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Posts posted by SmashedTransistors

  1. Hello,

    I've been experimenting with one bit DAC recently to get a very easy way to output sound from the Basys3.

    So, here it is.
    It uses a 100MHz clock (even if the output one bit modulation is 12.5MHz).
    The input is 20 bit.
    The output bit is meant to be sent directly to a physical port.

    Before going Verilog I experimented it in a Java benchmark to check stability
    - the first integrator u is leaky ( hence the - (u>>>3) ) to limit chaotic behavior for low level sounds.

    This is not an intent to replace a genuine converter.
    But I think it can be handy if you don't have one at hand and want to experiment with sound generation.


    `timescale 1ns / 1ps
    // Engineer: Thierry Rochebois
    // Create Date: 22.12.2021 10:31:45
    // Module Name: DAC
    // Description: A second order one bit audio DAC.
    //      inputs: clk   100 MHz clock
    //              in    20 bit signed input
    //                    (can be refreshed at a rate up to 200kHz)
    //      output: out   1 bit out modulated at 12.5MHz 
    // Dependencies: NONE
    // Revision 0.01 - File Created
    // Additional Comments:
    module DAC(
        input clk,               // 100MHz clock
        input signed [19:0] in,  // input (update rate up to 200kHz)
        output reg out           // one bit out modulated at 12.5MHz
      reg signed [2:-21] x = 24'b0;  // input cast to q3.21
      reg signed [2:-21] u = 24'b0;  // first integrator
      reg signed [2:-21] v = 24'b0;  // second integrator
      wire signed [2:0] y;  // output for feedback q3.0   -1 or +1 
      always @(posedge clk) begin
        x <= {{4{in[19]}}, in};  // 20 bit input -> q3.21 [-0.5 0.5[
     // 1/8 counter -> 12.5MHz
      reg [2:0] cpt8;
      always @(posedge clk) begin
        cpt8 <= cpt8 - 1;
      //  for feedback    -1 q3.0   +1 q3.0
      assign y = (v > 0) ? 3'b111  : 3'b001;
      wire signed [2:-20] s1;
      wire signed [2:-21] s1h;
      assign s1 = {x[2:0] + y, x[-1:-20]};
      assign s1h = {s1[2], s1[2:-20]};
      wire signed [2:-20] s2;
      wire signed [2:-21] s2h;
      assign s2 = {u[2:0] + y, u[-1:-20]};
      assign s2h = {s2[2], s2[2:-20]};
      //                   100MHz / 8 = 12.5MHz  for the 1 bit DAC
      always @(posedge clk && (cpt8 == 0)) begin
          u <= u + s1h - (u>>>3);     // first integrator with feedback              
          v <= v + s2h;     // second integrator with feedback                 
          out <= v[2];      // output

    Here is an example with some triangle waves :


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