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sudha rani lolugu

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@sudha rani lolugu,

So ... you posted on Xilinx's forums, were told to ask on the Vendor's forums, I pointed you to Intel's forums, and you picked another Intel competitor's forum to ask in?

@vicentiu is right.  You should be asking this in either Terasic's or Intel's forums.

Alternatively, you could ask in some vendor agnostic forums.  For example, there's both reddit's FPGA forum, stack overflow, and quite a few IRC chat channels on freenode.  (If you aren't familiar with IRC, it's a chat channel.  Remember to have patience, answers may take up to a day or so.  I'd recommend the ##FPGA channel for something this generic.)


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When choosing a vendor for  devices, tools, or development boards understand what kind of support you will get from all of them. Terasic provides the information that you want as well as Intel (Altera) community forums  (I assume that Intel still supports the old Altera forums).  Though the ARM-FPGA devices for all FPGA vendors are pretty much the same the tools, IP, FPGA resources, etc are not.

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