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Genesys2 License


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I've been using the Genesys2 for some time now and want to migrate development to a new PC. All of my current XC7K325T-2FFG900C have long past been unavailable for use with recent versions of Vivado.

Can I purchase another license from you to keep developing Genesys2 code with current Vivado releases?



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Hi @zygot,

Unfortunately, we don't have an individual license available for purchase (as per Xilinx instructions to Digilent since they were the ones that provided us with that bit of material for their software), unless you purchased a new board that included a Design Edition voucher (which I think is just the Genesys 2) or got a license from Xilinx directly.

With regards to your situation and contribution though, I will ask around and see if an alternate solution is available.

Thank you,

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  • 2 weeks later...


I did a bit of looking around on the Xilinx support pages and didn't see anything about buying a device specific license.

I suppose that I would spring for another Genesys2 board but the price is a bit steep currently. Any chance of purchasing one at the academic price (I'm assuming about $600)? I believe that I got a new license for each of the KC705 boards that I bought, but I don't know how that works.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @zygot,

I am learning about the academic pricing option, but haven't heard back a verdict yet. The price would be around $600; you can view this on the academic price list that is freely available on the Academic pricing page.

As for the KC705 boards licenses, I think it will technically work as they are both the same FPGA chip (XC7K325T-2FFG900C) so even if the license was device locked I do not think Vivado will prevent you from using it with a different board (since conceivably you could have two KC705 boards and only one license, but it would work on both boards). This was something that could be done with Digilent boards back when we had Design Edition vouchers for some of our entry level 7-Series boards (prior to Xilinx changing what was offered in the free webpack version, namely the ILA).

Thank you,

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