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Posts posted by bitslip

  1. Thanks.

    I'll try it with 2018.2

    Meanwhile. I managed to workaround the problem by accessing manually changing the HDL inside file: system_MIPI_CSI_2_RX_0_0.vhd

    Which is located in:





  2. Hello,

    I'm trying to modify the pcam-5c design for the Zybo board (Vivado 2017.4).
    The design takes up a lot of logic for debug especially in MIPI_CSI2_Rx.vhd.
    I tried removing this logic by un-checking the "Debug Module" box of the "MIPI CSI-2 Receiver" core inside the supplied block design.

    I saved the design and re-run synthesis - which failed with the following message :


    [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object.
    Resolution: If [get_<value>] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object.

    Re-checking the "Debug Module" box are re-synthesizing didn't solve the problem.

    The only thing that fixed the problem is copying the \src\bd\system\ip\system_MIPI_CSI_2_RX_0_0 folder from a mirror ( untouched ) design.

    2 questions:

    1. How did un-checking the "Debug Module" box cause the design to break in such irreversible way?
    2. How can I reliably remove the ILA debug logic ?



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