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[resolved] OpenLogger wifi: "Error Occurred Starting Or Running Acquisition"

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Have just started playing with the OpenLogger that just arrived. Did a firmware update and calibration via a Windows 10 VM on a macOS machine, and connected the OpenLogger to wifi, all went fine.

Is wifi meant to be working? If so, consider the following as a bug report. If not, then what's the ETA looking like?


OL firmware version: whatever the latest is (how can I determine this from a running device? the UI should have some method of viewing the connected device's firmware version (e.g. in device manager?))

env: Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official Build) (64-bit); macOS 10.14.4 (18E226)

However when connected to the OpenLogger via wifi I see frequent errors, including

- "Error Occurred Starting Or Running Acquisition" when interacting with the timebase and amplitude (i.e. mouse zooming/scrolling)
- "Could not set AWG parameters" when interacting with the AWG controls, changing modes

There doesn't seem to be anything in the browser dev tools console when these occur. (the console does show a bunch of warnings re. 't' plugin and a CORS policy error just on loading the waveformslive.com page, but there's nothing additional when the acquisition error occurs).


0. OpenLogger connected to wifi

1. go to http://waveformslive.com/

2. start streaming

3. interact with the UI - scroll back and forth, zoom in/out

4. in very short order one of the above error messages pops up; at this point the UI becomes unresponsive and a page reload / device reconnect is required

Occasionally the device will get itself so confused it won't connect at all (WFL reports "No response received"), and a OL board reset is required.

PS: there needs to be some sort of error log mechanism, it's a real pain to try and capture the errors via toasts....


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Hi @benl,

You should be able to determine what version of firmware you have on the OpenLogger, but going to the Device Manager (main page where you can select the actual OpenLogger or a simulated version), and going to the Configuration Menu for the actual OpenLogger and selecting the "Update Firmware" button under the Firmware section. There you will be able to see the current version as well as be able to select and download and update the OpenLogger to the latest version, which is  currently 0.1807.0.

I asked another one of our engineers more familiar with the WaveForms Live about this, and while it is technically working (I was able to get it to run for awhile before encountering the same errors as you), latencies introduced by the network cause WaveForms Live to fall behind, producing the errors that we are seeing. They let me know that this can be alleviated by throttling the sampling rate so less data needs to be transmitted between polls. In the future, they are thinking of adding a method to have WaveFormsLive resync with the OpenLogger, but they do not have the time to implement this right now.

As for logging errors, you can do this by going into settings (in the upper left dropdown), open the advanced dropdown, change change the logging behavior to have the console log be stored on the console; by default it's set to none. You can then view the error log in the Chrome Dev tools (control shift J) and going to the console tab to view what is being printed to the log.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.

Thank you,


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Thanks JColvin; I was able to reduce / eliminate the "fall behind" errors by reducing the sampling rate (should have tried this earlier!); I found that up to 100kS/s seems to work reliably in terms of streaming data; however interacting with the AWG at anything over about 20kS/s causes ""Could not set AWG parameters" errors. Hmm, I just noticed the official specs / FAQ states streaming over wifi at 10kS/s. So I guess this is working as expected.

Also I found the firmware version info is reported in the 'Settings' page you referred to; as is the Waveforms Live version.

Re. logging: setting the log to the console logs a boatload of debug level logs, not errors. Indeed, I can't actually find the errors reported via the 'toast' notifications logged to console at all in the logs when enabled.

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