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Everything posted by rsip

  1. I have encountered the same problem. The way I have resolved it in my Visual Studio C++ Console Application for Win32 was as follows: 1. I have obtained the number of Digilent devices by DmgrEnumDevices() API function. 2. If number of Digilent devices was 1 (the connected one) then I have obtained the device Info by DmgrGetDvc() API function called with first parameter equal to 0. 3. From obtained Digilent Device Information structure I have used the Device Name "szName" field to open the Device by the DmgrOpen() API function. The rest of application was like in Tutorial. Good luck.
  2. Hi Attila, I want ask you to send me the firmware for the Cypress CY7C68013A stored on my Nexys2 board.
    Currently cypress does not assert the USB-ON signal, which enables the power. Regards Radek from Poland


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