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Cora Z707S - Vivado/SDK - Ethernet Interface





I am working with Cora Z707S board and trying to get ethernet to work. Ethernet works only when using Petalinux provided by digilent (https://github.com/Digilent/Petalinux-Cora-Z7-07S) using the reset trick also provided by Digilent:

"Ethernet PHY reset is not indicated in the device tree. This means it will not be used by the linux and u-boot drivers. This should not cause any problems at runtime, the reset is only used on boot. See commented device tree lines for how to enable. When uncommented, ethernet was not functional, likely due to a mismatch in the GPIO polarity."

I would like to get the ethernet working when using SDK applications, any ideas? Is there an equivalent way of disabling reset from SDK application/bsp side like in device tree?

Thank you,


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3 answers to this question

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Hi @Zhanneta,

Make sure that you are using the Cora Z7-07S Digilent board files. Here is a getting started with zynq servers that goes through the process for a Zybo(ZYNQ) that should work just fine for the Cora-Z7-07S. I just went through the tutorial on the Cora Z7-07S. I only thing I needed to do differently was comment out the lines 

//if ((eth_link_status == ETH_LINK_UP) && (!phy_link_status))
        //eth_link_status = ETH_LINK_DOWN;

If you do not comment out these lines the com port text just repeats that the ethernet link is up and then that the ethernet link is down. I believe this is related to the application looking for one of three specific PHY which is not used. 

These lines are in the ethernet_bsp(in the tutorial the application is called echo so it would be the echo_bsp):    "ethernet_bsp\ps7_cortexa9_0\libsrc\lwip202_v1_1\src\contrib\ports\xilinx\netif\xadapter.c"

Other than commenting out these lines, the echo server work just fine. I have attached screen shots of the Vivado 2018.2 block design, SDK and both tera term windows below.

best regards,







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