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Everything posted by attila

  1. Hi @scorbetta The rgValue and rgFlag expects 32bit unsigned values. You should store the 'read' as an ID, for instance flag value 1 to represent 'read', 2 to represent 'write'... function Value2Text(flag, value){ switch(flag){ case 0: return "nop"; case 1: return "RD b"+value.toString(2); case 2: return "WR h"+value.toString(16); default: return "DAT "+value; } }
  2. Hi @SergeLafontaine Do you have a notification to allow dwf.framework under System Preferences/ Security & Privacy/ General/ Allow Anyway ?
  3. Hi @Clyde VIO = Digital Power Supply 2 pins on the DIO connector
  4. Hi @Clyde On ADP3X50 the Digital IO voltage is adjustable between 1.2V and 3.3V The VIO output of this, first 2 pins of the DIO connector, is protected and can deliver up to 300mA. The 4 USB host ports are available in Linux mode. 2 of this can deliver 500mA and the other 2 900mA. The device has no other power supplies. Eventually the 2 AWG channel can output +/-5V 30mA 50R
  5. Hi @AKA The DIO drive on AD2 is 4mA. On AD3 is by default 4mA but can be adjusted with C API FDwfDigitalIODriveSet
  6. Hi @AKA What header are you reconnecting ?
  7. Hi @AndyMessier It can generate waveform or pattern from device buffer up to system frequency sample rate or higher, by skipping some, see AnalogOut_Custom.py example The system frequency, for all instruments can be adjusted with DwfParamFrequency. In play mode the data is streamed, transferred in chunks from computer, limiting the sample rate to 1-2MHz The newly added idle hold option keeps the last output value in done state, with finite run time.
  8. Hi @malexander WF links to libs. My testing with Ubuntu 22 was also successful.
  9. Hi @bobql 1. The Sensor tab on execution first calls the initialize function, where sensor register, global variables, file initialization... can be performed. 2. Calls the software loop function, without executing it in the device, to build a pattern with the transfers, like for CS, CLK and MOSI. 3. Starts to generate this pattern with hardware timer at the specified rate and iterations, and at the same time it captures the transfers. 4. Decodes the received MISO bits by software call of loop function, without executing it in the device. 5. At the end calls the finish function, where sensor register shutdown and file finalize can be performed. The software timing of the software function calls in not precise but the pattern generation is, which are basically loop function calls in hardware. Similar can be done in SDK. Pattern with digitalout functions, see DigitalOut_SPI.py example, repeat can be set to 'infinite'. Steps 3-4 can be merged, to receive and decode simultaneously, see DigitalIn_Spi_Spy.py. In Sensors tab these are separate since the sw loop execution takes some time and it would be a bottleneck at high rates.
  10. @malexander Could you help with this ?
  11. Hi @sng2024 The AD3 scope input have a high range of ~50V peak to peak and with offset adjustment can read +/-50V The probe attenuation can be specified with the Probe option under each channel option.
  12. Hi @scorbetta I was suspecting to find multiple variants from this library, but it finds only one. I don't know why it is for you installed in /usr/local/lib64 Have you downloaded it from our site ? https://digilent.com/reference/software/adept/start The location shouldn't matter but it is strange since the adept.runtime...deb uses /usr/lib64
  13. Hi @SergeLafontaine The latest version is notarized, it should pass security:
  14. Hi @Kyoko J If you are using the Analog Discovery Impedance Analyzer adapter, the connections are in this. J2 is the connector for Device Under Test, Load https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/impedance-analyzer/start https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/impedance-analyzer/reference-manual https://digilent.com/reference/add-ons/impedance-analyzer/getting-started-guide
  15. What does the ldconfig -p | grep libdmgr list ?
  16. Hi @scorbetta The mentioned function should be in the latest adept.runtime Make sure the install succeeds, there are not errors listed sudo apt install ./digilent.adept.runtime_2.27.9-amd64.deb
  17. Hi @Roche The frequency adjustment is intended for the Pattern Generator and Protocols. The device can generate natural division signals of the system frequency, like from 100MHz, 50, 25... and with 80MHz 40, 20... The Logic Analyzer can sample at up to 8x of system frequency.
  18. Hi @gcb The instructions are the same or similar for newer VS versions. You can build app for x86, x64, arm64 or arm64ec, just use the corresponding dwf.lib dependency under project/Properties/Linker/Input
  19. Hi @gcb 1. Wavegen/Play 2. Logic Analyzer/ Mode: Play
  20. Hi @fahiz The amount of data may be too much for the graph function used. You may need a different method for drawing.
  21. Hi @malexander Only the new builds are signed, since 3.22.14, with the same key as adept.
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