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How to generate another, faster clock (CMOD S7) ?



Hello community,

i started to work with vivado some weeks ago and successfully created some verilog based projects for my Digilent CMOD S7 evaluation board.

Now I want to use a faster clock then the board standard 12 MHz (CMOD S7 should work up to 450 MHz, i red in the reference paper).

E.g. I tried to create a 100 MHz clock with the following lines (added the third line "create_generated_clock" to the default constraint file *.xdc):

set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M9    IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { clk }]; #IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_14 Sch=gclk
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 83.33 -waveform {0 41.66} [get_ports { clk }];
create_generated_clock -name clk100 -source [get_ports { clk }] -multiply_by 25 -divide_by 3 [get_ports { clk100 }];

I added clk100 as additional input in my top verilog module.
The project is a "plain" verilog HDL project without any IP.

This does not work:

- Synthesis runs fine.
- Implementation creates one critical Warning: "Generated clock ... has no logical paths from master clock ..."
- Generate Bitstream fails with an Error.

Can anyone tell me a solution? Pleas e provide the correct Line I need to fill in in the constraint file (I think, it's just a very simple mistake).
I looked for hours but could not find a clear explanation about this problem.
Thanks for help in advance!


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3 answers to this question

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Hi @TestDeveloper,

If you havent seen Xilinx's UG903 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Using Constraints i would suggest looking at page 82-97.  Here is a forum thread that show how to do this in VHDL, sorry I haven'r found anything in Verilog.  The clocking wizard is a much easier way to accomplish generating different clocks. It is fairly easy to use with verilog/vhdl  as well. Here is a VHDL project that uses the clocking wizard.

thank you,


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Hi jpeyron,

The advice about the wizard was good, but I'm (still) not a friend of using that Vivando wizards.
Unfortunately, DCM_CLKGEN doesn't work on a 7-Series FPGA (just up to 6).

But, that brought me to another thread:
what bring me to the following solution, that works (12 MHz * 50 / 6 = 100 MHz):

    wire mmcm2_clk_fb, locked_1, clk100;

    MMCME2_BASE #(
    MMCME2_BASE_inst (

So, I was totally wrong with the constraint file. The MMCME2_BASE macro is the right one to use in my verilog file - easy!

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