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Hi, just created a tutorial for Arty

graham chow

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Hi graham,

Very cool! Thank you for taking the time to post your project on our forum! We have a few projects of our own on the Arty board (as you likely saw in our Wiki), but I don't think we have any video tutorials for the Arty board yet.

I do have a question though; it looked like you were using Vivado on Windows 10. As of this point in time, I don't Xilinx offers official support for Windows 10, so I'm curious if there's anything you had to do in particular to get Vivado working on Windows 10 with licensing and whatnot.


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Worked fine for me on Windows 10 [Version 10.0.10586] (type ver in the command line - you might have 10.0.10240) - I just went through the process and it worked fine for me. There are different versions of Windows 10 out there, and being a coder I do know they behave differently - a bit painful. 

I went through your 3 tutorials, they are great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Graham,

thank you for this terrific piece of information. Worked super for me - even though I did not know nothing about Vivado and Verilog. Maybe for a very newbie - like me - it is good to know that the Arty board needs a board_file in Vivado/2015.y/data/boards that has to be copied from Digilent (https://reference.digilentinc.com/doku.php?id=arty) Design Resources / Vivado Board Files – Wiki prior to following your nice presentation.


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Nice project! Thank you for sharing it with us!

JColvin, about windows10, even if it's not yet official from Xilinx, Vivado 2015.4 does work on W10. I tested it on some projects with Basys3 and it worked flawless. You don't need extra configuration for it, just the classical installation. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am new to vivado, I installed 2015.4 last night and I have the vivado working but windows 10 tells me that SDK app will not run on my computer.

Any helpful words of advice?

I did the change to MSVS redist 2012 version 4 to get the vivado to work


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Yes I did, Bianca. I have the Icon for xilinx sdk 2015.4, when I run it a console screen pops up then I get the message box from win10 that tells me "This app can't run on your PC" "To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher"

Oh just realized this is a shortcut to a .bat file which in turn calls loader.bat file which is 584 lines long. Been a very long time since I dealt with .bat files and never something this big.

Anyone have any ideas of where to start to figure this out?

Does anyone have the SDK running on Win10?


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Thanks JColvin, I am also on xilinx forum and they don't seem to be responding

To add information, I looked harder and SDK was actually giving me four different file it was missing






Not really sure where to go from here.

Thanks again


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Hi Andyhol,

Can you check the <Xilinx Install Dir>\SDK\2015.4\lib\win64.o and check to see if the dlls that you've listed appear in that folder? If they are missing, you will more than likely have to reinstall Xilinx SDK or create copies of those dlls from another source into that folder. Let me know what you find.


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I have uninstalled - installed it several times, I think I might have it working. One thing to note is if you start from a admin console window you get more error messages.

In my situation, the sdk would not start from the start menu, but if I called the same file from a console it would. I created a desktop shortcut pointing to that file and it worked also. I have not tested to see if the sdk can be opened from within vivado though. I can at least get it running, now I just need to play with it and see if it works.


Thanks for the help folks, and sorry for stealing your thread Graham, I plan to start playing with my arty now


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