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Everything posted by JColvin

  1. Hi @WojtekSkulski, We do not share this exact configuration, though if you wish I can put you in contact with the appropriate representative at Digilent with regards to licensing our FTDI solution. Thanks, JColvin
  2. Hi @Toladar, I don't know for certain if this is built into the Linux version of the WaveForms app, though it is in the Windows version where you can reprogram the EEPROM directly from WaveForms. Essentially, when you open up WaveForms and go to select your device in the Device Manager, there would be a "My device is not listed button" that will walk you through the reprogramming process. This is shown more directly in this specific post here in step 3: https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/35-analog-discovery-troubleshooting/?do=findComment&comment=53880. Are you able to successfully reprogram in the EEPROM through that method? Thanks, JColvin
  3. Hi @Brent, I apologize for the delay. The two main hurdles to doing this on a Mac are the generation of the bitstream which we can't assist with since we use Xilinx's Vivado software to do this, though it sounds like you have that aspect covered, and the loading of the bitstream onto the FPGA itself. Digilent does not have any solution for you with the second half since our Adept software which would readily facilitate loading a bitstream onto a supported FPGA (such as the Basys 3) is not compatible with OSX (though it is with Windows and Linux). I did request some higher-ups at Digilent to consider making Adept compatible with OSX, though that's about all the sway I have is the requesting portion. One alternate solution you might be able to do is set up a remote desktop that students can connect to since (I think) it is possible to enable talking to other serial ports based on the last post in this thread: https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/999865-com-port-trouble-with-remote-desktop. I don't know how that will play between different operating systems (and will be pretty slow and painful if multiple students are using it simultaneously), but it is an option. Realistically though, a VM will be the way to go at least with regards to students doing their own development within Vivado. Thanks, JColvin
  4. Hi @julienV, I am a little confused. Do you perhaps mean SMT1 rather than fmt1? Or, I suppose more specifically, which Digilent board are you working with? I'm not certain which recovery procedure you are referring to since the one I am thinking of would have been sent via direct message and not posted (at least as far as I am aware of). Thanks, JColvin
  5. Hi @PeterT, I have sent you a PM with the contact information. Thanks, JColvin
  6. That is correct, the Errors will be what is prevented Vivado from generating the bitstream, not the Warnings. Thanks, JColvin
  7. Hi @ulim2001 and @ahmetnc, I have sent you both individual messages with instructions. Thanks, JColvin
  8. Hi @Siriusly?, Some of them do not come with project files and instead just have Xilinx Platform Studio files to with EDK, though I do see that in the Anvyl_demo_doc.pdf that comes with example projects, a number of the projects are listed to have the ISE project files, but only seem to have the appropriate files to run the project in EDK. I will ask to see if those are available somewhere though I was not able to find them when I went looking through our archives. Thanks, JColvin
  9. Hi @Victor, This isn't specifically for the Nano text editor, but this Xilinx forum thread should be of help to you: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Embedded-Linux/How-to-add-applications-to-petalinux/td-p/490012. Thanks, JColvin
  10. Hi @Wilfred, Digilent does not have any simulation models for that particular Micron chip, though based off of the Support section in Microns FAQ, they do appear to have some simulation models available, though as you noted it is a discontinued part from Micron so the available resources will be fairly limited. What are you hoping to learn about the PSRAM chip? Thanks, JColvin
  11. Hi @ulim2001, What board do you have? Thanks, JColvin
  12. Hi @Alexey, I have sent you a PM. Thanks, JColvin
  13. Hi @rexanderson, Unfortunately, the details of our programming solution are proprietary. You can see though from the images provided on the surface mount versions of our programmers, such as the JTAG-SMT3, https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/programmers/jtag-smt3/reference-manual, that they are FTDI based. Thanks, JColvin
  14. Hi @Quemar, I don't know the licensing terms (nor am I able to offer them) so if you have not received a response I would recommend reaching out again. Thanks, JColvin
  15. Hi @Quemar, I will send you in a PM the contact information of the correct Digilent representative who will be able to discuss the licensing options with you for our solution that we have. Thanks, JColvin
  16. Hi @Quemar, I apologize for the delay. We do not sell individual EEPROMs that are pre-configured to work with JTAG-USB solutions. Thanks, JColvin
  17. JColvin

    Pmod wifi SDK problem

    Hi @Clyde, The WiFiScan project is in the [platform_name]->hw->drivers->PmodWIFIF_v1_0->examples folder, yes. That folder will have a number of examples, WiFiScan, HTTPServer, and a couple of TCP examples. Whatever example you wish to use you will need to copy over to the src folder in the application project. Let me know if you have any questions about this. Thanks, JColvin
  18. Hi @Steven Cornett, Welcome to the Forums!
  19. JColvin

    JTAG HS3 reprogrammed

    Hi @Ronald Jansen, Do you also have the JTAG HS3 that is unable to be detected by Digilent Adept software, https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start? Thanks, JColvin
  20. JColvin


    Hello, To get the Pmod BLE working through a phone application (so that you can get into command mode via the phone application), you will need to first enable UART Transparent service through the serial terminal on the host computer; this is done through the SS command (while in command mode) setting the UART Transparent Service bit high (detailed on page 23 of the RN4781 User Guide).. You can then confirm the UART Transparent service has been enabled through the GK command as detailed on page 26 of the RN4781 User Guide. Remote command itself is started not by the $$$ by the remote application (i.e. phone app); it is instead started by !,1 as shown on page 27 section 2.6.4, to which the BLE should respond RMT>. With regards of connecting the two Pmod BLEs together, you will need to get both modules in UART Transparent service mode via individual serial terminals and then follow directions on page 61; there will likely be other bluetooth devices nearby so you'll need to make sure that you attempt to connect to the correct device rather than a random nearby smart watch. Let me know if you have any questions about this. Thanks, JColvin
  21. Hi @JohnWhite777, Welcome to the Forums!
  22. Hi @Chellam, I will also provide you this contact. @imlcorp, I will contact this person as well to make sure they have seen your query. Thank you, JColvin
  23. JColvin


    Hi @ivrsak, I was able to readily get into command mode through a serial terminal with the Pmod BLE by following the Pmod IPs guide that we have here (in conjunction with this guide for getting the block design made). These include the SDK set that I used. The only deviation I made was for the AXI Uartlite IP (on a non-Zynq design), I set the UART baud rate to be at 115200 rather than the default 9600 because 115200 is the default used by the Pmod BLE. I was then able to connect to it via a phone app, though I was not able to enter command mode on the phone app, but could enter it through the serial terminal. I will get this set up on two different boards (since you mentioned you wanted two BLEs to communicate with each other) and see if I can readily set them up to auto connect with each other and exchange basic data. Thanks, JColvin
  24. JColvin


    Hi @ivrsak, I am working on this same issue with the Pmod BT2 where you can connect to it in the phone application (same application that you are using), but it does not respond to the command mode message of $$$. When using the SDK project, I can go into command mode with a serial terminal, though some of the data I receive back is intelligible. I am looking into this; if I get the Pmod BT2 working correctly, I will see if that also works for Pmod BLE. Thanks, JColvin
  25. JColvin


    Hi @ivrsak, I need to look into this more. Some BLE apps require that more of the secure "digital handshakes" (I don't believe this is the correct terminology for Bluetooth Low Energy) are processed, and I have not gotten that to successfully work as of yet. Thanks, JColvin
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