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Posts posted by thinkthinkthink

  1. You can force a certain VADJ level with xlconstant or gpio IPs in your block design. Check out the 5ev/oob/master branch of our Genesys ZU repo that contains the board's out-of-the-box demo.

    Also,  take a look at the XDC file of that OOB project, more specifically lines 227 through 237.

  2. On 7/5/2023 at 4:33 PM, John J said:

    The workaround is to generate an FSBL ELF file with the Xilinx provided files just for programming.  This works, but it is another thing to keep track of.

    How'd you implement this workaround exactly and are you sure it works ? I'm also using Xilinx files to generate the FSBL elf but after booting from QSPI I still get the error that @Ionut mentioned.

    As a side note, QSPI flashing and booting works fine on the Geneys-ZU-3EG.

  3. What errors were you getting when running the checkout script ?

    If it's the one I'm thinking of you can just go inside project_info.tcl and replace "avnet.com:zedboard:part0:1.4" with "digilentinc.com:zedboard:part0:1.0" on the line that says "set_property "board_part" $project_obj".

    Or make sure you have the board files installed for either of those by going to (inside Vivado) Tools -> Vivado Store....

  4. Hullo @Tparng,

    Just to make sure, are you running our 2022.1 release of this project ? There were a lot of fixes made for this version and it has been tested extensively.

    You can find it here: FMC-Pcam-Adapter/2022.1-1 as two archives, one containing the Vivado hardware project and the other containing the Vitis software project.

    Alternatively you can recreate it from these sources: Vivado v2022.1 Hardware Project Repo and Vitis v2022.1 Software Project Repo.

  5. Hullo,

    Where'd you get the demo project from and which version of Vivado are you using ?

    You can get the latest release for Vivado/Vitis 2022.1 from our github: FMC_Pcam_Adapter Demo Archive.

    The Vivado hardware project can be found here: https://github.com/Digilent/ZedBoard-HW/tree/FMC-Pcam-Adapter/master.

    And the Vitis software project is here: https://github.com/Digilent/ZedBoard-SW/tree/FMC-Pcam-Adapter/master.

    As for the UART interface not working maybe try uninstalling the cypress uart bridge driver and then unplugging and plugging the board back.

  6. Hi!

    We also have a demo project for the Genesys 2 using the FMC-Pcam-Adapter together with 4 Pcams. Here's the link to the Vivado 2022.1 hardware branch and the Vitis 2022.1 embedded software branch.

    This example project should work with the Nexys Video too however there are certain changes that need to be made. Firstly, the MIG settings need to be changed to match those in the Nexys Video's Reference Manual and the board constraints also need to be carefully adapted from one board to another one reason being that the Genesys 2 has a kintex7 fpga while your board has an artix7.

  7. Hi @BMC99

    This is how the I2C transactions should look like if you have a system board with an I2C MUX on it (i.e. TCA9548) while wanting to communicate with a Pcam that's also behind another I2C MUX (i.e. TCA9546):

    First I'm writing a (1 << 4) to the TCA9548 which is at address 1110000 to open the 5th I2C channel (channel 4), then I'm writing a (1<<0) to the TCA9546 which is at address 1110001 to open its 1st channel (channel 0) and only then can I write to or read from the registers of the OV5640 which is at address 0111100. In our current published projects involving the FMC-Pcam-Adapter we don't open all channels at once. According to the TCA9546 datasheet, when a channel is selected, the channel becomes active after a stop condition has been placed on the I2C bus so make sure you do that as well.


  8. My bad, I was looking at the bits after the start/repeated start condition.

    Also are you using an AXI IIC IP or the PS_IIC inside the zynq to communicate over i2c with the i2c mux on the fmc pcam adapter ?

  9. Quote

    ## Buttons

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D20 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[0] }]; #IO_L4N_T0_35 Sch=btn[0]

    set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[1] }]; #IO_L4P_T0_35 Sch=btn[1]

    I know it might be a little misleading but your GPIO input port is not called "btn" but "btn_tri_i" so your constraints should be: btn_tri_i[0] and btn_tri_i[1].

    Open the wrapper file by double clicking on it and you'll see that your design has no ports named "btn". When manually constraining ports you should always check the ports declared under Entity inside the wrapper file to get the complete port name.

  10. 17 minutes ago, poiuyt said:

    Thank you for your quick response ! Is there an ACK bit between the two bytes ?

    Absolutely. The sequence should look something like this: Start -> Pcam address 7bits + Write bit -> ACK -> Register Addr High 8 bits -> ACK -> Register Addr Low 8 bits -> ACK -> Write Data 8 bits -> ACK -> Stop.

    The above sequence is meant for a Write transaction. For Read transactions you have to first WRITE the register address and then re-address the Pcam but this time ending in Read bit like so:

    Start -> Pcam address 7bits + Write bit -> ACK -> Register Addr High 8 bits -> ACK -> Register Addr Low 8 bits -> ACK -> Repeated Start -> Pcam address 7bits + Read bit -> ACK -> Read Data 8 bits -> NACK -> Stop.

  11. It's pretty simple, first you address the Pcam itself (7 bits) and then you send the register address as two bytes of data over I2C, the most significant 8 bits of the register address followed by the least significant 8 bits. 

  12. We have this guide called Installing Vivado, Vitis, and Digilent Board Files that shows you how to add board files manually. For 2021.2 you should click on the Appendix: Installing the Board Files via the "vivado-boards" Github Repository drop down and follow the steps. It basically tells you to download the board files from our github and make a TCL script that automatically tells Vivado where to look for boards whenever you open a new instance of Vivado.

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