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Arty-Z7-20-base-linux Build



I am trying to build the Z7-20 base linux project found here:


What I found is the project fails to build due to two signals being constrained to the same pin T16. One signal is shield_dp0_dp13_tri_io[10]. The other is shield_SPI_ss_io. After looking at the schematics, it seems the IO10 signal should be connected to T16 which goes to the shield header, and the SPI_ss signal should be connected to F16 which goes to the SPI header. Is this correct?

Looking at the history of the constraints, the ss signal has been incorrectly on T16 since the start of the project. Without making the change, the project fails to build. I don't understand how I could be the first person to try to build the project.

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6 answers to this question

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Funny. I have the same problem with connecting a Max7219 Controller via SPI. According to the documents F16 and T16 are interchanged.

When i use F16 everything works ? that made my day

Someone should update the board_files.


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Hello @jason.s and @rfx,

The board files were updated 1 month ago. See the commit:


Also the git repository where the xdc files are updated is here.

We will change the pin assignment in the xdc file of the Arty-Z7-20-base-linux project too.

Best regards,

Ana-Maria Balas

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Hello @jason.s and @rfx,

Apparently the pins were assigned that way because the shield connector needs to be compatible with the Multi touch display shield. See this issue.

So the changes won't be made to the board files.

However you can modify the board file, so you can use the shield and spi_ss without being interchanged.

A notice will be placed in the readme.file of the vivado-boards about this issue.

Thank you,


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And why dont you add a documentation for the display shield. I think that the spi_ss should be assigned to the default location (J6 SPI Connector). someone who uses the display-shieled can alter his board-files. the change to spi_ss is not documented (well) and took me a day to find out.

the J6 connector is the documented SPI interface of the board and with the problem of the interchanged pins it simply does not work.

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