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Academic pricing for MOOCs (online schools)


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I'm currently taking courses online created by UT Austin, studying embedded systems. As an online student not pursuing a full degree, I don't have a school email address, student ID, etc. Does this level of class work qualify for academic pricing, or is that only available for full time students pursuing degrees? In case it helps, here are the courses:



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Hi @ebeowulf17,

The Digilent staff here on our forum do not get to determine if (for the lack of a better phrase) non-traditional course taking learners qualify for academic pricing. You can learn more and  apply for academic pricing on the Digilent website here: https://store.digilentinc.com/for-education/academic-pricing/. During the application process, you will be given the opportunity to post the courses you are taking and provide any other details that you think will help you qualify for academic pricing.


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