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Everything posted by VerticalFarmingStudent

  1. Hi, I am figuring out how implement artificial intelligence into the zybo board. The artificial intelligence is about studying different types of ill plant and determine if the plant is sick or healthy. As the starter of FPGA and no idea of AI, I do not know how to start research. Here are what I have found out so far: I searched the Zybo AI, but there is no relevent information except for "Under Construction" Later, I found that Zybo Z720 can support reVISION SDSoC Platform, which "make it possible to do FPGA accelerated video processing using openCV functions in an all C/C++ development environment". I think that will be the direction for my AI project. But I do not see some useful tutorial, and I dont know how to start as well. Is there any tutorial on how the Zybo AI and reVISION SDSoC Platform? So I can try and learn Thanks
  2. @JColvin Is it possible that I am using the normal hdmi camera (like logitech camera or apeman 1080p hd camera) and the windows OS to allow my zybo zy20 board to take photo?
  3. Hi, I am new to FPGA here. I would like to know if it is possible to connect the zybo z720 with normal camera, not pcam 5c. I also would like to know how the vivado block diagram and vitis code looks like. Thanks
  4. Here is the code for Vitis. For Vivado just add pmod esp32 into your block design. #include "xparameters.h" #include "xil_printf.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "xtime_l.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #include "xgpiops.h" extern "C"{ #include "PmodESP32.h" } /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Defines */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef __MICROBLAZE__ #define HOST_UART_DEVICE_ID XPAR_AXI_UARTLITE_0_BASEADDR #define HostUart XUartLite #define HostUart_Config XUartLite_Config #define HostUart_CfgInitialize XUartLite_CfgInitialize #define HostUart_LookupConfig XUartLite_LookupConfig #define HostUart_Recv XUartLite_Recv #define HostUartConfig_GetBaseAddr(CfgPtr) (CfgPtr->RegBaseAddr) #include "xuartlite.h" #include "xil_cache.h" #else #define HOST_UART_DEVICE_ID XPAR_PS7_UART_1_DEVICE_ID #define HostUart XUartPs #define HostUart_Config XUartPs_Config #define HostUart_CfgInitialize XUartPs_CfgInitialize #define HostUart_LookupConfig XUartPs_LookupConfig #define HostUart_Recv XUartPs_Recv #define HostUartConfig_GetBaseAddr(CfgPtr) (CfgPtr->BaseAddress) #include "xuartps.h" #endif #define PMODESP32_UART_BASEADDR XPAR_PMODESP32_0_AXI_LITE_UART_BASEADDR #define PMODESP32_GPIO_BASEADDR XPAR_PMODESP32_0_AXI_LITE_GPIO_BASEADDR #define BLOCK_SIZE 40 /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Function Declarations */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ void EnableCaches(); void DisableCaches(); void startup(); void receiveData(XTime time); void receiveData2(XTime time); void setWifiMode(void); void connectWifi(void); void establishConnection(void); void cipsend(void); /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Variables */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ HostUart myHostUart; XTime TimeStart; XTime TimeEnd; PmodESP32 ESP32; XGpioPs_Config *ConfigPtr; XGpioPs output; int countdown =60; int main() { EnableCaches(); startup(); setWifiMode(); // Set Mode xil_printf("Init Started\n\r"); connectWifi(); xil_printf("Wifi Done\n\r"); // sleep(2); XTime_GetTime(&TimeStart); TimeEnd = TimeStart + ((XTime)COUNTS_PER_SECOND); while (true){ establishConnection(); cipsend(); } DisableCaches(); return 0; } void startup(){ //Init ESP32 HostUart_Config *CfgPtr; ESP32_Initialize(&ESP32, PMODESP32_UART_BASEADDR, PMODESP32_GPIO_BASEADDR); CfgPtr = HostUart_LookupConfig(HOST_UART_DEVICE_ID); HostUart_CfgInitialize(&myHostUart, CfgPtr, HostUartConfig_GetBaseAddr(CfgPtr)); // Init GPIO ConfigPtr = XGpioPs_LookupConfig(XPAR_PS7_GPIO_0_DEVICE_ID); XGpioPs_CfgInitialize(&output, ConfigPtr, ConfigPtr->BaseAddr); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&output, 13, 1); //Pin 1 output XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&output, 13,1); XGpioPs_SetDirectionPin(&output, 10, 1); //Pin 2 output XGpioPs_SetOutputEnablePin(&output, 10, 1); /* Write your code here to initialise GPIO */ } void receiveData(XTime time){ XTime tEnd, tCur; u8 recv_buffer=0; u32 num_received=0; XTime_GetTime(&tCur); tEnd = tCur + (time * COUNTS_PER_SECOND); do { num_received = ESP32_Recv(&ESP32, &recv_buffer,1); if(num_received >0){ num_received = ESP32_Recv(&ESP32, &recv_buffer,1); xil_printf("%c", recv_buffer); } if(tCur == tCur + COUNTS_PER_SECOND){ countdown = countdown -1; } else XTime_GetTime(&tCur); } while (tCur < tEnd); } void receiveData2(XTime time){ XTime tEnd, tCur; u8 recv_buffer=0; u32 num_received=0; int i=0; int max_index = BLOCK_SIZE-1; int *ptr= (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*BLOCK_SIZE); if(ptr==NULL) { perror("some error"); //return 1; } XTime_GetTime(&tCur); tEnd = tCur + (time * COUNTS_PER_SECOND); do { num_received = ESP32_Recv(&ESP32, &recv_buffer,1); if(num_received >0){ num_received = ESP32_Recv(&ESP32, &recv_buffer,1); if(i > max_index) { ptr=(int *)realloc(ptr, (max_index+1 + BLOCK_SIZE)*sizeof(int)); if(ptr == NULL) { perror("insufficient memory!"); break; } printf("\nReallocated!"); max_index += BLOCK_SIZE; } ptr[i]=recv_buffer; i++; } if(tCur == tCur + COUNTS_PER_SECOND){ countdown = countdown -1; } else XTime_GetTime(&tCur); } while (tCur < tEnd); xil_printf("Data %d: %c",i ,ptr[45]); if (ptr[45]=='1'){ xil_printf("LED On"); XGpioPs_WritePin(&output, 13, 0); }else if (ptr[45]=='0') { xil_printf("LED Off"); XGpioPs_WritePin(&output, 13, 1); } else { xil_printf("LED On"); XGpioPs_WritePin(&output, 13, 0); } free(ptr); // Clear the memory to prevent "ptr==null" } void setWifiMode(void){ u8 tx[]="AT+CWMODE=3\r\n";// buffer u32 num = strlen((char *) tx);// convert buffer to length xil_printf((char *) tx); // Display AT+CWMODE Function ESP32_SendBuffer(&ESP32, tx, num);// Send AT+CWMODE Function usleep(100); receiveData(3); // Response from server } void connectWifi(void){ u8 tx[] = "AT+CWJAP=\"<Wifi SSID>\",\"<Password>\"\r\n"; u32 num = strlen((char *) tx); // convert buffer to length xil_printf((char *) tx); // Display AT+CWJAP Function ESP32_SendBuffer(&ESP32, tx, num);// Send AT+CWJAP Function usleep(100); receiveData(30); // Response from server } void establishConnection(void){ u8 tx[] = "AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"api.thingspeak.com\",80\r\n"; //buffer u32 num = strlen((char *) tx); // convert buffer to length xil_printf((char *) tx); // Display AT+CIPSTART Function ESP32_SendBuffer(&ESP32, tx, num); // Send AT+CIPSTART Function receiveData(10); // Receive information from server } void cipsend(void){ u8 command[150]; //GET Function u8 finalcmd[50]; //AT+CIPSEND sprintf((char*)command, "GET https://api.thingspeak.com/channels/<channels id> /fields/1/last?key=<channel's key>\r\n"); // convert the GET Function to char form // From here, you can acquire the latest Thingspeak's entry data in the +IPD format. u32 length = strlen((char*)command); // count how many bits for GET function sprintf((char*)finalcmd, "AT+CIPSEND=%d\r\n", (int)length); // convert the AT+CIPSEND Command to char form u32 cmdlength =strlen((char*)finalcmd); // count how many bits for AT+CIPSEND function xil_printf("Length %d\r\n", length); // Display how many bits does the length have xil_printf((char *)finalcmd); // Display AT+CIPSEND= "finalcmd" ESP32_SendBuffer(&ESP32, finalcmd, cmdlength); // Send AT+CIPSEND command to server sleep(1); xil_printf((char *)command); // Display GET+"update link" ESP32_SendBuffer(&ESP32, command, length); // Send GET+"update link" to server receiveData2(10); // Receive the Json parsed data and control the relay... } void EnableCaches() { #ifdef __MICROBLAZE__ #ifdef XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_ICACHE Xil_ICacheEnable(); #endif #ifdef XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_DCACHE Xil_DCacheEnable(); #endif #endif } void DisableCaches() { #ifdef __MICROBLAZE__ #ifdef XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_ICACHE Xil_ICacheDisable(); #endif #ifdef XPAR_MICROBLAZE_USE_DCACHE Xil_DCacheDisable(); #endif #endif }
  5. Hi, I am using Zybo Z720 and Pmod ESP32 to explore on IoT control. I used several AT commands like "AT+CWMODE", "AT+CWJAP", "AT+CIPSTART", "AT+CIPSEND" and "GET <links>" to receive the last entry data from the Thingspeak. Here is the response I received from the Vitis Serial Terminal: Now, I want to make use of this data from +IPD response and control the GPIO and relay (relay connected to the GPIO pin). I know Arduino has sth like Serial.find() function and help me with extracting serial terminal's IPD response. I just wonder Xilinx Vitis has the same thing as Arduino. The Arduino used the code as following: if(Serial.available()>1) { String response = Serial.read(); Serial.println(response); } The Vitis code is attached below Thanks in advance IoTControl_New.txt
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