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Mike Boich


I'm have a project up and running on bare-metal, and want to put it on top of embedded linux.  I'm assuming I should start with your base hw configuration and that add my custom hardware to that, but I'm having trouble getting Vivado to open the project.   I assume that I need to use Petalinux 2017.4 and Vivado 2017.4, since those are the tool versions that were used to create your base config.

I've cloned the Zybo-Z7-20-base-linux project folder.  I then to try to invoke Vivado with the "create_project.tcl" script as a command-line argument, and I get an error.  The error is: "ERROR: [ProjectBase 63-9] XML parser encountered a problem in /home/mike/peta_world/ Zybo-Z7-20-base-linux/proj/create_project.tcl at line 1 : XML character encoding not supported".

Any idea what causes this?  Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.


- Mike

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Hi @Mike Boich,

Here is the Petalinux Support for Digilent Boards page.  Here is the readme for the Zybo-z7-20 petalinux project.  Here is the linux base design for the Zybo-z7-20. Make sure to follow the readme's suggestion in regards to manually inserting a BUFG on FCLK1 using a util_ds_buf IP core.  When you download the zip of the base linux project you will also need to download the vivado library here and insert the contents in the folder here: "repo/vivado-library/ ". I would suggest to start fresh with an unzipped base linux project.

thank you,









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Thanks Jon.   I decided to just create a new project with the custom hardware that I need (including the linux requirements like TTC, etc.), and was able to get through the workflow and produce a working kernel.  Now I'm making my way through the UIO stuff!




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I am having similar issues.  I have a few questions that would clear up a lot.  

1. what does this look like when it works?  I should be able to see a terminal over the serial port right?  It looks like ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 connect and disconnect when I turn the board on and off, but that's it.

2.  Do I need to use the SDK at all?

3. Should I just flash the board or should I program the qspi as well?

4. In either case what should J5 be set at?  QSPT, JTAG or SD?

5. Do I need the press the PS-SRST button?  

6. For the sd card, I need to copy BOOT.BIN and image.ub into the first partition formated FAT32 and rootfs.cpio into the second partition formated ex4.  That's it?  No need to make anything bootable?

7.  Do I need to worry about this FSBL thing at all?

8. Does petalinux need to be aware what block design / bit stream I'm using?

any help would be greatly appreciated 

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If you're saying all I have to do is follow the instructions here https://github.com/Digilent/Petalinux-Zybo-Z7-20 for my Z7-20 then I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.  Petalinux builds fine, then I  do this command petalinux-create -t project -s Petalinux-Zybo-Z7-20-2017.4-2.bsp .  Now I have a BOOT.BIN and a image.ub in linux/images/ which I copy onto the first partition of my SD card which is FAT32 formatted.  Then nothing happens.  With the jumper set to SD boot on the board, all I see on bash (with sudo tio /dev/ttyUSB0) is my board connecting and disconnecting when I power cycle it.  What am I missing?

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