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Digital in is recognizing three high samples less than expected



Hello Community

I am using the Analog discovery 2 controlled by a C# Software. At a certain point of the software, I need to check the length of a detected pulse. Before this, I prepare the digital in component of the device.

private const uint BUFFER_SIZE = 4000;
private const uint DIGITAL_IN_DIVIDER = 1000;
private const uint CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 100000000;

public void prepareForPulseDetection( int digitalIoIndex ) {
	checkDigitalIoIndex( digitalIoIndex );
	// sampling frequency = 100 MHz / 1000 = 100 kHz (-> 10 us)
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInDividerSet( device, DIGITAL_IN_DIVIDER ); 
	// just sample DIO pins 0...7
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInSampleFormatSet( device, 8 );
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInBufferSizeSet( device, (int)BUFFER_SIZE );
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInSampleModeSet( device, dwf.DwfDigitalInSampleModeSimple );
	// just one acquisition after trigger
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInAcquisitionModeSet( device, dwf.acqmodeSingle );
	// setting triggersource to digital in detector
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerSourceSet( device, dwf.trigsrcDetectorDigitalIn );
	// take 50 samples before trigger
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerPositionSet( device, (uint)BUFFER_SIZE - 50 ); 
	// disable timeout
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerAutoTimeoutSet( device, 0 );
	// set trigger to rising edge on DIO pin 0
	uint triggeredPin = (uint)0x0001 << digitalIoIndex;
	//                                   high    low     rising        falling
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInTriggerSet( device, 0x0000, 0x0000, triggeredPin, 0x0000 );

	// enable digital in without reconfiguring
	dwf.FDwfDigitalInConfigure( device, 0, 1 ); 

private void checkDigitalIoIndex( int digitalIoIndex ) {
	if ( ( digitalIoIndex < 0 ) || ( 7 < digitalIoIndex ) )
		throw new ArgumentException( "Digital IO index must be in array [0...7]" );

/// <returns> pulse time in us </returns>
public uint getDetectedPulseLength( int digitalIoIndex ) {
  checkDigitalIoIndex( digitalIoIndex );

  var data = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
  dwf.FDwfDigitalInStatusData( device, data, (int)BUFFER_SIZE );

  var numberOfHighSamples = getNumberOfHighSamples( data, digitalIoIndex );
  // 1e6 because of us return
  var usDuration = (uint)( DIGITAL_IN_DIVIDER * 1e6 / CLOCK_FREQUENCY );
  usDuration = (uint)( usDuration * numberOfHighSamples );

  // reset device, else it is not possible to
  // recognize if pulse occured
  dwf.FDwfDigitalInReset( device );
  return usDuration;

private int getNumberOfHighSamples( byte[] data, int digitalIoIndex ) {
  if ( allZero( data ) ) 
    return 1; // means pulse was shorter than samplerate
  else {
    int startingIndex = getStartingIndexOfPulse( data, digitalIoIndex );
    int endingIndex = getEndingIndexOfPulse( data, digitalIoIndex );
    int difference = ( endingIndex - startingIndex + 1 );
    return difference + 3; // plus 3 because analog discovery return is inaccurate

private bool allZero( byte[] data ) {
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < data.Length ; ++i )
    if ( data[i] != 0 )
    	return false;

  return true;

private int getStartingIndexOfPulse( byte[] data, int digitalIoIndex ) {
  int index = 0;
  for ( ; index < data.Length ; ++index )
    if ( checkBit( data[index], (byte)digitalIoIndex ) )

  return index;

private int getEndingIndexOfPulse( byte[] data, int digitalIoIndex ) {
  int index = getStartingIndexOfPulse( data, digitalIoIndex ) + 1;
  for ( ; index < data.Length ; ++index )
     if ( !checkBit( data[index], (byte)digitalIoIndex ) )

  return --index;

private bool checkBit( byte value, byte checkedBit ) {
  byte shiftedValue = (byte)( (int)value >> (int)checkedBit );
  return ( ( shiftedValue & 0x01 ) == 0x01 );

The pulses are reliably measured. But the number of high samples is always smaller than expected. Most of the time, I expect the measured pulse three microseconds longer than it is.

Is this a known issue? Or is there a mistake in my code?

I am very sure, that the pulses I am sending to the analog discovery are as long as they should be. I checked it with the analog discovery with the waveforms software and with another osciloscope.

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4 answers to this question

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Hi @attila

I made a mistake in my question. I wrote


The pulses are reliably measured. But the number of high samples is always smaller than expected. Most of the time, I expect the measured pulse three microseconds longer than it is.

But actually I meant

The pulses are reliably measured. But the number of high samples is always smaller than expected. Most of the time, I expect the measured pulse to be three samples longer than it is.

What means the error equals about 30 microseconds.

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Hi @aaronBe

I would use the WF application to test the digital pulse measurement, you can configure trigger on Pulse/Glitch to detect shorter pulse than expected.
You can use the Scope inputs to verify the signal cleanness, voltage levels, the edge/transition speed...
Make sure to have proper grounding between the circuits and devices.

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