "FMC-LA20_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E20 [get_ports {FMC_LA21_N}];  # "FMC-LA21_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E19 [get_ports {FMC_LA21_P}];  # "FMC-LA21_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F19 [get_ports {FMC_LA22_N}];  # "FMC-LA22_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G19 [get_ports {FMC_LA22_P}];  # "FMC-LA22_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D15 [get_ports {FMC_LA23_N}];  # "FMC-LA23_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E15 [get_ports {FMC_LA23_P}];  # "FMC-LA23_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A19 [get_ports {FMC_LA24_N}];  # "FMC-LA24_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A18 [get_ports {FMC_LA24_P}];  # "FMC-LA24_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C22 [get_ports {FMC_LA25_N}];  # "FMC-LA25_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D22 [get_ports {FMC_LA25_P}];  # "FMC-LA25_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E18 [get_ports {FMC_LA26_N}];  # "FMC-LA26_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F18 [get_ports {FMC_LA26_P}];  # "FMC-LA26_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D21 [get_ports {FMC_LA27_N}];  # "FMC-LA27_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E21 [get_ports {FMC_LA27_P}];  # "FMC-LA27_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A17 [get_ports {FMC_LA28_N}];  # "FMC-LA28_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A16 [get_ports {FMC_LA28_P}];  # "FMC-LA28_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C18 [get_ports {FMC_LA29_N}];  # "FMC-LA29_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C17 [get_ports {FMC_LA29_P}];  # "FMC-LA29_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B15 [get_ports {FMC_LA30_N}];  # "FMC-LA30_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C15 [get_ports {FMC_LA30_P}];  # "FMC-LA30_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B17 [get_ports {FMC_LA31_N}];  # "FMC-LA31_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B16 [get_ports {FMC_LA31_P}];  # "FMC-LA31_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A22 [get_ports {FMC_LA32_N}];  # "FMC-LA32_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A21 [get_ports {FMC_LA32_P}];  # "FMC-LA32_P"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B22 [get_ports {FMC_LA33_N}];  # "FMC-LA33_N"
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B21 [get_ports {FMC_LA33_P}];  # "FMC-LA33_P"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IOSTANDARD Constraints
# Note that these IOSTANDARD constraints are applied to all IOs currently
# assigned within an I/O bank.  If these IOSTANDARD constraints are 
# evaluated prior to other PACKAGE_PIN constraints being applied, then 
# the IOSTANDARD specified will likely not be applied properly to those 
# pins.  Therefore, bank wide IOSTANDARD constraints should be placed 
# within the XDC file in a location that is evaluated AFTER all 
# PACKAGE_PIN constraints within the target bank have been evaluated.
# Un-comment one or more of the following IOSTANDARD constraints according to
# the bank pin assignments that are required within a design.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

# Note that the bank voltage for IO Bank 33 is fixed to 3.3V on ZedBoard. 
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 33]];

# Set the bank voltage for IO Bank 34 to 1.8V by default.
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 34]];
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 34]];
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 34]];

# Set the bank voltage for IO Bank 35 to 1.8V by default.
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 35]];
# set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS25 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 35]];
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 35]];

# Note that the bank voltage for IO Bank 13 is fixed to 3.3V on ZedBoard. 
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports -of_objects [get_iobanks 13]];


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I don't know which version of Clocking Wizard you have, but again, the version of the IP from the tutorial is different from the IP you are using and that's why the small difference. To modify the name of an output clock you just need to change it in the Output clocks tab, in the Port Name column.



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17 hours ago, Ana-Maria Balas said:

The tutorial from the PDF uses Vivado 2015.1 and you are using a newer version of Vivado. That is why the graphical interface is different. Follow the tutorial as it says, step by step, it doesn't matter what Vivado version you have, both offers the same IPs and functionality.


Thank you for clarification.
Continuing my work, I noticed another different between my IP Wizard and yours. Please see the attachment and help me to understand it:


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The tutorial from the PDF uses Vivado 2015.1 and you are using a newer version of Vivado. That is why the graphical interface is different. Follow the tutorial as it says, step by step, it doesn't matter what Vivado version you have, both offers the same IPs and functionality.


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Hi @MsDh,

Xilinx maintains both that page and those links on the page, but those links both work for me; here are their respective URLs: https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/ism_c_mixed_lang_simulation.htm and https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/ism_p_instantiating_verilog_module_mixedlang.htm.


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21 hours ago, Ana-Maria Balas said:

Hello @MsDh,

I don't understand what you mean with the second link, because it's a PDF file.  That pdf file is for VHDL language, but the steps are the same in Verilog.

However I found the same tutorial but for Verilog. If you say that you cannot access the link properly I attached here the PDF file: MMCM Vivado example Verilog.pdf

There are 6 pages in that document that describes very well how to customize the IP and how to add its instantiation to the top level file.



Hi Maria,

Your PDF opens and looks good. I had no chance to work on it but It looks good. This is what I get when I click on your last link in first post.
Both links in this page are broken.



Now with this PDF I think I will be good. Sorry for late respond because I come back from work late and I can't respond quickly.

I appreciate your helps.



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Hello @MsDh,

I don't understand what you mean with the second link, because it's a PDF file.  That pdf file is for VHDL language, but the steps are the same in Verilog.

However I found the same tutorial but for Verilog. If you say that you cannot access the link properly I attached here the PDF file: MMCM Vivado example Verilog.pdf

There are 6 pages in that document that describes very well how to customize the IP and how to add its instantiation to the top level file.



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On 5/10/2020 at 11:32 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

That's great! 



On 5/8/2020 at 3:11 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

Hello @MsDh,

So let me understand, you need a clock for your counter. Well this can be done in two ways:

1. You can use a frequency divider for the 100 Mhz system clock into 10 Khz, like is done in this tutorial http://users.wpi.edu/~rjduck/Counter Tutorial Verilog.pdf

2. You can use the Clocking Wizzard IP then add the instance of the IP to the top level file, in your case, the counter file which you write in Verilog

This tutorial does that https://users.wpi.edu/~ydoroz/ece574/tutorials/MMCM Vivado example VHDL.pdf and even is VHDL, I think you know how to instantiate any module to a design in Verilog like this https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/ism_p_instantiating_vhdl_module_mixedlang.htm

I tried to use the second link that sounds to be more related to my inquiry. It only opens a page that provides very simple information and the rest is in another page and its link is broken.
The given  information is just the beginning of the tutorial but the rest is accessible.

Now I can't start instantiation of an IP. Please help me.


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On 5/8/2020 at 3:11 AM, Ana-Maria Balas said:

Hello @MsDh,

So let me understand, you need a clock for your counter. Well this can be done in two ways:

1. You can use a frequency divider for the 100 Mhz system clock into 10 Khz, like is done in this tutorial http://users.wpi.edu/~rjduck/Counter Tutorial Verilog.pdf

2. You can use the Clocking Wizzard IP then add the instance of the IP to the top level file, in your case, the counter file which you write in Verilog

This tutorial does that https://users.wpi.edu/~ydoroz/ece574/tutorials/MMCM Vivado example VHDL.pdf and even is VHDL, I think you know how to instantiate any module to a design in Verilog like this https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/ism_p_instantiating_vhdl_module_mixedlang.htm

I like both links you provided here. I am going to work on them and get back to if I had any questions.



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Hello @MsDh,

So let me understand, you need a clock for your counter. Well this can be done in two ways:

1. You can use a frequency divider for the 100 Mhz system clock into 10 Khz, like is done in this tutorial http://users.wpi.edu/~rjduck/Counter Tutorial Verilog.pdf

2. You can use the Clocking Wizzard IP then add the instance of the IP to the top level file, in your case, the counter file which you write in Verilog

This tutorial does that https://users.wpi.edu/~ydoroz/ece574/tutorials/MMCM Vivado example VHDL.pdf and even is VHDL, I think you know how to instantiate any module to a design in Verilog like this https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/ism_p_instantiating_vhdl_module_mixedlang.htm

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