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Using a single DSP48E2 Slice to infer three 48-bit inputs adder



Hi All,
I have nine 8-bit values that I want to add using the dsp48e2 slice of ZCU104 Evaluation kit.

As an example I tried this code from the Xilinx answer records(https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/66429.html).
I want to implement the second approach: "Two of the inputs are free to come from any source and one input comes from an internal DSP48 feedback signal as in a MAC."
But after synthesis even the original verilog code is inferring 2 DSP slices.
Am I interpreting things wrong or is there any bug in the code?

I created this VHDL equivalent of the Verilog code from Xilinx.

library IEEE;

entity tri_adr is
		CONSTANT SIZEIN  : NATURAL := 48; 	-- Input size
		CONSTANT SIZEOUT : NATURAL := 48 	-- Output size
		 clk          : in STD_LOGIC;	-- Clock
		 resetn_glb   : in STD_LOGIC; 	-- Global Reset from the Zynq PS
		 resetn_lc    : in STD_LOGIC; 	-- Local Reset if necessary		
		 operand_i1   : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZEIN-1 downto 0);	-- 1st input to dsp
		 operand_i2   : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZEIN-1 downto 0);	-- 2nd input to dsp
		 operand_i3   : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZEIN-1 downto 0);	-- 3nd input to dsp
		 avg_out      : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (SIZEOUT-1 downto 0)	-- Averged output		
attribute USE_DSP : string;
attribute USE_DSP of tri_adr: entity is "YES";

architecture behav of tri_adr is
   signal a    : std_logic_vector (26 downto 0);
   signal b    : std_logic_vector (17 downto 0);
   signal pcout    : std_logic_vector (SIZEOUT-1 downto 0);
   signal avg_t    : std_logic_vector (SIZEOUT-1 downto 0);

avg:PROCESS (clk)		--check every clk
		if rising_edge(clk) then
			if resetn_glb = '0' then	--negative assert
				avg_t <= (OTHERS => '0');
				pcout <= (OTHERS => '0');
				pcout  <= std_logic_vector((signed(a) * signed(b)) + signed(operand_i1));
				avg_t  <= std_logic_vector(signed(pcout) + signed(operand_i2) + signed(operand_i3));
--				avg_t  <= std_logic_vector(signed(operand_i1) + signed(operand_i2) + signed(operand_i3));
			end if;
		end if;
	-- Output result
	avg_out <= avg_t;

end behav;

I will be summing three 8-bit numbers using one DSP slice and create a cascaded adder logic to do addittion of all nine values.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards

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It's been a while since I've instantiated a DSP48 macro but I do remember that it's a complex piece of hardware with lot's of parameters governing its functionality and a ton of restrictions depending on how you use it. I'd suggest that the place to start is by reading all of the reference material that you can find from Xilinx. 

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