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  1. Hello @sarvan, Xilinx has a revision number overflow issue with this IP. Check out this link: https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/76960?language=en_US and see if it solves your problem.
  2. Hello @Laerke, I've recreated the demo on Genesys ZU-3EG, and it works. The first mistake that I saw in your project was the value for the #define XPAR_FABRIC_EXT_IRQ_INTR. It is 121U not 89U. Please check ug1085https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug1085-zynq-ultrascale-trm/System-Interrupts?tocId=PD9FTob69sVTjQEM8sOQ~g chapter 13, table 13-1. 121-128 for pl_ps_irq0 and 136-143 for pl_ps_irq1. Code bellow: #include <stdio.h> #include "platform.h" #include "xil_printf.h" #include "xparameters.h" #include "xscugic.h" XScuGic InterruptController; static XScuGic_Config *GicConfig; void ExtIrq_Handler(void *InstancePtr) { xil_printf("ExtIrq_Handler\r\n"); } int SetUpInterruptSystem(XScuGic *XScuGicInstancePtr) { Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler(XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT, (Xil_ExceptionHandler) XScuGic_InterruptHandler, XScuGicInstancePtr); Xil_ExceptionEnable(); return XST_SUCCESS; } int interrupt_init() { int Status; GicConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(XPAR_SCUGIC_0_DEVICE_ID); if (NULL == GicConfig) { return XST_FAILURE; } Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(&InterruptController, GicConfig, GicConfig->CpuBaseAddress); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } Status = SetUpInterruptSystem(&InterruptController); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController, XPAR_FABRIC_PL_PS_IRQ0_0_INTR, (Xil_ExceptionHandler)ExtIrq_Handler, (void *)NULL); if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) { return XST_FAILURE; } XScuGic_Enable(&InterruptController, XPAR_FABRIC_PL_PS_IRQ0_0_INTR); return XST_SUCCESS; } int main() { init_platform(); interrupt_init(); print("Hello World\n\r"); print("Successfully ran Hello World application"); cleanup_platform(); return 0; } xdc set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN AB14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pl_ps_irq0_0 }]; #sw[3] I will try to add the project to our GitHub repository. Best Regards, Bogdan Vanca
  3. Hi @Laerke, Can you also send me the Vivado project archive to try it on my side?
  4. Hi @Laerke, From what I remember the precompiled FSBL contains this fix: https://github.com/Digilent/embeddedsw/commit/6e9e2fa973f2c27d3f979f3c07afdbe616f694a4 Xilinx promised to include this fix in their latest release. If you have any questions or other problems with this board, please tag me in your thread.
  5. Hi @DrGuenter, I'm sorry for my late answer. The current speed grade gives limitations as stated in the Processor Performance table. The maximum supported frequency is 1.2GHz. Check below: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ds925-zynq-ultrascale-plus/Processor-System-PS-Performance-Characteristics I've also confirmed this in the hardware project. Best Regards, Bogdan Vanca
  6. Hi @TimONT, Yes, our USB 3.0 Gen1 supports SuperSpeed transfers. The "SS" initials are beside the connector.
  7. Hi @DaleD, We never tried to boot the Petalinux Image through JTAG. I don't think this functionality will have issues in 2020.1. We have plans to try it soon, but I cannot exactly tell you when. As soon I have more info, I will come back to you. The next release of OOB is already in work.
  8. Hi @DaleD, Can you have a look into the "Boot a PetaLinux Image on Hardware with JTAG" section from UG1144, and see if it helps you? Check this link: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/2021.1-English/ug1144-petalinux-tools-reference-guide/Troubleshooting?tocId=d8EUWfoSnJ5MwYwBweML6g
  9. Hi @John J, Thank you very much for the script. We are also providing a very similar approach with our vitis-scripts Can you please tell me what DDR4 module you are using? I'm not been able to replicate your issue on my local machine. I've published the release for the Hello-World app for our 5EV variant in 2022.1 here Can you please move on to the 5ev/master branch and build the project with our scripts? (You can also use your script, but please make sure that you are using the right fsbl sources, check the attached zip) Steps are : git clone --recursive <URL> cd Genesys-ZU/ git switch 5ev/master git submodule init git submodule update cd sw/ git submodule init git submodule update Launch the Xilinx Vitis 2022.1 and open the XSCT Console. source [getws]/../src/checkout.tcl If you open this script you will see that is more or less similar to the one the you provide me, the only difference is that is building the FSBL app from scratch. For now, I cannot pinpoint anything but I will continue my investigation and I will keep you updated. src.zip
  10. Hi @John J, I'm sorry for my late response. The generic project creation script will be very helpful. To make everything a little bit more clear, the system initialization trough psu_init() is returning back an DDR initialization error, and when you are enabling the debug prints by adding the FSBL_DEBUG_INFO symbol, this error is disappearing? If this is the case, I have to somehow recreate your setup, because I'm not experiencing the same issue on my local machine. You also said that you are experiencing this in 2022.1, and you didn't had problems in 2020.1, am I right? Best regards, Bogdan Vanca
  11. Hi @vcb1, Bellow is the guide for importing the archive. 1. First, launch Vitis. 2. Go to Import->Vitis project exported zip file-> Next-> Navigate to the project archive 3. Import archive. 4. Your workspace should look as in picture bellow 5. Go to 5ev_boot.sprj-> Change target platform for the current project.. 6. Simply click OK. 7. Click YES. 8. Repeat this for all the project and project systems that are existing into the workspace: 5EV_boot: -> 5ev_fsbl.prj, 5ev_pmufw.prj, 5ev_boot.sprj 5ev_hdmi_demo_system: -> 5ev_hdmi_demo.prj, 5ev_hdmi_demo_system.prj. This should clean up all the paths for the .xpfm files. 9. Verify the paths for the lscript file to be ../src/lscript.ld. This verification should be done for the 5ev_fsbl.prj, 5ev_pmufw.prj and 5ev_hdmi_demo.prj. 10. Verify the paths for the bsplib/lib from each makefile. Also verify the XPFM_PATH, if something is wrong go back to step 5. 11. Verify the build configuration. If you are in Debug mode, but you are targeting a release configuration, your paths wont get updated. Go to Manage Configuration-> Verify the active configuration. And I think those are all. Quite a hustle for simply importing a project. I personally recommend the git approach. If you encounter any issues please let me know. Best Regards, Bogdan Vanca
  12. Hi @vcb1, This is the guide for cloning the project and building it from scratch. First you will have to download the git bash for windows from here https://git-scm.com/. After that you go to the fallowing repo: https://github.com/Digilent/Genesys-ZU and copy the repository URL. Chose folder locally on your computer for cloning the repository and launch the fallowing command. Step 1. Clone the project repository and initialize all the submodules. $ git clone git@github.com:Digilent/Genesys-ZU.git Go inside the repository $ cd Genesys-ZU/ Checkout on the 5ev hdmi demo branch. $ git checkout 5ev/demo/hdmi Initialize and update all the submodules branches. $ git submodule init $ git submodule update Change directory to ./sw folder. $ cd sw/ Initialize and update the embeddedsw submodule. $ git submodule init $ git submodule update The detailed procedure is shown bellow. Step 2. Build the project. Launch Vitis with the workspace set to the repository's sw/ws folder. Open XSCT Console through the Xilinx > XSCT Console option in the menu bar at the top of the window. Make sure the current path is correctly set to ../Genesys-ZU/sw/ws Build the project with the fallowing command: source [getws]/../src/checkout.tcl Watch as your workspace gets populated and build. This will take some time.... You can ignore the warnings that are printed on the console. When everything is done you simply have to give a path for the fsbl file, and deploy the project on your board. If you encounter any issues please let me know. When I'm done, I will come back with the second guide for importing the project from the release archive. Best Regards, Bogdan Vanca
  13. Hi @vcb1, Thank you four pointing out this issue. The HDMI demo project reference manual doesn't include our latest workarounds for all the issues created by Vitis when you are trying to import a project. I recommend you to use the guide for the "Hello World Project", https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/genesys-zu/demos/hello-world, in which for example I describe in detail how to add relative paths for the linker script. Another issue is indeed related with the path for the *.xpfm file, which needs to be updated immediately after you launch the Vitis app. For that, you simply have to go to each *.sprj and single-click on "Change target platform". Ideally, this will clean up the old project paths. It is quite a struggle to remove all the absolute paths, and Xilinx doesn't really give any help in this direction. A more faster and easier approach would be to simply clone the project repository. You git clone locally, launch Vitis from within the ./ws folder and simply run into the XSCT Console the fallowing command: `source [getws]/../src/checkout.tcl` This will populate your workspace with all the necessary sources and build everything from scratch. More info can be found into the .README file. Right now, I'm trying to replicate all your issues, and I've started an "how-to" guide for building and running the project. I will keep you updated.
  14. Hi @Enthusiastic, Sorry for my late response. I cannot pinpoint anything wrong. Can you also send me a project archive? I will try to verify your setup, together with all your project/source paths. Check bellow: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/en-US/ug1400-vitis-embedded/Export-a-Vitis-Project Make sure that you are including the build files. Thank you. Best Regards, Bogdan Vanca
  15. Hello @Enthusiastic, Can you please clean-up your project, rebuilt-it and after that send me the log file? Best Regards, Bogdan Vanca
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