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Adept 2 problem on Ubuntu



Hey Everyone,

I was having a problem compiling an Adept 2 project on Ubuntu using GCC. This is the error I'm getting.

Also, here is the code. It's really, really, hacked together but it's just because I couldn't get it working in either Visual Studio 2019 or Linux. I already install the Runtime, SDK, and utilities on both my Windows and Linux machine but to no avail, I still get assembly errors. Any help would be appreciated :)


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*					Include File Definitions					*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

#if defined(WIN32)

	/* Include Windows specific headers here.*/
#include <windows.h>



#define DPCAPI 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dpcdecl.h"
#include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dmgr.h"
#include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/depp.h"
#include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/daci.h"
#include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dpcutil.h"
#include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dpcdefs.h"
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
	/*					Local Type and Constant Definitions			*/
	/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

const int cchSzLen = 1024;
const int cbBlockSize = 1000;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*					Global Variables							*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

BOOL			fGetReg;
BOOL			fPutReg;
BOOL			fGetRegRepeat;
BOOL			fPutRegRepeat;
BOOL			fDvc;
BOOL			fFile;
BOOL			fCount;
BOOL			fByte;

char szDvc[64] = "CmodS6";

char			szAction[cchSzLen];
char			szRegister[cchSzLen];
//char			szDvc[cchSzLen];
char			szFile[cchSzLen];
char			szCount[cchSzLen];
char			szByte[cchSzLen];

HIF				hif = hifInvalid;

FILE* fhin = NULL;
FILE* fhout = NULL;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*				Local Variables									*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*					Forward Declarations						*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

BOOL		FParseParam(int cszArg, char* rgszArg[]);
void		ShowUsage(char* sz);
BOOL		FInit();
void		ErrorExit();

void		DoDvcTbl();
void		DoPutReg();
BYTE		DoGetReg(BYTE idReg[]);
void		DoPutRegRepeat();
void		DoGetRegRepeat();

void		StrcpyS(char* szDst, size_t cchDst, const char* szSrc);

// Making the Error Code pointer
ERC* error;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*				Procedure Definitions							*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***	main
**	Synopsis
**		int main(cszArg, rgszArg)
**	Input:
**		cszArg		- count of command line arguments
**		rgszArg		- array of command line arguments
**	Output:
**		none
**	Errors:
**		Exits with exit code 0 if successful, else non-zero
**	Description:
**		main function of DEPP Demo application.

int main(int cszArg, char* rgszArg[]) {

	//if (!FParseParam(cszArg, rgszArg)) {
	//	ShowUsage(rgszArg[0]);
	//	return 1;

	// First initializing the device, returns false if can't initialize

	if (!DpcInit(error))
		return 0;

	// DMGR API Call: DmgrOpen
	if (!DmgrOpen(&hif, szDvc)) {
		printf("DmgrOpen failed (check the device name you provided)\n");
		return 0;

	// DEPP API call: DeppEnable
	if (!DeppEnable(hif)) {
		printf("DeppEnable failed\n");
		return 0;

	BYTE request_bit = {00000000};
	BYTE * bit_storage = 0;
	DWORD value = 0;
	char * choice = NULL;

	// This is for getting the registers forever
	while (true)
		printf("Please enter the values of bits you'd like to find!");
		//scanf("%c", choice);

		request_bit = { 0x0 };

		if (fGetReg) {
			DeppGetReg(hif, request_bit, bit_storage, value);	/* Get single byte from register */





	return 0;


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***	FParseParam
**	Parameters:
**		cszArg		- number of command line arguments
**		rgszArg		- array of command line argument strings
**	Return Value:
**		none
**	Errors:
**		Returns fTrue if not parse errors, fFalse if command line
**		errors detected.
**	Description:
**		Parse the command line parameters and set global variables
**		based on what is found.

BOOL FParseParam(int cszArg, char* rgszArg[]) {

	int		iszArg;

	/* Initialize default flag values */
	fGetReg = fFalse;
	fPutReg = fFalse;
	fGetRegRepeat = fFalse;
	fPutRegRepeat = fFalse;
	fDvc = fFalse;
	fFile = fFalse;
	fCount = fFalse;
	fByte = fFalse;

	// Ensure sufficient paramaters. Need at least program name, action flag, register number
	if (cszArg < 3) {
		return fFalse;

	/* The first parameter is the action to perform. Copy the
	** the first parameter into the action string.
	StrcpyS(szAction, cchSzLen, rgszArg[1]);

	if (strcmp(szAction, "-g") == 0) {
		fGetReg = fTrue;
	else if (strcmp(szAction, "-p") == 0) {
		fPutReg = fTrue;
	else if (strcmp(szAction, "-s") == 0) {
		fGetRegRepeat = fTrue;
	else if (strcmp(szAction, "-l") == 0) {
		fPutRegRepeat = fTrue;
	else { // unrecognized action
		return fFalse;

	/* Second paramater is target register on device. Copy second
	** paramater to the register string */
	StrcpyS(szRegister, cchSzLen, rgszArg[2]);

	/* Parse the command line parameters.
	iszArg = 3;
	while (iszArg < cszArg) {

		/* Check for the -d parameter which is used to specify
		** the device name of the device to query.
		if (strcmp(rgszArg[iszArg], "-d") == 0) {
			iszArg += 1;
			if (iszArg >= cszArg) {
				return fFalse;
			StrcpyS(szDvc, cchSzLen, rgszArg[iszArg++]);
			fDvc = fTrue;

		/* Check for the -f parameter used to specify the
		** input/output file name.
		else if (strcmp(rgszArg[iszArg], "-f") == 0) {
			iszArg += 1;
			if (iszArg >= cszArg) {
				return fFalse;
			StrcpyS(szFile, cchSnMax, rgszArg[iszArg++]);
			fFile = fTrue;

		/* Check for the -c parameter used to specify the
		** number of bytes to read/write from file.
		else if (strcmp(rgszArg[iszArg], "-c") == 0) {
			iszArg += 1;
			if (iszArg >= cszArg) {
				return fFalse;
			StrcpyS(szCount, cchUsrNameMax, rgszArg[iszArg++]);
			fCount = fTrue;

		/* Check for the -b paramater used to specify the
		** value of a single data byte to be written to the register
		else if (strcmp(rgszArg[iszArg], "-b") == 0) {
			iszArg += 1;
			if (iszArg >= cszArg) {
				return fFalse;
			StrcpyS(szByte, cchUsrNameMax, rgszArg[iszArg++]);
			fByte = fTrue;

		/* Not a recognized parameter
		else {
			return fFalse;
	} // End while

	/* Input combination validity checks
	if (!fDvc) {
		printf("Error: No device specified\n");
		return fFalse;
	if (fPutReg && !fByte) {
		printf("Error: No byte value provided\n");
		return fFalse;
	if ((fGetRegRepeat || fPutRegRepeat) && !fFile) {
		printf("Error: No filename provided\n");
		return fFalse;

	return fTrue;


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***	ShowUsage
**	Synopsis
**		VOID ShowUsage(sz)
**	Input:
**		szProgName	- program name as called
**	Output:
**		none
**	Errors:
**		none
**	Description:
**		prints message to user detailing command line options

void ShowUsage(char* szProgName) {

	printf("\nDigilent DEPP demo\n");
	printf("Usage: %s <action> <register> -d <device name> [options]\n", szProgName);

	printf("\t-g\t\t\t\tGet register byte\n");
	printf("\t-p\t\t\t\tPut Register byte\n");
	printf("\t-l\t\t\t\tStream file into register\n");
	printf("\t-s\t\t\t\tStream register into file\n");

	printf("\t-f <filename>\t\t\tSpecify file name\n");
	printf("\t-c <# bytes>\t\t\tNumber of bytes to read/write\n");
	printf("\t-b <byte>\t\t\tValue to load into register\n");


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***	StrcpyS
**	Parameters:
**		szDst - pointer to the destination string
**		cchDst - size of destination string
**		szSrc - pointer to zero terminated source string
**	Return Value:
**		none
**	Errors:
**		none
**	Description:
**		Cross platform version of Windows function strcpy_s.
void StrcpyS(char* szDst, size_t cchDst, const char* szSrc) {

#if defined (WIN32)

	strcpy_s(szDst, cchDst, szSrc);


	if (0 < cchDst) {

		strncpy(szDst, szSrc, cchDst - 1);
		szDst[cchDst - 1] = '\0';


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */




Screenshot from 2019-08-13 16-21-15.png

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6 answers to this question

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Nah, I still get the same linker errors. In the Daci Demo, I still have the link time error. I'm wondering if you may have some source code so I can recompile the libraries in Ubuntu 18 or like what else I could try? Also, thanks for answering my Run time question! If I can't figure it out this way I think I'll just make a script to do it.

- Blaine

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Hi @k16blfurm,

I believe this is a linking issue. I would try having all of the functions in the same folder as your main file. Then just #include "dpcdecl.h" instead of 

#include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dpcdecl.h" I would also link all of the file explicitly instead of with the *.cpp like: "g++ main.cpp function_file.cpp"

best regards,



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Hey jpeyron, I kinda figured it wasn't linking but I just tried moving all of the header files into one directory and still got the same issue.


blaine@blaine-MacBookAir:~/Downloads$ tree
├── Adept2Test.h
├── Adept2Test.h.gch
├── Adept2Test.Linux.cpp
├── daci.h
├── daio.h
├── demc.h
├── depp.h
├── dgio.h
├── djtg.h
├── dmgr.h
├── dmgt.h
├── dpcdecl.h
├── dpcdefs.h
├── dpcutil.h
├── dpio.h
├── dpti.h
├── dspi.h
├── dstm.h
└── dtwi.h

0 directories, 19 files
blaine@blaine-MacBookAir:~/Downloads$ g++ Adept2Test.Linux.cpp
/tmp/ccT0M1Oc.o: In function `main':
Adept2Test.Linux.cpp:(.text+0x1a): undefined reference to `DpcInit(int*)'
Adept2Test.Linux.cpp:(.text+0x40): undefined reference to `DmgrOpen(unsigned int*, char*)'
Adept2Test.Linux.cpp:(.text+0x6c): undefined reference to `DeppEnable(unsigned int)'
Adept2Test.Linux.cpp:(.text+0xda): undefined reference to `DeppGetReg(unsigned int, unsigned char, unsigned char*, int)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


I'm curious if it's a bad symbolic link but I install all the packages from the Adept 2 download page through debs on my Macbook Air running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and from source on my Linux machine at home. Also, thanks for the reply.



Forgot to show how I put the headers at the top.


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*					Include File Definitions					*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

#if defined(WIN32)

	/* Include Windows specific headers here.*/
#include <windows.h>



#define DPCAPI 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// #include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dpcdecl.h"
// #include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dmgr.h"
// #include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/depp.h"
// #include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/daci.h"
// #include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dpcutil.h"
// #include "/usr/include/digilent/adept/dpcdefs.h"
#include "dpcdecl.h"
#include "dmgr.h"
#include "depp.h"
#include "daci.h"
#include "dpcutil.h"
#include "dpcdefs.h"
... Demo Code continues....


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