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How to bundle NI multisim with Basys2


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I would like to buy Basys 2 together with NI multisim to save money.

the site states that price for multisim is just 9.95 usd in case buy with basys2.

Anybody know the way?

Thank you.

NI Multisim is an analog, digital and power circuits teaching environment, enabling student exploration of electronic behavior through pedagogical features built upon industry-standard SPICE simulation. With intuitive and interactive learning features, student understand foundational electronics topics and can then transition to circuit design and layout with the NI Ultiboard printed circuit board development environment. 

For Windows XP or newer.

Students & Educators: This suite can be bundled with our Analog Discovery, Electronics Explorer, Basys2, Nexys2, Nexys3, or Nexys4 FPGA boards for only $9.95! 

link: https://www.digilentinc.com/Products/Detail.cfm?NavPath=2,66,1200&Prod=MULTISIM


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