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ZYboZ7 XADC example - ref to xadc_wiz_0/myxadc?



Hoping for a bit of explanation on this example.  I've been focused on VHDL, not verilog (which looks like the language of this sample).

Question... how does the module 'top' know of the existence of myxadc (which is an instantiation of xadc_wiz_0 (or vice versa since I'm not sure the order of verilog statements))?  IOW, I don't see a reference, include, using, etc...


module top(
    input clk,
    input [7:0] ja,
    output [3:0] led
    reg [6:0] daddr = 0; // address of channel to be read
    reg [1:0] ledidx = 0; // index of the led to capture data for
    wire eoc; // xadc end of conversion flag
    wire [15:0] dout; // xadc data out bus
    wire drdy;
    reg [1:0] _drdy = 0; // delayed data ready signal for edge detection
    reg [7:0] data0 = 0, // stored XADC data, only the uppermost byte
              data1 = 0,
              data2 = 0,
              data3 = 0;
    reg [7:0] pwm_count; // shared pwm counter
    reg [7:0] pwm_duty0; // duty cycles for the 4 pwm led brightness controllers
    reg [7:0] pwm_duty1;
    reg [7:0] pwm_duty2;
    reg [7:0] pwm_duty3;
    xadc_wiz_0 myxadc (
        .dclk_in        (clk),
        .den_in         (eoc), // drp enable, start a new conversion whenever the last one has ended
        .dwe_in         (0),
        .daddr_in       (daddr), // channel address
        .di_in          (0),
        .do_out         (dout), // data out
        .drdy_out       (drdy), // data ready
        .eoc_out        (eoc), // end of conversion
        .vauxn6         (ja[7]),
        .vauxp6         (ja[3]),
        .vauxn7         (ja[5]),
        .vauxp7         (ja[1]),
        .vauxn14        (ja[4]),
        .vauxp14        (ja[0]),
        .vauxn15        (ja[6]),
        .vauxp15        (ja[2])
    always@(posedge clk)
        _drdy <= {_drdy[0], drdy};
        case (ledidx)
        0: daddr = 7'h1E;
        1: daddr = 7'h17;
        2: daddr = 7'h1F;
        3: daddr = 7'h16;
        default: daddr = 7'h1E;
    always@(posedge clk) begin
        if (_drdy == 2'b10) begin // on negative edge
            ledidx <= ledidx + 1;
            case (ledidx)
            0: data0 <= dout[15:8];
            1: data1 <= dout[15:8];
            2: data2 <= dout[15:8];
            3: data3 <= dout[15:8];
    always@(posedge clk)
        pwm_count <= pwm_count + 1;
    always@(posedge clk)
        if (pwm_count == 0) begin
            pwm_duty0 <= data0;
            pwm_duty1 <= data1;
            pwm_duty2 <= data2;
            pwm_duty3 <= data3;
    assign led[0] = (pwm_count <= pwm_duty0) ? 1 : 0;
    assign led[1] = (pwm_count <= pwm_duty1) ? 1 : 0;
    assign led[2] = (pwm_count <= pwm_duty2) ? 1 : 0;
    assign led[3] = (pwm_count <= pwm_duty3) ? 1 : 0;


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5 answers to this question

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Hi @engrpetero,

I asked another engineer a little more familiar with Vivado structuring about this and they let me know:

"I think the IP includes an instantiation template and is present in the same file set as top. The IPs top file is accessbile in the same way that other modules you add are."

Let me know if you have any questions about this so I can get them relayed.


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Finally got back to trying this, JColvin.  Still have questions.  The 'top' design source in the example is a verilog one.  What I missed was the entity xadc_wiz_o in the other design source VHDL file.

Since I'm still grappling with hierarchical designs (getting there though!), I'm not sure where it came from (it has a Xilinx header but not sure if the Digilent author of the 'top' design source just included that header.

I copied the xadc_wiz_o entity file below to make it easier for me to ask my questions (I might have violated a message board rule by copying the whole file - sorry if I did.  It makes the questions and answers more useful (I think) to anyone else reading the post)...

  1. Not sure what the 'attribute' statements are doing in this example, particularly the second one.  I do find it 'neat' that once the component is instantiated, everything about the block source configuration UI is available.  Can anyone provide a brief comment on these two lines?
  2. I assume the designer of this project created the xadc_wiz_o entity (and file) in which an XADC component is instantiated.  The library 'UNISIM' and the package that includes UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL... that is the item I can't seem to find if I want to use this entity file (or a similar one) in my project.  How would I include the appropriate libraries/references in my project?


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
Library UNISIM;

entity xadc_wiz_0 is
    daddr_in        : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0);     -- Address bus for the dynamic reconfiguration port
    den_in          : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Enable Signal for the dynamic reconfiguration port
    di_in           : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);    -- Input data bus for the dynamic reconfiguration port
    dwe_in          : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Write Enable for the dynamic reconfiguration port
    do_out          : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0);   -- Output data bus for dynamic reconfiguration port
    drdy_out        : out  STD_LOGIC;                        -- Data ready signal for the dynamic reconfiguration port
    dclk_in         : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Clock input for the dynamic reconfiguration port
    vauxp6          : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Auxiliary Channel 6
    vauxn6          : in  STD_LOGIC;
    vauxp7          : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Auxiliary Channel 7
    vauxn7          : in  STD_LOGIC;
    vauxp14         : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Auxiliary Channel 14
    vauxn14         : in  STD_LOGIC;
    vauxp15         : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Auxiliary Channel 15
    vauxn15         : in  STD_LOGIC;
    busy_out        : out  STD_LOGIC;                        -- ADC Busy signal
    channel_out     : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (4 downto 0);    -- Channel Selection Outputs
    eoc_out         : out  STD_LOGIC;                        -- End of Conversion Signal
    eos_out         : out  STD_LOGIC;                        -- End of Sequence Signal
    alarm_out       : out STD_LOGIC;                         -- OR'ed output of all the Alarms
    vp_in           : in  STD_LOGIC;                         -- Dedicated Analog Input Pair
    vn_in           : in  STD_LOGIC
end xadc_wiz_0;

architecture xilinx of xadc_wiz_0 is

  attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO : string;
  attribute CORE_GENERATION_INFO of xilinx : architecture is "xadc_wiz_0,xadc_wiz_v3_3_7,{component_name=xadc_wiz_0,enable_axi=false,enable_axi4stream=false,dclk_frequency=125,enable_busy=true,enable_convst=false,enable_convstclk=false,enable_dclk=true,enable_drp=true,enable_eoc=true,enable_eos=true,enable_vbram_alaram=false,enable_vccddro_alaram=false,enable_Vccint_Alaram=false,enable_Vccaux_alaram=falseenable_vccpaux_alaram=false,enable_vccpint_alaram=false,ot_alaram=false,user_temp_alaram=false,timing_mode=continuous,channel_averaging=None,sequencer_mode=on,startup_channel_selection=contineous_sequence}";

  signal FLOAT_VCCAUX_ALARM : std_logic;
  signal FLOAT_VCCINT_ALARM : std_logic;
  signal FLOAT_USER_TEMP_ALARM : std_logic;
  signal FLOAT_VBRAM_ALARM : std_logic;
  signal FLOAT_MUXADDR : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
  signal aux_channel_p : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
  signal aux_channel_n : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
  signal alm_int : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);


       alarm_out <= alm_int(7);

        aux_channel_p(0) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(0) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(1) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(1) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(2) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(2) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(3) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(3) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(4) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(4) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(5) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(5) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(6) <= vauxp6;
        aux_channel_n(6) <= vauxn6;

        aux_channel_p(7) <= vauxp7;
        aux_channel_n(7) <= vauxn7;

        aux_channel_p(8) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(8) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(9) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(9) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(10) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(10) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(11) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(11) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(12) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(12) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(13) <= '0';
        aux_channel_n(13) <= '0';

        aux_channel_p(14) <= vauxp14;
        aux_channel_n(14) <= vauxn14;

        aux_channel_p(15) <= vauxp15;
        aux_channel_n(15) <= vauxn15;

 U0 : XADC
     generic map(
        INIT_40 => X"0000", -- config reg 0
        INIT_41 => X"21AF", -- config reg 1
        INIT_42 => X"0500", -- config reg 2
        INIT_48 => X"0800", -- Sequencer channel selection
        INIT_49 => X"C0C0", -- Sequencer channel selection
        INIT_4A => X"0000", -- Sequencer Average selection
        INIT_4B => X"0000", -- Sequencer Average selection
        INIT_4C => X"0000", -- Sequencer Bipolar selection
        INIT_4D => X"0000", -- Sequencer Bipolar selection
        INIT_4E => X"0000", -- Sequencer Acq time selection
        INIT_4F => X"0000", -- Sequencer Acq time selection
        INIT_50 => X"B5ED", -- Temp alarm trigger
        INIT_51 => X"57E4", -- Vccint upper alarm limit
        INIT_52 => X"A147", -- Vccaux upper alarm limit
        INIT_53 => X"CA33",  -- Temp alarm OT upper
        INIT_54 => X"A93A", -- Temp alarm reset
        INIT_55 => X"52C6", -- Vccint lower alarm limit
        INIT_56 => X"9555", -- Vccaux lower alarm limit
        INIT_57 => X"AE4E",  -- Temp alarm OT reset
        INIT_58 => X"5999",  -- Vccbram upper alarm limit
        INIT_5C => X"5111",  -- Vccbram lower alarm limit
        INIT_59 => X"5555",  -- Vccpint upper alarm limit
        INIT_5D => X"5111",  -- Vccpint lower alarm limit
        INIT_5A => X"9999",  -- Vccpaux upper alarm limit
        INIT_5E => X"91EB",  -- Vccpaux lower alarm limit
        INIT_5B => X"6AAA",  -- Vccddro upper alarm limit
        INIT_5F => X"6666",  -- Vccddro lower alarm limit
        SIM_DEVICE => "ZYNQ",
        SIM_MONITOR_FILE => "design.txt"

port map (
        CONVST              => '0',
        CONVSTCLK           => '0',
        DADDR(6 downto 0)   => daddr_in(6 downto 0),
        DCLK                => dclk_in,
        DEN                 => den_in,
        DI(15 downto 0)     => di_in(15 downto 0),
        DWE                 => dwe_in,
        RESET               => '0',
        VAUXN(15 downto 0)  => aux_channel_n(15 downto 0),
        VAUXP(15 downto 0)  => aux_channel_p(15 downto 0),
        ALM                 => alm_int,
        BUSY                => busy_out,
        CHANNEL(4 downto 0) => channel_out(4 downto 0),
        DO(15 downto 0)     => do_out(15 downto 0),
        DRDY                => drdy_out,
        EOC                 => eoc_out,
        EOS                 => eos_out,
        JTAGBUSY            => open,
        JTAGLOCKED          => open,
        JTAGMODIFIED        => open,
        OT                  => open,
        MUXADDR             => FLOAT_MUXADDR,
        VN                  => vn_in,
        VP                  => vp_in
end xilinx;


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Hi @engrpetero,

Some of your questions will likely be better answered on the Xilinx forum since they boil down to "How does Vivado recognize and intrepret it's files and projects" and I (and the other engineer I've been inquiring about your questions) don't want to unnecessarily give you a false impression on how it works, but here is some additional information that I got:

The xadc_wiz_0.xci is a file containing all of the settings, which are either intermediates that are used to calculate other settings, or are passed into the IP's HDL as parameters or attributes (or are used to automagically write the HDL and constraints), though based on the VHDL instantiation template, these attributes might not be required.

The XADC wizard itself instantiates an XADC primitive. Which requires 16 bit hex parameters/attributes. And funnily enough, the verilog top module for it contains the attribute set in verilog's "hey, send this to the toolchain, I don't know what to do with it" syntax. xadc_wiz_0 is included in xil_defaultlib, which is the same library that XADCdemo.v is included in and is specified in the project settings (which can be seen by clicking on the Settings button under the Project Manager on the left hand side in the Flow Navigator and in the General Settings that the resulting pop-up window).

I'm sorry we couldn't be of much more help in that regard.


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Hi JColvin.  That's somewhat useful. ? I did start a thread over at the Xilinx forum on a design choice.  After more studying of the example (and Xilinx UG480 which seems to have been it's basis), it *seems* the configuration is all done with those hex values you mentioned (though I think they are 32 bits wide, not 16?).  I do expect to ask a similar instantiation question over there, after a discussion of a design choice and whether custom IP instantiations of the wizard of inclusion of the wizard as a top level block is a better design choice.

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