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Everything posted by phillcau

  1. Thank you very much. I have heard from a FPGA guy that since Zenesys ZU board has only one GTH line, only one channel of ADC (AD9656 EVM Board) channels can be handled with JESD204B. But I have to send 4-channel ADC data to FPGA with JESD204B. Really is it impossible? I will also ask this problem to Analog Devices also. Pleas let me know this.
  2. I want to connect ADC board to FPGA board (Zenesys Zu) via FMC-LPC connector. The ADC board is EVAL-AD9656 Evaluation Board. AD9656 is 4-CH ADC with 125MSPS maximum and JESD204B interface. Is there no problem in connecting this board to Zenesys Zu board via FMC connector for data capture and processing? If yes, I will purchase Zenesys Zu boaed for this purpose. Please let me know
  3. Ihave two DC signals to be measured. I have tried to measure them via O'Scope. But the measured values are zero. I have searched the related topic, and I knew that the voltmeter tool can be used for this purpose. My question is " Can the DC signals not be measured with O'Scope tool ?" Most desktop O'scopes can maesured these DC Signals. Hope to receive to the answer.
  4. If success, I can get all samples. But some times, for example in the next trial (run of matlab code), program is run but no meaningful data such as very small noise like signal is captured. However, after some minutes, if I run the matlab code, some times I can get the all meaningful samples, but not always. During these trials, the analog data to the input (which is to be captured) is on (always available and meaningful data) because the signal comes from other signal generator.
  5. Q1. I tried to capture the signal with Analog discovery2 (input) generated by Analog discovery2 (output) with the help of matlab data acquisition (DAQ) toolbox. The data capture is not reliable (sometimes captured, but not always). Please let me know the reason. ------------------------- clear all, close all, clc daqlist("digilent") dq = daq("digilent") %% Output Setting % Add a function generator channel with device ID AD1 and channel ID 1. Set the waveform type to Sine. ch_fgen = addoutput(dq, "AD1", "1", "Square"); % Set channel gain to 5 (sets the amplitude of the sinusoid to 5 V). Assign the gain to a variable. gain = 4; ch_fgen.Name = "AD1_1_fgen" ch_fgen.Gain = gain; % Set the signal frequency to 1 kHz ch_fgen.Frequency = 1000; %% Input Setting % Add an analog input channel with device ID AD1 and channel ID 1. Set the measurement type to Voltage. ch_in = addinput(dq, "AD1", "1", "Voltage"); ch_in.Name = "AD1_1_in" %% Sampling Frequency Setting % Acquire data at a higher scan rate than the highest frequency in the generated waveform. dq.Rate = 100 * ch_fgen.Frequency; %% Generate a Periodic Waveform and Record Input for ii=1:10 [ii 10] [data, startTime] = read(dq, seconds(1)); %% Plot Data period = 1/ch_fgen.Frequency; plot(data.Time, data.AD1_1_in); xlabel('Time in seconds'); ylabel('Voltage in volts'); title(['Period = ', num2str(period), ' seconds']) xlim([seconds(0) seconds(5*period)]); ylim([-gain-1 gain+1]); disp([num2str(ii) '-th measurement is completed']) pause end -------------- Q2. I also tried to use my Analog discovery2 and Analog discovery Studio simultaneously in Matlab DAQ Toolbox. Studio for signal generation, discovery2 for DAQ. However, there is a problem in setting two devices initial stage as follows: >>daqlist('digilent') ans = 0×0 empty table >> dq = daq("digilent") Error detected using 'digilent' hardware: Digilent devices with the following serial numbers are reserved by another program: SN:210384AC957B. To unreserve these devices, close the application and call daqreset. Please let me know how to do.
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