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Posts posted by Sheryfa

  1. hi again, i found the error but i have no solution.. the problem is in ipserver , i can't read the ip adress

    IPv4 ipServer = {192,168,1,190};

    in the terminal i read:

    Connecting to network...

    Connection Created

    Started Listening

    0  Sockets listening on port: 44400


    if there is no problem in "ipServer".. where is the problem

    whene i write in the program "deIPcK.getMyIP(ipServer);" than "xil_printf("Server started on %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\r\n",ipServer.u8[0],ipServer.u8[1],ipServer.u8[2],ipServer.u8[3], portServer);"

    the terminal can't write it..



  2. hello,

    what additional securety?.. i followed the errors and i can't see where is the problem.. always "Unable to get a WiFi connection with key" .. i'm wondering why

    anyway thanks :)

  3. hi,

    in the tutorial they used the pmod wifi with pmod sd.. but now i did the same project "ZED_WIFI_SD" , so i have the same errors:

    Unable to find default HTML page: HomePage.htm

    Unable to get a WiFi connection with key
    Hard Error status 0x10003A00 occurred.
    Shutting down

    pmod wifi run correctly if i do the scan.. but if i wanna to connect him with pc or smart phone i can't.. the error is always "Unable to get a WiFi connection with key"

    thanks for replaying..

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