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  1. Installed the beta update and updated the firmware - how do I get the extra channels etc? Also math C1-C2 is not working.
  2. Thanks for the answer and I'll try that beta out - looks awesome! I needed a specific frequency so I created a math C1-C2 (modulation delta) and used to to get the zero crossing vs the demod C1 is waveform 1 carrier modulated (Va to AD598) C2 is waveform 2 carrier modulated - 180 out of phase with C1 (Vb to AD598) BLUE is C1-C2 PURPLE is demod from AD598 (Va-Vb)/(Va+Vb) showing the phase lag effect of filters on the response
  3. So I tried this - but what do I set my trigger to? The math wave will always be at "0" time - the waveform channels will be the composite carrier and modulation so I cant trigger to that. How do I trigger to the waveform "modulation" part? I dont want to trigger to the "DEMOD" - if I do it will always be inphase to the math channel. I cant trigger on the initial waveform edge (carrier and mod) since the wave needs to be "on" for a few second for the demodulation to stabiilize.
  4. Thanks - perfect. Didn't know you could do that equation w/o a channel input! Awesome.
  5. Im trying to simulate an LVDT frequency response. So I have two amplitude modulated waveforms (analog discover waveform generator) with a 1000Hz carrier and low frequency modulation (1-30 Hz) to simulate the "movement" of the LVDT. These become my Va and Vb of an LVDT. I can feed the AD598 (LVDT asynchronous demod chip) with the waveforms and will get the demodulated (Va-VB)/(Va+Vb) ratio of the modulation. I need to compare phase lag at the modulated frequencies to evaluate phase shift caused by the AD598 filters. How can I get the modulated part of the Waveforms signal on the scope to be able to compare demod vs input phase? I tried a MATH channel: modulation = C1/(sin(2 pi fc) - Ac (C1 is waveform for Va, where fc and Ac are the carrier freq and amplitude) But this doesnt work... it seems not accurate enough to mix the equation with the actual data - getting spikes etc. Is there a way to just show the low freq modulation on a the scope? I have the AD original, and the AD3450 Ideally this would be a freq response sweep over 1-30 range of modulations, comparing the demod signal to the command modulate. But I can run this point by point if I can used the scope.
  6. perfect - thank you how do you write the "phase" calculation equation?
  7. Is there way to create a math channel or measurement for LVDT demodulation? The equation is based on the RMS voltage ratio: VRATIO = (VA_RMS - VB_RMS) / (VA_RMS + VB_RMS) I see you can create "measurements" with RMS, but can I use that in an equation somewhere for the ratio? Either as a "readout" or in the scope on a math channel? Similar question for resolver but that would get into whether the Va and Vb are in phase or not with the excitation. (Waveforms 3.18 AD3450 and AD Legacy)
  8. I have a resolver I want to use with AD3450 - I can generate the excitation, and measure on the scope the VA and VB vs rotation Can I create a math channel or ? to calculate degRotation = ARCTAN( (Va*sin(theta)) / (Vb*cos(theta))) Were theta is phase shift comparted to excitation? I can do degRotation = ARCTAN(Va/Vb) but or course that doesn't give me quadrature (ie no phase) Are there ways to get phase?
  9. Why is the AD3450 specified for patterns as 16 x 16k? When I try to create a pattern - custom etc its only letting me have 8k samples. Win10pro, x64, Waveforms 3.18
  10. Thanks - have been getting into using the waveforms sdk with python recently. This should help out quite a bit with streamlining my code. Documentation looks excellent as well! ?
  11. Yes I've had this happen on the legacy AD, the demo (waveforms) and APP3450. All win10 x64 os.
  12. to trigger on PC I use: FDwfDeviceTriggerPC(HDWF hdwf) - correct what do I set idxPin to ? in FDwfDeviceTriggerSet(HDWF hdwf, int idxPin, TRIGSRC trigsrc) Also -seems the online SDK trigger values are off? // trigger source typedef unsigned char TRIGSRC; const TRIGSRC trigsrcNone = 0; const TRIGSRC trigsrcPC = 1; const TRIGSRC trigsrcDetectorAnalogIn = 2; const TRIGSRC trigsrcDetectorDigitalIn = 3; const TRIGSRC trigsrcAnalogIn = 4;
  13. I seem to have issues 3.17.1 waveforms crashing when using math channels. Add a few math channels - with simple scaling like -C1*130/5 Run the scope, and click on tabs for some of the tool: FFT, Hist, etc. Seems to crash regularly. Happens on demo, digilent(old), and ADP3450
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