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Posts posted by jpeyron

  1. Hi @YakirP,

    I am getting the same error as you are using Vivado/SDK 2018.2 and Vivado/SDK 2018.3. I did not get this error using Vivado/SDK 2017.4. For the time being I would suggest using Vivado/SDK 2017.4.  We are looking into this but it may be some time before we determine what the issue is.  I did find a xilinx forum thread about this issue here

    thank you,




  2. Hi @YakirP,

    You are getting these errors due to not adding the correct folders to your application. This YouTube tutorial for the Pmod WIFI walks through the correct process. The tutorial is for an Artix-7 FPGA but the SDK portion of the tutorial will be the same. I have attached a screen shot of the block design using the zedboard and Pmod WIFI.




  3. Hi @Sheryfa,

    The error message is from line 417 of the ProcessServer.CPP. Following the functions one potential situation is stated on line 374 which is as follows: 

    // not all WiFi adpators support calculating the PSK key for you
    // however, if it does then we can caculate it, print it out and then
    // then we know what it is and can connect with a key.

    I would guess that your wifi network has additional security in place that requires a key to be entered to gain access to the wifi.



  4. Hi @

    Here is a youtube tutorial on using the Pmod wifi. Did you add a valid login/password for the wifi? Why are you using the pmod SD IP core? The ZYNQ processor should be handling the SD card on the Zedboard unless you are using the pmod SD?

    thank you,


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