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Openscope "Error Connecting to the Digilent Agent. Please make sure the Digilent Agent is Running"

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I have been using the openscope for a month now and all of a sudden today it just stopped working. My openscope is plugged into my computer and the blue light on it is blinking, so it is receiving power. My openscope would not connect through waveformslive as it usually does. So, I tried deleting the device and resetting it up. My device will not connect to my computer at all now. I get the following error message when I try to connect it. I have tried restarting my computer and even using a different computer. I still get the same error message. 2126115387_ScreenShot2020-05-04at1_03_28PM.thumb.png.3b206fd271f9216f1d7caa54cc0da408.png


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Hi @Jacob B,

The fact that you have restarted and used a different computer to no avail is concerning. You didn't explicitly mention this, but did you close out the Digilent Agent from the system tray (presuming you are using Windows) and then restart the agent?

Otherwise, what do you see in the device manager? It should show up as a USB Serial Port under the Ports section. Are you also on the latest FTDI driver ( in the case of Windows)?


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Hi Colvin,

Some context: 

yesterday, the device was operational. I decided to do an upgrade to the latest FW ( V1.3). Upon upgrade, the device seemed to have booted correctly; however, I did not do any extensive checking at that moment for functionality.

This morning, I tried connecting to my device and it was giving me the error connecting to device message. 


My steps to debug so far:

  • Checked cable - looks fine
  • Browser:
    • I used Chrome prior to the issue - currently not working
    • I also check internet explorer - same issue
  • Desktop:
    • I checked this with another desktop - same problem
  • Checked COM port - seems to be there
    • connected to the device via putty : below is the verbose output
    • OpenLogger v1.3.0
      Written by: Keith Vogel, Digilent
      Copyright 2018 Digilent

      USB+:     5059008uV
      VCC  3.3: 3310081uV
      VRef 3.0: 3007324uV
      VCC  1.8: 1789453uV
      VRef 1.5: 1502197uV
      VSS -4.5:-4557583uV

      Flash file system initialized

      WiFi Info:

      WiFi ID:        1503A0
      FW Version:     19.6.1
      Driver Version: 19.3.0
      Build Date:     May 23 2018
      Build Time:     14:39:16

      My              MAC: F8:F0:05:AB:7C:BB
      Read Calibration data from Flash

      SD card detected and mounted
      239295 free clusters
      Auto Connected to WiFi network: "XXXXXX" from flash
      Is Linked to the physical network
      Link status: 0x0
      Ready for JSON Commands
      Network Initialized

      My IP:
      Gateway IP:
      Subnet mask:
      Dns0: IP:
      Dns1: IP:
      Dns2: IP:
      Dns3: IP:
      My MAC: F8:F0:05:AB:7C:BB

      10 Sockets Listening on IP:

      Listening Sockets = 10

    • Next steps:

      • What do you recommend I should do next?

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Hi @robert.d.lau,

I asked another engineer more experienced with WaveForms Live and the OpenScope MZ about this and they said that one thing to try would be to enable the console output in WaveForms Live before trying to connect to the device. Hopefully this will let us see what command is causing the OpenScope to choke. You can do this by going into the Settings page, opening the Advanced section and clicking on Change Console Log. Set this to Console, then open the developer tools for your browser. For Chrome and Firefox this is Ctrl+Shft+i. The commands and their responses, plus some other additional information will be printed in the console here as you use WaveForms Live to configure the OpenScope. 

Let us know what you find out.


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I changed the settings as you suggested, but no luck. It seemed the logging was already on console

When you suggested to open the developer tool view, am I supposed to do anything here?

I am attaching my screen prints here for your review. One thing to highlight, when I changed the console log to other options - the name was not coming through the new change. I am not sure if it is not persistent. I am not sure if this is not relevant?



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Hi @robert.d.lau,

I apologize for not being more clear. Once you are in the developer tools for your browser, could you also click on the "Console" tab so we can see what is being logged to it? Right now you are on the "Elements" tab. I'm not sure on the name change portion, but I will ask about that.


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  • 4 months later...

Hello Colvin


I am having the same issue here, my scope was working at first I used it last week. Today I tried to connect and had the same issue the Diligent agent just not recognize the scope. LED 4 is flashing in blue color.



And when I try to add a new device it shows the message: 

"Error Connecting to the Digilent Agent. Please make sure the Digilent Agent is Running"

I tried using directly the Local host address the live address, rebooted the computer, even try compatibility mode. I am the administrator of my computer also tried run as an admin. I am out of ideas.


I would appreciate some feedback. I had a lot of trouble running for the first time as well. Using this scope has been a very frustrating experience.


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Hi @Sundar Singh,

I apologize for the delay.

I asked about this and was told:

"They can try changing what port the agent is listening on (say to 42136 or something), just to see if that is the issue. They need to edit C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Digilent\Digilent Agent\digilent-agent.ini and set the port option underneath [listener].

If they could also try connecting with logging set to console and the browser console open, which would provide some nice to have debug information. You can do this by going into the Settings page, opening the Advanced section and clicking on Change Console Log. Set this to Console, then open the developer tools for your browser. For Chrome and Firefox this is Ctrl+Shft+i. You will then need to click on the Console tab to see the output. The commands and their responses, plus some other additional information will be printed in the console here as you use WaveForms Live to configure the OpenScope."

Let me know if you have any questions.


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Hello James!

I've recently purchased an OpenScope for work, and I'm having the same problems here.

I'm running Windows 10, and I've tried this in Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer to no avail.

Last night, I was able to connect very briefly, but unable to connect to the COM port. I was a little worried about hardware as I never got any blinking blue lights, but that later turned out not to be the issue. This morning, I tried again on my Macbook, and not only successfully connected, but also updated firmware and calibrated. I tried again on my Windows 10 machine, and even though I'm now getting a blinking blue LED it's still unable to connect.

I can see the device as COM6 in my device manager.

I've edited the .ini file so it's listening to 42136, but that hasn't worked.

I've attached a screen-shot and console log of my last try.

I'm not sure what to do to check the FTDI driver.

Any help from here would be appreciated. I'm really looking forward to using this thing for debugging.



OpenScope Error 2.JPG


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Brief update:

After a bit more digging, I think I've determined that the drivers are up to date.

Unless I'm mistaken, there would be a visible warning next to my device in the Device Manager, which there is not.

Just to be sure, I attempted to force an update to the drivers (right click->Update Drivers), having Windows search for drivers online. This resulted in the attached reply stating that my drivers are up to date.

Additionally, right click->Properties->Driver states that I have FTDI version

So that seems like a dead-end. Any other ideas?



FTDI Drivers Up To Date.JPG

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Hi @JayWeeks,

Good to see you again!

I asked about your situation and learned some additional things that you might try or things to learn about

- Running the Digilent Agent (most recent version is 1.2.3) as administrator
- Do you have any firewall things that could be blocking something? I know that Windows Hyper-V blocks Vivado from being able to access the FPGA boards through the Hardware Manager.
- On WaveFormsLive, change the HTTP timeout under Advanced Settings to something larger than 5.00 seconds.
- Within the digilent-agent.ini, you might also change the minThread value to 1 instead of 4 to decrease the resources used to run in the app, or increase the readTimeout if it's an issue on the OpenScope side rather than the WFL side.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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It's working!

I ran as admin, no dice.

I checked in Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off, and it looks like Hyper-V was never enabled. (Relevant forum post here at the end of this one.)

Finally, I increased the WaveFormsLive HTTP timeout from 5 seconds to 10 and that seems to have fixed it!

Thank you for your help James!


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