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sdsoc_opencv error

kotra sharmila


hi ,

this is sharmila i installed SDx tools i am new to this.

->first time creating the project application project we need to add platform zybo is not there in platform list.

->I am tried so many methods to add custom platform for sdx 2017.4 and petalinux also 2017.4.

->and also any one share how to generate platform and creation of project in SDx guidelines in step by step.

any answer will help to me.

Thanks in advance,

K sharmila

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On 2/22/2019 at 7:48 AM, kotra sharmila said:


this is my logfile



The first error message is explicit:

unsupported pointer reinterpretation from type 'i32*' to type 'i8*' on variable 'frm_data_in'

frm_data_in argument is a pointer to uint32_t data but you have provided a pointer to 8-bit data when you called the filter2d_cv function.

Solve the error and try to build again.

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On 2/19/2019 at 6:11 AM, kotra sharmila said:

I did't get you if i remove video capture then how it will deduct face and can you please modify it and attatch perticular filter2d_cv.cpp 

As I mentioned here, you cannot use cv::VideoCapture() function to acquire a video stream from the webcam. For this reason you must to start from a sample project that implements video stream acquisition from HDMI/MIPI.

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8 hours ago, kotra sharmila said:


with the modifications i got the below errors

Workspace 1_004.png

The errors are generated because:

1. You try to use VideoCapture function. As I mentioned here, you cannot use that function and you don't need it. Remove it. Modify the algorithm to use a simple cv::Mat as input.

2. no member named 'imshow' in namespace 'cv' and no member named 'waitKey' in namespace 'cv' were solved here. Make the needed changes.

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5 minutes ago, kotra sharmila said:


can you please tell me xf opencv example reference to the my project based on what project can i change my code

The needed modifications to Simple Filter2d Live I/O demo are the following:

1. in filter2d folder replace all present files with your code. Have a look on filter2d_cv function and modify your code to use the same function arguments

 e.g. uint8_t *frm_data_in is the input video frame and uint32_t *frm_data_out is the output video frame.

2. in main.cpp: replace the if (btn & 1) block with a call to the algorithm placed in filter2d folder.

3. all the other folders (drm_helper, hls_helper, uio and vl4l2) take care of video stream and input/output interfaces. You don't need to change them.

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17 minutes ago, kotra sharmila said:

can you please send simple project that use HDMI or pcam video stream in that i include my face detection project . 

i am not able to understand that video i/o demo 

Simple Filter2d Live I/O demo for HDMI or Pcam 5C are the simplest projects. They take video stream from HDMI or Pcam 5C, apply a simple filter and write the video stream to HDMI monitor. I cannot provide a simpler example. The code is commented and should be easy to understand and modify.

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4 hours ago, kotra sharmila said:


and also i want steps for after build completed process to see out put(copy sd card files and connections and baurdrate set )

and where we can see output and for video i/o we need to connect pcam to board etc.

Regards ,

K S harmila

The after-build procedure is described here.   Follow steps from 13 to 19.

To see the output of the video i/o demo, connect a HDMI monitor to TX Zybo connector. Also, connect Pcam C5 to J2 connector.

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20 minutes ago, kotra sharmila said:

no sdx sample project build perfectly ,

I am confused. In this post you mentioned you were able to successfully build the default SDx example vector add project.


this project i downloded fron revision github and tried not my own project

Can you provide the link to the github project you are referring to?

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