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OpenScope MZ not found

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I have Windows 10 pc with Waveforms Live installed. Everything was working fine a few months back, but when I connected the OpenScope MZ today, I get the "No Device Found" message. Looking up the IP address in the browser leads to a 404. All l.e.d.s on the board look fine, as I look now its flashing LD2 and LD3 which I believe signify its ip address too, but I can't find that info at the moment. What am I doing wrong, please help. 

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Hi @DomDV,

Have you changed anything about your setup between when it used to work and now? Can you also enable console logging in the Settings page underneath the Advanced section, open your browser's developer tools and then include a copy of the console output in your reply of you trying to connect to the OpenScope? What is the IP address you mentioned?


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Hi Andrew

I tried a 3rd micro usb cable today and I've managed to get it connected. I'm really not sure what the issue was since the other micro usb cables function with other devices. Hopefully this is resolved now, but if not I will report back. 



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