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Rahul Soni

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  1. Dear JColvin, Thank you so much for Xilinx we understood that as per the below guideline if we use Xilinx program_ftdi utility, no need to purchase any additional license from diligent For FTDI devices to be recognized as a USB-to-JTAG interface in AMD JTAG software tools such as XSDB or the AMD Vivado™ Hardware Manger the EEPROM on the FTDI device must be programmed. Programming the FTDI is accomplished by using the program_ftdi utility included in the Vivado install. Once programmed, the FTDI device is recognized as a valid programming cable in Vivado. We want to double-check to avoid any confusion in the future. The customer is making a custom board and using an FTDI chip FT2232 to program Xilinx FPGA using a USB-UART cable. Does the customer require any additional diligent license? Why I am asking because many user have asked the same question and you are helping them for license so i confuse here whether really license is required or not.
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