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How to program Arty flash



So I created a microblaze design on Arty in Vivado 2015.3 with lwIP axiether and some GPIO to control my external hardware.  I wrote my C code in SDK.  From SDK, I can download the FPGA config and then run my C code on Arty by doing Run -> Run As -> 1. Launch On Hardware.  Everything works great!

Now I want to put this all in flash so it will come up on power-up reset.  I read Xilinx #63605, how to create an MCS boot image, but I am confused.  Do I need to include an axi_quad_spi in my block design, or does the SDK flash programmer take care of this? (I don't need SPI in my design otherwise).  I'm not sure what files to combine into the mcs.  Is there a tutorial on this subject? Thanks-  Arty is a great product!

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Thank you for the answer davec.

Since it loads after programing, or after flashing the part, I think it is not a matter of addressing.

I checked the clock, and what I saw was that when I power-reset, it stops working after the DONE comes up, which means that the SPI part is not clocked. I assume it has something to do with the startup process of the configuration, but I cannot figure out what kind of settings I need to use for my programming file. I saw this post on the reference manual which troubles me:


"On other boards, SCK is an exception because it remains a dedicated pin even after configuration, however, on Arty the SCK signal is routed to an additional general purpose pin that can be accessed after configuration (see Figure below). This allows access to this pin without having to instantiate the special FPGA primitive called STARTUPE2. "

According to that, the clock should work even without the use of the STARTUP primitive. Did you use any special configurations on your bitstream settings?

thanks again for your help!

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Yes, the SPI CLK pin should still work, but pay attention to how it was wired: Digilent tied an FPGA I/O pin (L16) to the CCLK pin (E9) in the FPGA.  The schematic doesn't show this very well, but basically L16 and and E9, found roughly at location B2 on page 6 of the schematic are tied together with a simple resistor between them.  A better reference for what is going on can be found in the project reference manual here.  That means that you can now drive the flash using the I/O pin (L16) while ignoring the CCLK pin (E9). 

It also brings up a simple problem: are you anywhere in your design trying to drive both pins?  You'll probably need the STARTUPE2 primitive to drive the CCLK pin (E9), but the other I/O pin would be configured/treated just like any normal I/O pin and assigned in your XDC file.  Were you to do so, configuration would continue to work just fine, since the user logic is disabled until configuration is complete, but if your user logic then tries to use both the CCLK pin and FPGA I/O pin, you might have problems.  (I'm guessing at the cause, but it's probably still worth checking.)


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Hi Dan,

Thank you for your feedback. I am using L16 as is indicated to most of the examples, so I guess I should not need to use either the STARTUPE2 primitive.

I tried with a smaller clock as davec suggested (25MHz), but still no luck. I tried with different addresses to flash the ELF file, tried even on different addresses with the configuration itself. Nothing seems to work. What I observed, is that the SPI clock does not have always a good response, even during normal programming phase. Sometimes it blocks. And what I also observed is that at power up, the bootloader does not start either, so it does not even reach that point. Only when I press the PROG button, and even then, not always.



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If you have both L16 and STARTUPE2 in your design, then let me know what happens when you remove STARTUPE2.

I'm not sure what you mean about the SPI clock blocking.  If you aren't familiar with the SPI protocol, this clock should normally be stopped when the port is not in use.  Further, you can halt the clock if you need to in order to finish preparing your logic for ... whatever.  SPI is supposed to allow that, and the QSPI flash on the Arty is no different.

If you are at all curious about how the QSPI flash on the arty can or should work, please feel free to check out the EQSPI flash core within this project.  (EQSPI = Extended Quad Serial Peripheral Interconnect, the type of chip on the Arty.)  There I do exactly as I just mentioned above: I stop the SPI clock between transactions, and I stop/pause the clock mid transaction if the controller can't yet tell if the transaction is complete.  There's even a Verilator simulation (eqspiflash_tb) showing how the EQSPI flash may be used in many situations.  (It'll spit a *lot* of debugging type output to your screen though ...)

Hope this helps,


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Oh, almost forgot, one more thing to mention: The flash is supposed to work up to 108MHz.  I've tested it using a 100MHz clock, although I'm currently using a 40MHz clock for it.  Others routinely use a 50MHz clock.  In other words, dropping to 25MHz won't hurt --- but it's not your problem either.


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Sorry, wrong language from my side. By blocking I mean that there is a low speed at the clock which seems to be infinit loop (the board does not program). I am familiar with the protocol.

I am not using both L16 and STARTUP, only L16. To come back to my original problem, I dont see the reason why the board works when I press the PROG button, ano not on power reset. They should have the same effect on the operation of the FPGA/bitstream configuration etc. when I press the PROG button, I can see on the osciloscope the programming of the FPGA, and then the loading of the SREC porgram (by means of SPI clock cycles). When I power reset, I can see the programing of the FPGA, but nothing else. The bootloader does not seem to work either, so it is like the design is totally frozen. I do not see the difference on the operation between power reset and setting the PROG button

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Okay, thanks, that clears up my understand ... a bit.  Perhaps just enough to be as confused as you are.

I'm still not certain I yet understand, "low speed at the clock which seems to be infinit loop".  I know the board programs with a lower flash clock speed, and that it can read from the flash for extended periods of time, but if you are familiar with the protocol then I doubt that's what you meant.  What clock is in low speed?  When?  What is in the infinite loop?

I know others have had issues with getting the reset logic right.  All I remember has been some issue about active high versus active low, but you might wish to check your reset logic against the design examples.

I also know that for the design I am working on, I needed to integrate the DDR3 SDRAM controller (MIG) into my reset logic, since there's a finite time that this controller takes to start up, and nothing else can be allowed to start until all of it's clocks are locked.  In my case, I wait until the DDR3 SDRAM is completely up and running.  Indeed, I've got the reset push button wired into the DDR3 SDRAM controller, and only then into my logic.


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Hi Dan,

Thank you for your input. I am using the fastest clock for the configuration of the bitstream, 66MHz (I tried with slower ones). I have seen the clock instead of being 66MHz turning to 2.5MHz (with the oscilloscope). This is something that happens not all the times. I think I am using the same strategy with you by having the processor reset from the mb_reset of the mig core for the DDR. I don't know if it is an issue of the revision of the board. We had some problems coming from the reset button to another design we used. I tried to change the reset pin with another button, but it does not seem to change anything.

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At first I was thinking maybe the FPGA didn't finish loading or the power up reset isn't coming up clean, but you said the done light comes on.

If it is an intermittent problem, Is it possible that your SPI CLK is too fast for the flash part that you are using?  You can set that in the HDL code.

Maybe your application reset vector is not at the correct location or not getting loaded from cold reboot?  Does the PROG button work every time, or only after you flashed the part? 

In my design, the FPGA bit file loads, along with bootloader into FPGA RAM.  The bootloader then runs and copies my application into DRAM and then jumps to my start of application in DRAM.  With a scope, you can see if there is any activity between the flash and DRAM after DONE comes up.

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I have been using this board since quite a while, mostly to qualify the SEM IP and its ability to correct the SEUs that appear on the configuration memory. I have been using the flash memory to load my design in case of a power reset for a simple design that worked along with the SEM IP under radiation. So far, I did not have major issues with the board itself. (the board I am using to test my design is not under radiation by the way.

Currently I have been using the example from Avnet for the SPI SREC bootloader with the echo server of xilinx as an application. This is where my project is mainly based, so I am not using fancy things, I am using the board configuration files, the examples etc that are already available from the vendors themselves. This is why it is rather bizarre that it does not work properly.

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I followed the post that mskreen posted and I encounter an error that says:

Retrieving Flash info...
ERROR: [Xicom 50-48] Start address (0x44A00000) is outside of the device memory range.

ERROR: Flash Operation Failed

This is when I try to program the flash memory. Has anyone encountered this? Thanks!

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I found a great video on youtube by Fpga Developer, it shows a step-by-step video for creating a hello world and an lwip echo server for the Arty Arix-7 35T board:


So now I am sure I can take this design that I just created and inspect how it uses the SPI to load the program...etc

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Thanks mskreen, but it looks like that only puts the FPGA bit file from Vivado into the flash.  I also need my code from SDK to load on bootup.  I have been reading xilinx AR #63605 and AR#64238, but still don't have it right.



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I'm still spinning my wheels on this one.  I need to put the bootloader program, my FPGA design, and my application program into the flash on Arty so that the bootloader will load my code on power up. I am trying to do this from the SDK but haven't got it to work yet.

Any ideas?


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Thank you J,

Part of the question may be when the bootloader runs and it loads my .mcs into the Quad SPI Flash should it be clocking the flash via FPGA pin L16?  I don't see that this pin is configured.  I understand that normally when the FPGA loads, it uses CCLK, etc, but I am talking about when I am programming the bootloader and my code into the flash.  When I run the bootloader code, I get the opening prompt "SREC SPI Bootloader", but when tracing the code,  it fails when initializing and/or accessing the SPI flash.

Also, I am confused as to what to use for FLASH_IMAGE_BASE_ADDR.  Is that the offset into flash where my user code starts (after the FPGA bits and bootloader code) or where the bootloader sits?

Surely someone has been successful in booting an FPGA design with bootloader and user code from flash on the Arty?



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Sorry for the late response and the confusion davec. So I have never saved an SDK project in flash before but you should be able to load your SDK project along with your verilog/board design into flash fairly easily. Assuming that you have your Vivado and SDK project completed the workflow is such; in Vivado inside of the Sources container you want to link your .elf file found in the SDK (projectFolder -> Debug -> project.elf) to your block design and generate your bin file just like in the Arty programming guide I referenced in my earlier post.

In order to do this, right click inside of the sources box in vivado and select Add Sources..., select Add or create constraints hit next, and add your .elf file. Once your .elf file has successfully been added to your project you will need to right click your block design (design.bd) and select Associate ELF files..., and select your .elf file. Now you should be all set to regenerate your Bistream and flash your ARTY. Hope this solves your problem.



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